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Hello! Here's another monster that has been requested by patrons!

There are two hydras here, one with 3-heads and one with 5-heads. 

Like my previous monster patron releases, there's a chance that I'm going to put these together into a new mini-expansion, so think of it as a pre-release for patrons.

Here are the downloads:



Lord Gus

so awesome! are you considering doing a side animated battle sprite for all of these awesome monsters and characters?

Farty Nose

Okay, you do really amazing work and I don't want to be super picky or criticize here (especially only being a $5 patron), but do you plan to add more detail to this particular monster sprite? This looks like the base for what will end up being a really good monster, but he's really... naked. Again, not trying to be overly critical, just wondering since this guy isn't quite as detailed as some of your other amazing work!