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Hello! I hope that you had a great month. Let's recap our productivity from this June.

Summer of Monsters:

Patron Request Releases:

Full Release:

Believe it or not-- this has been a pretty huge month for us!

Of course the big headline is the special releases for the Summer of Monsters event (which will continue through July!) But I also finally finished up the Lo-Bit pack to get that thing published and released, which was good because I've been promising to do that for like two years. 😝 The plan was always to keep it patron exclusive for a while-- but that ended up being longer than expected while I was putting the focus on things like Elements. So it feels great to finally have that one finished and out there.

And of course, even with all of that-- we had time for a few patron requests along the way. Those posts are the 'bread and butter' of this patreon page, so I'm glad that we did some substantial ones: the post-apocalyptic add-on tiles will hopefully be useful for a lot of projects.

Okay! -- thanks for another great month.

The Summer of Monsters will continue in July. Be there or be square!


Previous Months:


I'll be back on Monday with the request thread for the first of July, and then I'll have an extra mini-monster-Monday release for Tuesday before the regular post on Friday, and then a full monster on the Monday after.

Have a great weekend! Thanks!



That was a hell of a month!


I hope the Summer of Monsters never ends. July has at least 130 days in it right??