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Hello! Today's release builds on one from last week.

So last week I shared these little train sprites for use on the overworld map.

In that post, I talked about the difficulty I had where my original concept was too big to realistically use within a 16x16 tileset limit. So because of that, I had do some reworks, and that's why I didn't really have time to finish out the sheet for having all four directions.

So I'm back today with the rest of the sprites. I've filled out the sheet with the north/south versions of the train cars and train engines. I hope this will be useful for you!


Reminder: For RPG Maker, add "!" to the filename for all of these, so they align with the tiles correctly. And a "!$" to the engine one because it's a single-character sheet.


That's it for today.

I have more thing planned to release later in this week before the month is over... but it's a little different, and it might not quite get there in time... idk, I'll try! If not, then I'll share it with you next week as a bonus.

Either way, the usual end-of-month thread will be this weekend-- so see you then!




Awww yeeeah. Wild West Time Fantasy slowly coming together.

Herohammer Studios

Hope you do some emotes for the smaller demoness you released a while back