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Hello! Today I'm sharing something new, based on a popular patron request.

One of the requests this month was for some additional fantasy-themed skin tones for the Elements series. I thought this was a fun idea, so this weekend I put together three new skin tone color palettes that could work for your fantasy races.

There's a simple blue, and two variations (light and dark) of a drow-like "purple".

I hope that you find these to be useful!

I think that the easiest way to share these is with a direct addition to the settings file that holds the color data for the Elements generator. If you want to use these color palettes in a different way-- like in an image editor, you can get the specific RGB values from the json file below, or you are welcome to copy the above preview image and eyedrop the colors directly.


Note: For this to work with the generator, delete the "_drowupdate" from the filename, so it's just called "Settings.json". I gave the name that updated suffix so that it wouldn't conflict with your current settings file when you download it. I'd recommend renaming your current file as "settings_old" or something like that, just so you don't lose it in case something goes wrong.

Another Note: If you edited your Settings file in any way, you might just want to copy only the relevant skin tones into your edited file, so you don't lose you changes.


That's it for today. I'll be back later in the week with something new. See you soon.



Herohammer Studios

The whole elements thing is really confusing. Is there a place where it's all collected together?


Yeah, you can find the core set and the expansion packs on my itch page!