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  • 110 Brenda 1 Circle (Sunglasses).mp4
  • 110 Brenda 1 Circle.mp4



Brenda is proving to be an easy-going model, at least as long as I don't mention a certain person by the name of Carolyn. 

Our sun-bronzed blonde agreed to do two takes, one with sunglasses and one without. Brenda also put up with me while I placed a miniature microphone in her choker and recorded the boom-boom sound of her huge tits smacking into each other with each step.




Omg 😲 she is Gorgeous 😍 💖 thanks for this 💖 💕


Thank you, Chris! By the way, after this afternoon's post, I plan to look at Ayreola and get back to you.


The sound of the gong took me by surprise xD I didn't expect that boom-boom sound. With those dark glasses and a pair of milk tanks clacking like empty metal jugs, Brenda could be mistaken for the Terminator xD Even that tit-clucking tapping to the beat of some ominous music main theme. And no wonder, with such THICC thighs and massive buttocks, she could crush pelvises serially. There's something to be afraid of in this tanned beauty. And I love the shade of her tan and her sweet dark nipples.


Thanks, SirJack. I love the colorful metaphors you chose to describe the booming sound of Brenda's behemoths slamming into each other.