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  • 082 Susan 09 Rear.mp4
  • 082 Susan 09 Circle.mp4
  • 082 Susan 09 Front.mp4
  • 082 Susan 09 Side.mp4



This time the focus is on Susan's huge nipples and the growing pressure they're under from the massive milk-loads pent-up behind them in her gigantic, cream-congested mammary glands and lobules.

But don't worry, for Nature has found a way. As you can see in the photo above, many more ducts have opened up to accommodate the tremendous amount of milk that Susan's enormous bosom is now producing on a daily basis.

That's good news for Susan, and good news for us.




Just when I thought Susan's meaty nipples couldn't get any better 😋, I love how big and stiff her clit has gotten😍. I also want to point out just how beautiful the legs and thighs look, you've done something new with them in Susan's series (I just can't put my finger on it 😅) and I just want to say they're beautiful, please keep it up 👍.


Thanks, Ren. Glad you like the meaty nipples and the meaty clit, too. 😋 I do care deeply about Susan's big, well-toned legs since they are essential for carrying her around while supporting her enormous tits and ass, so I have done sculpting work to smooth her powerful thighs and calves while still maintaining their size and muscularity. So thanks for noticing Susan's pins, and for calling them beautiful. You made my day with that one, Ren. 😀

Muse Mint

Susan 09 is amazing! Her big nipples look like gatling guns with the new milk ducts...! I love how her magnificient clitty bobs as she walks, Is she in an aroused state or is this Susan clitty in an un-aroused state? Ooo! Maks me wonder! The shelf of her breast cleft is thick and I imagine that one could stick a finger up into that pocket. It would be very moist under that flap. Her big globes would slide and slip over her rib cage as her thighs bump against the bottom of her breasts so beautiful and bouncy their diameters forcing her arms backward. Truly stunning, Ricky. Hugs...Muse


With all that's going on with her beautiful body, I think she's definitely aroused, Muse, and like I'm sure Ricky would agree, your deductions, analysis and the way you admire the models mind boggling features are always spot on!

Muse Mint

Thank you, Ren. It is a pleasure to read what you write, also. Hugs...Muse


Thank you, Muse, I particularly love your "gatling guns" comment, and of course it's great fun to read your enthusiastic comments about her clitty and breast cleft, and her globes and thighs, too. It's hard to know where to begin or end, eh?