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Here is the first zipped archive of my animations. I made these in 2002 using Poser 4 and Victoria 2. "The Conversation" (shown above) is one of my favorites among these early efforts, partly because it is the first one with sound.




As clever as I remember... Thank You...


Lots of fun looking back on where you started! I hope you took some snapshots of your computer labs along the way because I am sure it was constantly changing, too - hardware upgrades and then program upgrades - I am so glad you kept up with it all.

Bob Partridge

A fine body of work... yep, puns intended... but hopefully a bit of rest and a refresh for the mind and you may be able to commit more art somewhere along the way.... best of luck for everything and a good life and hope it all goes well whether you go on to do more art or not.

Eddie Ronan

Is that everything?


Thanks, Muse. I have no pictorial snapshots with only some notes of hardware and software upgrades.


No, though that's it for the image sets. I'm now uploading my animation work in zipped archives.