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Jokes aside let's go to this exciting explanation about the Fetish Dog Pet Uniform.

Our next story had to do with Mestre's Toy Boy.

According to the vote on Facebook stories 65% of our fetish audience who see the toy boy becoming a Fetish Dog Pet.

The order will be fulfilled.

Our little toy kid didn’t have a name so we’ll name him Luck.

So let's go to Pet Uniform.

First objective here is that Mestre Insano wants to see his boy dressed in permanent clothes and that he himself cannot take off even if he wants to and does his best to do so.

Thus the Dog Pet Uniform in this case has an autonomous prison character.  That is, the boy is attached to him and allows him to move but in a limited way.

These are the characteristics of prison uniforms.  Provide means for the slave to move and perform activities under constant restriction and control monitored by the master.

As the uniform has been used for a long time, it should provide comfort to the user and should never cause injuries to the slave.

Prison uniforms and practices should NEVER cause physical injury to the slave.

These damages also refer to psychological issues that will be addressed in another article.

But at first, the psychological domain must offer pleasure to the slave although it is under pressure and control.

So let's go to the Fetish Dog Pet uniform items.

First, the components mentioned here are fictitious, but the idea remains in the air so that one day it can exist in the common market.

Postural cable of the legs.

The slave's posture.

As a pet fetish dog, the slave will have as his only way of walking while hitching.

For this purpose, there are locking cables for the legs.

A wide strap attached to the thighs connected by coated steel cables connected to a ring on the heel.

All set locked with padlocks.

The rest of the costume.  We have

The resin leather sleeve attached to paw gloves.

The gloves serve to restrict the use of hands.

Hands transformed into Paws only serve as support, losing the mobility of the fingers.

On the knees, ergonomic pillows associated with a magnetic mesh that serves to maintain blood circulation and the contraction of the tendons thus avoid creating lesions on the knees by being bent for a long time, supporting the weight of the pelvis and torso of the body.

Dog mask along with ears.

And on the feet, socks made of resin leather.

Leather harnesses on the chest.

And on the neck is the collar made of polished steel that the slave wears.

Now let's go to what is most technological in this costume.

To ensure the permanent use of the suit, we must understand that the slave must feed and evacuate without having to remove the suit.

So we have the autonomous feeding and evacuation system that consists of:

Anatomical Chastity Belt.

follows the common design of chastity belts but with the differences that will be mentioned.

The belt consists of a complete confinement of the penis and testicles.  the Slave has no access.  It is completely closed.

In the penis there is an enema in the urethra made of silicone that serves to promote the jet of urine similar to the dog.

The slave is not allowed to enjoy or be stimulated or to be stimulated.

The chastity belt surrounds the base of the buttocks and there is a special element in the anus.

The organic silicone ring that lines the anus walls.

It is a thin ultra resistant film and is glued in order not to cause lesions in the anus.

This ring, in addition to maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in place, is attached to the evacuation machine's dildo.

This machine is the sanitary of the fetish dog and it is in it that it defecates feces in liquid pasty state, due to the special feeding.

Feeding System

In the slave's mouth there is an anatomical gag aimed at helping the slave to suck.

It attaches to another Food dildo where the food paste mixing machine is located.

It also serves for the slave to drink water in the same process

Both cases, either by the anal ring or by the anatomical gag, the master can use them for his pleasure.

The slave's penis is cleaned by the Master.  Just like the bath.

The costume pieces are waterproof.

In general these are the attributes of the Cao Fetish costume and how your confinement works

In the DOM Society there are reports of slaves being in this condition for four straight weeks without presenting problems or injuries.

However, the Order's doctors indicate that they will stay six days in a row for a free trial.

Thus the body adapts to the dog's position without compromising the health of the slave, whether mental or physical.

Adopting, of course, all the props for Food and Autonomous Evacuation.

Feeding and Evacuation Machine

These two pieces of equipment are interesting.

The Evacuation machine is a chemical toilet where all the wastes are thrown into a chamber to be discarded in a biodegradable and odorless chemical mixture.

To urinate, the slave uses the common toilet and presses the flush normally.  Urinating by raising your leg like a dog.

The Feeding Machine, on the other hand, is supplied with a pasty super food that the slave sucks for the enema that is attached to his gag.

The gag does not allow the slave to speak, at most barking like a dog.

This food consists of various nutrients and proteins that sustain the slave's health and has several flavors.  And it also has a component that sometimes liquefies.  As long as the slave is in this condition he cannot eat solid food.  Only the pasty nutritious compound.

In the rest, the slave assumes the role of an ordinary dog obeying its owner, without the latter being concerned with the inconveniences of freeing the slave to fulfill his needs and then returning to him.



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