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It's a rookie.

He was crestfallen as if he regretted something.
I've seen many like that.
I know many regrets.
at least in the beginning when they arrive at the DOM Society they are like that.
Unlike me, who was raised in the DOM Society by two gentlemen, where everything here is nothing but fun, although there are some inconveniences.
the fact that he is trapped in extreme prison clothing. for example.

But this was not the case with the rookie.
He looks a little older than me.
He was wearing the usual ultra tough latex resin straitjackets. But I see they've reinforced his arrest.
They probably tied his arms with leather straps.
You can see by the marks of the prison suit.

The guard left and left us alone.

As soon as the door closed, the madman began to stretch his prison suit, exerting extreme force and paying ridiculously.

I couldn't help but have to say something.

- It's no use. These prison costumes are ultra tough. can tie an ox. Relax! It will be better for you.

- They told me I'm going to spend a month wearing this straitjacket. - he said groaning. - That's not what was agreed. Damn it! I want to get out of here.

He was more of a volunteer.
Really a ridiculous guy



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