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Buntopia; a growing nation consisting of a mysterious race of humanoid bunny girls with an uncanny prowess for battle and tactics despite their frail appearances. Boasting incredible defenses to go with an overwhelming offense...a despairing truth  the hostile nations beyond would only come to realize after attempting to invade their prosperous land...

Pushed to the brink, one such foolish military would attempt to infiltrate Buntopia's forces by masking one of their own; an effeminate killer who had managed to sneak into the lagomorphs capital to accomplish his mission to find out just what the bunny girls had augmented themselves with after supposed 'men of science' had reached the conclusion of artificial enhancers to explain the efficacy of their troops...an assumption the nameless spy would soon find out for himself to be more than fiction after being nabbed by a general of Buntopia's military looking to augment her troops through the use of a simulated reality system working in tandem with physical mutagens and gene molds to produce the perfect soldier...and maybe a companion to soothe her battle hardened edges...

Another TG comic made using NovelAI generated images. Took alot of tries but not as much as the previous one (still plenty of abominations though...). Hope you guys enjoy!

Once again; generated images, PDF format and individual pages are included for download below!



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