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Heya everyone! Just wanna wish all of you some late Merry Christmas cheer and a Happy New Year! Thank you all so much for the continued support both on Deviantart, Discord, Patreon or wherever else I've set up ever since I started up writing TG/TF content over the last year or so, something I hope continues on to 2023 once the day is over (or another day for a few depending on timezone).

As for why I'm writing this; it's just me wanting to write/say some heartfelt words I've been meaning to send to everyone in one compact letter. Whether you're a longtime/newbie Patron or a simple watcher who likes and shares my normal stuff on the Discord and my other blogs, I just want to say each little bit helps a lot! This was a really hard decision to make after I finished national service for my country; either furthering studies, getting a job or becoming a TG/TF erotica writer full-time. But after lasting close to a year doing this while watching my respective sites grow, I'm honestly surprised and very grateful that I've come this far, and it's all thanks to you guys! ^^ (especially the ones who send messages but I always end up replying late or missing entirely…really apologize for that x_x)

And as we start a new year, I'm looking to change things up mostly over on my Patreon where I'll be setting up a feedback form of sorts to gather up tidbits of information; like what you guys wanna see more of like what Panda has suggested about a TG/TF Calendar, whether or not the current schedule of 4 stories/captions a week is good/too much. All to try and make the Patreon more varied/see how its offerings can be spiced up.

With that, I think it pretty much covers everything I've wanted to include in this End of Year roundup message. Once again, I really want to thank everyone, hard times were made easier with you guys around to chat/see talking over on the Discord even if I might not be particularly active there. I do reply to messages and drop in every now and then, but my not so social life doesn't really include active chat channels like in other TG/TF creator Discords.

Stay safe everyone!

Cheers, Yaker



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