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Victor was someone who didn't see entertainment as something to partake in. An overly serious dullard, the bane of a party. The man saw more fun in insulting people who spent their weekends shopping instead of working out at the gym and posting derogatory comments in online forums while indulging his carnal desires at the downtown red light district. Not quite the paragon of manliness he made himself out to be.

One day however, his cocky attitude and blind faith in muscle, brute strength and the self thought idea that all women saw him for a God would lead to his 'demise'. Not one to turn down a date, Victor had blindly agreed to date a pretty number on some dating app, unaware of the innocent girl's occult background and a very real pedigree of true to life witchcraft under her belt. And so as he turns up that day at a gym near a convention hall, the trap that had been set for him hours earlier was sprung the moment the musclebrained fool thought doing push ups right outside the place was a good idea while he waited for a date that would never come.

Comical hands invisible to the naked eye descend on Victor, grasping ahold of whatever they could lay their hands on; clothes, limbs, even his face. And wherever they found their mark, changes would begin to spread from their arcane touch, with some hands even using their digits like pencils; sculpting the beefcakes rigid body into one he would usually look upon with perverse eyes as creamy tits sag, plump legs twitch and long dirty blonde locks spill forth from a bald head.

By the time the last of the hands vanished, a flustered young girl in her early twenties was left frozen in a position reminiscient of a recent anime that had been making the rounds, blushing furiously as men and women from the nearby con being to approach her, snapping pictures under the assumption she was a cosplayer.

So ends the tale of Victor the womanizing prick...with his just punishment ensuring no one ever remembered he existed, the only thing on everyone's mind would be when Victoria would upload her next paid photo set on her OnlyFans...if and when she realized she now had one of course...



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