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Izumi was the worst of the worst in a school of ruffians and thugs. Truancy, bullying and even taking part in gang wars in and out of school, the gruff highschooler didn't want to tie himself down by being a 'law abiding goody two shoes idiot', he wanted to be his own man, even if it meant being expelled from school and potentially even his family disowning him. Everyone seemed eager to finally see the day where he would no longer turn up at school for good. After all, who cared when someone who brought so much grief to everyone around him vanished?

Only one person cared, one other student to be specific. Doma; the head of the student council and the embodiment of the school's law of which Izumi seemed exempt from thanks to his bullheadedness and refusal to submit and change. Only Doma seemed to see hope in getting the delinquent who couldn't even be bothered  to follow the school dress code even though the man was a year ahead of him (miraculously). And one day, that perserverance would be rewarded...in some way.

The moment came when Doma had been in the middle of his rounds. Receiving what he had thought to be a message, the confused student whips out his phone only to come across a strange application installing itself without his permission, and once the progress bar hits a 100, the screen fizzles out, causing some mild panic and frustration that leads to flustered tapping and button presses in the hopes of reviving his phone, completely unaware of the approaching Izumi coming from the other end of the hallway, clicking his tongue in annoyance as if he knew what Doma was going to say if he wasn't occupied. By the time Doma grew aware of Izumi's presence, it had been on the screen of his phone as it sparks back to life, but not in the shape of the burly gangster he remembered...and thanks to his rapid screen tapping, a rogue finger slams down on the photo taking button of this strange camera application, filling the hallway with a brief flash of light and an end to the brute's angry muttering...it only took a split second to change the school's most notorious delinquent into something more...something better.

Too flustered to react to the reality bending app, Doma would spend the one hour before lunch break trying to convince the newborn Saki that he definitely wasn't trying to snap a picture of her much to her chagrin alongside small quips about whether of not she knew who she was which baffled her greatly, she didn't seem to mind it actually, nor did she seem to mind the fact that she had lost most of her bulk (and manhood)...because to her, she had always been this way. Saki had subsumed Izumi's place in life, and now she was all that remained of the former delinquent, leading the life of one of the school's most popular girls that even other female students swooned for. Most people knew her as a no nonsense tomboy with a heart of gold, keeping her mind razor focused on her studies and her body toned for volleyball.

But behnd the scenes, Saki was just your average highschool girl, and just like every other, romance was something she was keen on partaking in but terrible at doing so. A polar opposite to Izumi's bold streak for picking up bad girls left and right. But who was the target for her love? Why Doma of course...with her very identity and sexual preferences flipped on their head, Izumi's hatred and dislike for Doma being inversed would inevitably result in raging affection for her rival-turned-senior. The student council president however, was terrible with girls, preferring to be curt and distant to members of the opposite gender, it was no surprise Doma would be backed into a corner when faced with his new companion who seemed to get a little too excited upon the misassumption that her crush was trying to get a photo of her unnoticed...and unnoticed was what the app would become when Doma would inevitably be led away down the corridor locked tightly in a chokehold by Saki's immense strength and nimble limbs with the dinging of the school bell, refusing to hear another word while promising to feed him personally.

"You're starting to go stir crazy Senpai! We've gotta get your tummy filled so you stop that other life nonsense!"

And in all the commotion, the hidden time limit on the application hits 0, leading to a swift uninstallation process that leaves nothing behind besides a thank you message for beta testing the application. And once that too blips from existence...all was well with the world once more...

Sorry for the schedule delays for this week everyone! Trying to catch up with it after coming down with a small flu yesterday.



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