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Roland was a renowned general serving in the shattered remnants of what little remained of mankind. Even now in his elderly years, the capable strategist remains one of the spearheads leading his people through the dark, planning strikes, allocating troop and civilian movement alongside deciding on the best move for everyone to take against their hopeless war against Demonkind. But with the supernatural and overwhelming might their hellspawn enemies brought to the playing field, Roland and his superiors knew they had no chances of winning.

And so a daring plan of escape would be formulated; using the last surviving mages they had in their ranks alongside stolen and repurposed demon technology, a one way portal into another world would be their last hope of survival; away from their doomed one and to greener pastures.

But a large exodus of humans would draw the attention of the Demon Lord and his armies, and in order to ensure their successful escape, Roland and a few others would remain behind, holding off the fiends from intercepting the fleeing civilians. One by one they fell to rending claws and soul crushing magic until finally, Roland remained the only surviving human left on this earth, his armor shattered and his tunic in tatters, his captors would throw him before their Lord and one of his generals; a fiendish lecher known for her twisted tastes; the Dollmaster.

No matter what they had planned for him though, Roland feared nought. His people were safe, and that was all he needed to know to pass in peace...

But death was not a mercy the two Demons before him would grant so easily. And with a short conversation he could not understand, the Dollmaster's disembodied limbs get to work, crushing his broken battered body in her vastly larger palms, not to injure or maim but to alter and warp; converting flesh and blood into silicone and rubber while skin melts into durable latex. And as the demon's finger pokes a hole into Roland's withered member before pistoning in and out of the rubbery hole it was forming into a functioning, self cleaning chamber for men to empty their loads into, the defeated human could barely recover before a claw sinks into his mouth, removing teeth and fusing his tongue with the walls of a shimmering, inorganic passageway leading straight down into the same womblike structure connected to the dripping hole between his devestated thighs, looking more like plump balloons than trained muscle and bone.

By the time some relief was given to the humiliated general as the Dollmaster lifts her claws to inspect her work while an idle finger remains to stuff Roland's unmoving, plush filled lips with. The human was no more, left as an oversexualized doll in the shape of one of the other Lord's more fearsome generals. She could no longer recall her past life as a human, only entertaining thoughts on more phallic objects to stuff her aching cavities with. And after having her enchanted body made harder than steel and more unwavering than diamond, the Regina doll was sure to see eons of use to keep her vapid little brain more than comfortable...that is if the actual Regina failed to notice her of course...

The first proper TG/TF sequence on the page, was wondering if I should put it in the Housekeeper role but im still conflicted on the pricing, so for now ill have it included in the last 3 instead. Hope you guys like it!



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