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Heya everyone, Yaker here just dropping a lil PSA regarding the (hopefully) next few days of content.

So the laptop I've been using to do everything, from captions, stories and artwork had its display fried yesterday so I've sent it in for repairs. While I'm still able to write using Docs on mobile, images would most likely end up improperly arranged while text won't be as stylised/as accurate as it would be if I checked the final product on a laptop/computer so bear with me for abit.

I'll still upload according to schedule, but once I get my laptop back, I'll make a compiled list of Doc/Pdf files with proper arrangement and checking in the following week.

And that's about it on my end, thank you all so much for the continued support and understanding, have a nice day or night wherever you are! -w-)7


person A

Hope repairs go well!