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If you've read this story from Max, this is a NEW extended version which really expands the story. It's pretty great if you have read the story or are just reading for the first time.

This one is one of my ALL TIME FAVES.

The Substitute:

The QoS Bookclub Extended Edition.

Author: Max Swan.
© 2019-2035 QoS Comix All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2024 | GW Enterprises Publishing Company

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to Devinwhitegurl@gmail.com

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

All characters are OVER 18 years of AGE! This is a bullying fantasy and not real. The acts in the following written work are only consensual sexual choices and fantasy humiliation scenarios.
Bullying is NOT OKAY and If you or someone you know is being bullied, please alert the authorities.


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8

Chapter 1

He was staring at her now, watching as she peeled down her shorts, slowly exposing her gorgeous ass. A conservative bikini concealed her naughty bits. The shirt was already in the pile of clothes at her side, and her big tits were held snugly by the elastic top. The man observing all this was lounging by her side in a patio chair, sipping on a beer by the pool. It was his wife, Lila, a beautiful specimen of a woman. She had dark flowing hair, grayish-green eyes, and a soft feminine face. Her body was curvy, like a classic pin-up girl from the fifties. Lila had large natural breasts (EEs), a trim tummy, and a plump ass that he lusted over daily. The sight of her gorgeous tits and ass bouncing around their home never failed to excite him.

Despite brimming with physical sexuality, his wife was somewhat shy by nature. Lila’s reserved disposition was a product of her development. She didn’t really come into her own,

physically, until college. The curvy woman had told him many stories about her ugly duckling years, which seemingly lasted through most of high school. Looking at Lila now, however, it would seem impossible she ever suffered through such a phase. Lila’s a Bonafede sexpot and earned lust-filled stared nearly everywhere she went—something that always frustrated him. He was married to such a beautiful woman, yet she refused to acknowledge just how attractive she actually was.

His name was Evan Mitchell. They were both in their late twenties. Evan worked in finance for a trading company downtown, and Lila taught at a local high school. They met during their senior year at University and quickly fell in love. Their wedding ceremony took place only a few short weeks after graduation. Things were terrible going at first, but luckily, they had recently purchased their first home in an up-and-coming neighborhood just outside of Denver. The house itself was small, and even though the other houses in the area shared similar layouts, they were still proud of it.

A splash of water quickly brought Evan out of his daze as Lila dived into the pool. She gracefully swam under the surface for a time, eventually arising at the other end. He stood, placed the beer on the table, and quickly removed his shirt. Evan was of average build, standing at six feet and around one-hundred and seventy pounds. Evan’s not exceptionally muscular, but the man’s not a twig, either. He hopped into the water with less grace than Lila, causing a splash and a subsequent giggle from her. They embraced, kissing each other as their wet faces gently collided with affection.

“I don’t want to work tomorrow,” she said and pouted.

Her pretty lips were tantalizing and covered in delicate droplets of water. Their Sunday had been lovely so far, but the afternoon was quickly ending.

Evan kissed her again, “Me neither, babe.”
“Let’s both call in sick and take a day to ourselves.”
He smirked in bemusement. “You know I can’t tomorrow,” Evan said, shaking his head

Before Lila had a chance to argue, a deep, booming voice shouted out from across the yard.

“Oh, hey there, neighbors,” said the deep male voice.
It was Rodney ‘the Rod’ Cook, their neighbor. He was an older black gentleman, about

fifty-five years old. He was also rather large, looming at around six feet five and carrying a thick frame. The black man was probably close to two hundred and fifty pounds, not all muscle, but definitely in decent shape for a man his age. The Rod was friendly, seemingly harmless, and fifteen years widowed. His wife had died from breast cancer, which was, in their brief time knowing him, something clearly hard for the man to talk about. He lived alone in the house next door, and they had struck up a good-neighborly friendship with the man since they moved in. They didn’t know why people called him ‘the Rod,’ but they weren’t that curious to find out either.

A physical fence separated every house in the neighborhood. However, for some reason, their homes only had a distinct change in the cut of the grass separating them. Rodney had retired early, apparently with more than enough money to do so. He was seemingly always working on his home, and his lawn condition was impeccable. The transition from their yard to his was a testament to that.

“Hey, Rod, how is it?” Evan said with a wave and a smile.

Lila instinctively slunk below the water, thinking she was more scantily clad than she actually was. Rod strolled over, smiling, shears in hand, wiping sweat from his brow. His bulky frame interrupted the light of the afternoon sun.

“Oh, you know, Evan, just tending to this never-ending mess of a yard.” he paused, looking down at Lila and Evan. “You two sure do enjoy that pool. The last couple that lived here rarely used it.”

The big black man wasn’t wrong; they did enjoy the water. “Just getting our money’s worth,” Evan said, smiling. “Fancy a beer?”

Rod shook his head. “I’d hate to intrude. I already rudely interrupted by coming over here.”

“Nonsense,” Evan insisted. “Lila, babe, fetch him a beer, please.” He patted her ass beneath the water.

Lila smiled while slightly blushing. “Sure,” she said.

Lila slowly moved up the stairs and out of the pool. Water cascaded off her large breasts as she did. Her bikini’s hot pink and leaves nothing to the imagination. Rod apparently hadn’t seen that much of Lila’s body until that moment. Evan couldn’t help but feel a strange pang of pride over showing her off to their older black neighbor. Rod was silent, but it was also clear he liked what he saw. He hadn’t been shy about giving Lila a stare-down or two since they moved in. Again, nearly every man who came into contact with her did. When Lila disappeared into the house, the old man turned and grinned at Evan.

“You sure married a fine-looking woman,” he said with a leer.
Evan nodded. “I got lucky,” he said.
Rod’s face changed—it became hard. “But did she?” he asked.
“I hope she thinks so,” Evan said, laughing lightly. “I have a decent job, and I’m well-liked.” Rod shook his head. “I don’t mean like that,” he said. “Do you make her happy where it

Evan grimaced. “I don’t know what you mean?”
“Do you keep her happy in bed,” Rod asked, his frown troubling Evan.
The black man’s leaning forward, his shoulders hunched as if a lion about to spring into an

attack, and it makes Evan shiver a little. “That’s none of your business, Rod, but yes, our sex life is good, if you must know,” Evan said, developing a hard face.

“Answer me this then,” Rod said aggressively. “Does she cum on your dick or only with something else like oral or toys?”

Evan stared at Rod for a moment in disbelief. “Um...” Evan began.
“Yeah,” Rod interrupted, “Just like I thought, another shrimp dick white boy.”
The big black man laughed loudly, and Evan felt his face go hot. “There’s nothing wrong

with me in that department, I could assure you,” Evan said snootily, wondering why he had the sudden need to justify himself to this man.

“Yeah, well, good for you, Evan,” Rod said sarcastically, ‘but there was one way to know for sure.”

“Oh, pray, do tell,” Evan said just as sarcastically.

“Look at her toys,” Rod said, and when Evan frowned, he added, “You know, her vibrator or dildo. If they’re similar in size to your dick, you got nothin’ to worry about. But if they’re bigger, then you ain’t man enough for her.”

“What if I’m bigger?” Evan asked with a smart-ass tone.
“I saw you in your swim trunks, Evan. You ain’t packing much,” Rod said.

The back door suddenly opened and out came Lila with a beer for Rod. The black man deftly scanned her body as she handed off the drink to him. “There you are,” she offered sweetly.

“Thank you, Lila,” Rod said, trying to avoid gawking as he graciously accepted the cold bottle.

Lila rejoined Evan in the pool, and Rod managed to get a seat in one of the deck chairs. They drank and conversed for a while longer. Rod eventually said his goodbyes, and they soon tidied up and headed inside for the day. Evan never mentioned what Rod said while Lila was in the house.


Later that evening, Evan and Lila were making love. He was thrusting into her doggy style, watching as her juicy cunt engulfed his cock. Lila was moaning softly as she took Evan. His mind wandered back to the afternoon, and he chuckled internally, wondering what Rod would think if he could see him now. ‘She’s moaning like a whore while I fuck her,’ he thought. ‘There’s nothing wrong with my dick. Lila loved it. She couldn’t get enough of my cock.’

These thoughts caused a moment of panic as he glanced to his right in a hurry. Evan wanted to make sure the bedroom curtain was closed. Their one hiccup in buying the home was the expansive master bedroom window, which looked out onto a small side yard and into Rod’s master bedroom window. The houses were mirrored and virtually on top of each other. It seemed like an odd design, and in a few short weeks, they had already exchanged a handful of awkward waves with Rod, who was seemingly unconcerned with privacy. The proximity was a problem even beyond the visibility. Evan was sure if Lila moaned too loudly, Rod would easily hear her.

Evan shook the thought from his mind and continued to plow his wife. The orgasm caught Evan by surprise, and he erupted, spurting his load into her welcoming cunt. Lila gently whined as Evan cums inside her. Unfortunately, Lila didn’t orgasm. Evan pulled out and landed on the bed beside Lila as she turned to lie on her back. Both were panting.

“Honey, could you finish me off?” she asked hotly.
“Didn’t you cum?” Evan asked, hearing Rod’s mocking laughter in his head.
“No, I need some lickies again,” she said softly. “C’mon, you’re so good at it.”
The words of Rod echo in his mind, ‘Does she cum on your dick or only with something else

like oral or toys?
Evan never gave her a chance to say another word as he quickly descended on her. Lila’s

pussy lips were full and blood-filled from her arousal. The aroma drifting from her pussy only heightened the taste of the juices coating her inner thigh. “Mmmmmmmmm,” Evan hums as he pressed against her and slid his tongue up along her slit until he struck her clit.

He knew all the right places to lick—when to suck and when to nibble lightly. Lila’s legs instinctively tightened around his head as she ground her pussy against his face. Evan’s tongue buried itself as deep as it’d go inside Lila’s cunt, tasting his freshly deposited semen in her tangy juices. The man didn’t know why he liked this so much and was too busy eating her special creampie to remember nearly all their sex ended this way. One of Lila’s hands entangled in Evan’s hair, trying frantically to press him deeper into her loins. At the same time, the other grabbed a pillow and forced it to her face to muffle the scream her climax might cause.

That’s it, lover... Ooh, so good... Lick my pussy... Now... Ooooo... Faaaaark,” she moaned as Evan nibbled her distended clit. Her body bucked against him. “So nice... So fucking nice... Lick my pussy... Stick your tongue deep inside of me... Oh god, I’ve needed this... Gonna cum... Gonna cum soon... Gonna cum... NOW...” she yelled as she spiraled off into oblivion.

Evan loved the way she orgasmed. He loved how she clenched her eyes tight. How her body seemed to clinch for a moment, too, before the explosion of pleasure unraveled. Her limbs often shook, her skin turning red and sweaty, and her cunt and asshole convulsing rhythmically as her orgasm took her away to that other place for the sweetest of moments. Most of all, Evan loved how he could do this for her, how he knew all the right buttons to push like some conductor of a vaginal orchestra.

The words of Rod echo in his mind again. ‘Does she cum on your dick or only with something else like oral or toys?

‘What does it matter,’ Evan thought as he gathered his spent wife into his arms. ‘Not all women can even cum with vaginal intercourse alone, and my Lila is like that. She needs my mouth to take her there, and I love doing it for her.’

The memory of the afternoon wouldn’t leave his mind, though, and in a restless moment, he yelled, “Did you notice Rod checking you out today?”

Lila sighed. “You always think people are checking me out,” she said haughtily.
He laughed. “That’s because they are, especially our neighbor over there.”
“I guess a little,” she said sleepily.
“The poor old guy probably doesn’t get much action. I guess I can’t blame him for staring.” Lila elbows him in the side playfully. “Pervert,” she said lightly.


A few weeks went by, and there were no more mentions of Rod’s leering. They ran into him a handful of times and each time, he was friendly and welcoming. He even offered to help Evan pave their driveway coming up, which he accepted. The nasty words of Rod plagued Evan’s mind, though. ‘Is my manhood unsatisfactory?’ he often wondered. Eventually, he measured his erection to find it was only four inches long, erect. Going to the internet, Evan found his size wasn’t in the average range, and that made him small by statistical definition. Rod’s questions ate away at him, undermining his confidence at every turn. ‘I have seen you in your swim trunks, Evan. You ain’t packing much,’ Rod had said, and it seemed the big black man was right. ‘Look at her toys,’ Rod added. ‘If they’re bigger, then you ain’t man enough for her.’ The only problem was Evan couldn’t find any, and he looked everywhere.

‘Maybe my size is enough for her,’ he thought, ‘even if I do have a small dick.’ Evan remembered he had bought a wireless camera to attach to their security system a while back. He got it out and figured it might be the time to try it out.

The camera was small and discreet, so it was easy to place it in their room somewhere it wouldn’t be readily noticeable. Evan put it in the corner of their TV cabinet, which was at the foot of their bed. Once connected to their wi-fi network, he connected the camera to an app on his phone that allowed for remote monitoring and management of the camera. Evan adjusted it to include a clear view of their bed and the closet. The closet was crucial because he suspected it was where Lila hid her sex toys. Evan played around with some of the settings and then remembered he had an afternoon meeting, so he ran out to make the meeting in time.

While sitting in his meeting, his phone started buzzing with incoming email messages. At first, he didn’t recognize the address and then realized it was from the wireless camera. Lila had gotten home from work. Since she was in their bedroom, the camera was sending video clips to his email. Evan turned his phone to airplane mode and finished the meeting.

Chapter 2

When Evan got home that evening, the couple ate a quick dinner. He tried to put the move on her, but she shut him down quickly, telling him she had too much schoolwork correction work to do. So, retreating to his man cave, Evan remembered the emails received earlier in the day from the wireless camera. He started watching them, and as he suspected, they were from his wife coming in earlier. She flopped down on the bed, watching TV while playing on her phone and her laptop for a while. Nothing earth-shattering. After about ten minutes, he grew bored. He was about to remove the rest when he noticed she had a pillow over her lap. She was sliding a hand under it into her pants.

“Fuck me. Lila was masturbating in the middle of the day,” he whispered.

Her hand was busy for about five minutes when she rolled off the bed, jumped to the other side, and opened the closet door.

“Well, I guess I now know why she was not in the mood tonight, she already took care of herself today.”

Lila rummaged around in the closet for about thirty seconds before finding a big purple vibrator.

“Where the fuck did that come from?” he said harshly. “I tore that fucking closet apart and found nothing.”

Evan froze the video and tried to guess the size of the vibrator. Going by her hand, which he supposed was about three and a half inches wide, the vibrator appeared to be about eight inches long. ‘Look at her toys,’ Rod’s words rattle Evan again. ‘If they’re bigger, then you ain’t man enough for her.’

“Well, Rod, it’s definitely bigger, twice the size of me,” he said softly, feeling his stomach drop.

Evan pushed ‘play’ on the video. No sooner than her ass hits the bed, she arched her back and pulled down her pants and pink panties. She immediately rubbed the vibrator across her pussy to get it wet before sinking it deep inside her cunt. Evan gasped at just how easily the huge toy slid inside his wife’s cunt. Lila gave herself a good seven or eight fucks with her massive toy before sliding it out and concentrating on her clit. It didn’t take long before she completely removed her pants and panties. They’re just hanging around one leg. Evan supposed this was so she could pull them back on in a hurry. He watched in awe as she played with her pussy for several minutes while also pinching her nipples. Lila was squirming on the bed, so he knew she was about to orgasm. The vibrator was nearly a blur now as she fucked herself with the toy. As she did, her ass dug into the bed, legs spread as far as they’d go.

Then Lila climaxed, and he gasped with eyes wide. This woman, his wife, looked as if she was having a seizure. Evan could tell she was moaning wildly, but there was no sound on the video. The clenching, clutching, squirming, shaking orgasm seemed to rattle on for an age. He realized she was working her cunt into a frenzy of multiple orgasms with the vibrator. Evan broke into a sweat. ‘I have never made her cum like that,’ he thought, a hollow feeling growing deep inside him. ‘Not even with my mouth.’

Eventually, she wrenched the massive toy from her still clenching, spasming cunt and lay on the bed with her eyes closed, breathing heavily. Her chest was heaving, and Evan could see her red face damp with sweat. Then she says something he lip-reads easily: ‘Fuck, I needed that.’ Lila turned the vibrator off and tossed it to the side. Evan was rock-hard at this point, and he figured it was the end of the show. She looked as if she was going to dress, but instead, she just removed her panties. At first, he found this strange, and then Lila brought them to her face and

rubbed them across her nose and mouth. ‘Those panties must’ve been soaking wet if she couldn’t even wear them,’ he thought.

Once her panties were gone, she pulled her pants back on but left them down, again, he supposed, so she could get them on quickly if he came home. For the next three minutes, she slowly rubbed her pussy, alternating between rubbing her lips and fingering her cunt.

“I can’t believe how horny she was when she got home,” he whispered. “What could make her so turned on?”

After several minutes, she pulled her pants up, but not before sucking her fingers one last time. Lila popped up from the bed and turned the light back on in the closet. She was leaning in, her left hand on the door frame with those wet panties in her hand. The woman seemed to be fumbling around, tilting her head in. Then, as she stepped out, Lila was wiping her mouth.

“Oh yeah, she just gave that vibrator a good, sloppy suck,” he said.

After closing the closet, she pulled her pants up, threw the soiled pink panties in the hamper, and headed into the bathroom. The video ended.


Evan quickly headed to the bedroom, bypassing the spare room they use as a home office. In this place, Lila spent preparing lessons and correcting work. She was absorbed in whatever schoolwork her students had been doing and didn’t even hear Evan sneak past the door. In their bedroom, the first thing he did was retrieve the pink panties from the hamper. The crotch was still damp and sticky, and Evan put it to his nose and sniffed. ‘Oh my God, this smells heavenly,’ he thought, breathing the pleasant odor of his wife’s cunt. The horny husband licked the stained and sticky gussets, tasting her juices and something else. ‘Is that semen?’ he wondered.

He sucked into the gussets, really trying to get every flavor he could from the material. Yet the one he thought tasted like male semen didn’t last long enough to be sure. ‘Maybe not. Lila would never cheat on me,’ he thought. He then searched through the closet again, yet still couldn’t find where she had the vibrator hidden.

“Where the fuck is it?” he whispered and then heard her steps in the hallway.

Shoving the pink panties in his pocket, he shut the closet, went into the bathroom, and flushed the toilet. As Lila entered the bedroom, Evan was washing his hands as if he had just gone to the bathroom.

“Oh, hey, sweetie, how’s the work coming along,” he said with a smile.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. “It was like scaling Mt. Everest at the moment,” she said with a sneer on her pretty face. “The kid’s term papers on gun control are interesting reading, though.”

“The NRA is too powerful,” he said, coming out of the bathroom. “Nothing will change.” “What are you doing?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I have a call with our branch in Paris in ten minutes,” he glanced at his watch. I thought I’d

go pee before I get stuck on Zoom for the next two hours.”
“I’ll see later, then,” she said and kissed his cheek.
“You too, honey,” he said and left to return to his laptop.
He wanted to jerk off in those panties while watching that video before he talked to Paris. *****

Evan was eating breakfast the following morning when suddenly Lila came running down the stairs, shrieking. “Evan,” she screamed red-faced. “Why did you open the bedroom curtains? I came out of the bathroom naked, for God’s sake?”

Evan wasn’t at once sure why she was so mad, “OK, and?”

“Rod was right there... He saw me naked.”

The man nearly choked on his toast, coughing out a reply. “Oh shit, I opened them to check the weather. I’m picking up a client from the airport today. I’m so sorry, I didn’t think.”

She was unconvinced, still yelling. “Well, I hope you’re happy. The neighbor just got a good look at your naked wife.”

He couldn’t help it and laughed. It was harmless. Part of Evan was enthused when his wife accidentally teased the old man with her goods. “What’s the big deal?” Evan asked, holding his hands up. “I’m sure you made his day. Hell, you probably made his year.”

Lila’s upper lip curled, and she wrinkled her nose. “I’m so happy it wasn’t a big deal to you. You’re unbelievable!”

She stormed off, back upstairs.
“Honey, I’m sorry. I...” he started to say, but she wasn’t in the mood to listen.
‘Well, that’s gonna be awkward the next time I see Rod,’ he thought.
As Evan was leaving for work, Rod was standing by his car. His lips pressed together in a

slight grimace when he saw the big black man who seemed unperturbed by the morning’s events. “Hey, Evan, is everything cool?” Rod asked in his deep bass voice, a slight smile playing on

his thick lips.
Evan gave the black man a hard smile. “Rod, look, it was an accident. It was no big deal.

Just don’t go near Lila for a few days. She was not too impressed.”
Rod nodded. “Yeah, sorry, I didn’t realize my curtains were open,” he said. “I hope she

wasn’t mad at seeing me in the raw like that. I just got out of the shower.”
“What? You were naked, too?” Evan asked wide-eyed.
“Didn’t she tell you?”
“Um, no, she said you saw her naked,” Evan said, his face going hot.
“Oh, I did. I got a good look, too,” Rod said with a smile. “She’s fucking hot.”
The comment caught Evan by surprise, but also, inexplicably, it excited him. Something was

arousing about hearing Rod admit to finding Lila attractive, especially after just seeing her naked.

“She got a good eyeful of me, too,” Rod said smugly. “I suppose it was nice to see a man’s cock for once, right? Not the pathetic little thing you’re packing.”

Rod chuckled and poked Evan in the ribs, making him back away. The husband’s bottom lip started trembling, and he staggered a little.

“That’s enough,” Evan said in a high-pitched tone.

“Don’t get all mad,” Rod said mockingly. “You can’t help what nature gave you, and she can’t help her nature either.”

“Her nature?”

Rod gave a firm nod, clapping Evan on the back. “Buddy, the next time you set up a Wi-Fi camera, password-protect the thing. That show with the vibrator was watched by the whole fucking neighborhood.”

A deep flush crept across Evan’s cheeks. “You saw that?”

Rod nodded again and smirked. “Goes to show you ain’t man enough for her, but you already knew that, right?” he said.

If anyone else made that comment, it might’ve angered Evan. However, for some reason, coming out of Rod’s mouth, he took it in stride. “I-I...” Evan mumbled.

“Don’t sweat it,” Rod said. “You’re not the first white boy I’ve met with this problem. It’s like in your DNA or something.”

“What are you talking about?” Evan said, shaking his head, wishing he could leave.

Small dicks—It’s like in your white DNA,” Rod said, smiling. “How big is yours, anyway?”

“That’s none of your business,” Evan said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go to work.” He pushed past the black man, pressing the unlock button on his key.

“OK, OK, don’t have a hissy fit about it,’ Rod said, stepping back to let Evan open the car door. “Ain’t nothin’ to be ashamed of, Evan.”

Evan shook his head and threw his briefcase into the car before getting in and driving off, leaving a smirking Rod in the driveway.


He beat Lila home from work that night and prepared a surprise dinner for her as a sort of makeshift apology for how he reacted this morning. Evan wasn’t sorry. He was more amused that she neglected to mention Rod was also naked at the moment they saw each other, and it kind of bugged him all day. Evan wondered why she neglected to tell him that part of the story. ‘My wife has too many secrets from me,’ he thought sadly. ‘First that fucking vibrator and now this. I’m beginning to feel like I don’t even know her anymore.’

Lila came in the front door looking tired but as beautiful as ever. At first, she avoided talking to Evan, but her wall eventually came down. “Sorry, I lost it this morning. I know it was an accident,” she said, “I just felt...naked.”

Evan smiled knowingly. “Well, you were.”
They ate in silence for a while. “I saw Rod as I left for work this morning,” he said casually. Her face went red. “Oh my God, I don’t know how I’ll be able to look at Rod again.”
“Rod said you got a good look at him, too,” Evan said evenly.
Her head snapped up. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“He said he was naked too, and you saw it.”
She stared at him for a moment, trying to decide what the best response was, yet not finding

one; she gazed down at her plate instead. “So what?” she said harshly. “It was not the same.” “But you neglected to tell me about it?” Evan said, staying cool.” “Just the same.”
“I don’t see why it was relevant,” she said coldly.
“It was no big deal, babe, c’mon.” he tried to downplay the entire incident. “He actually told

me he thinks you’re hot.”
Lila gasped. “He didn’t?”
Evan nodded. “He did. He said you have an unbelievably beautiful body.”
“What did you say?” she said softly, still staring at her dinner.
“I told him I know. If only I were man enough to satisfy it the way it needed.”
Her head snapped up again. This time, her eyes narrow into a deep frown. “What makes you

think you’re not?” she asked coldly. “Is Rod putting silly ideas in your head?”
“I know my dick doesn’t make you cum,” Evan said. “I always need to finish you with oral,

which must be a bit frustrating for you. Right?”
“There’s nothing wrong with your dick,” she said with a wave of her hand. “You’re silly.

Besides, your oral skills would rival a seasoned lesbian. Why wouldn’t I want that.”
“How do you know what a ‘seasoned lesbian’ is like?” he asked with a slight smirk.
“This dinner conversation just got officially weird,” she said, throwing her cutlery onto her

plate. “I think I’ve lost my appetite.”

Lila stood, grabbed her plate, and turned to take it to the kitchen. As she was leaving, Evan shouted, “Do you think my dick is small?”

She stopped and turned to face him. “What is wrong with you tonight?” she said wide-eyed, then sighed. “I think your dick is just fine. It’s big enough for me.”

“Then why do you hide your vibrator in the closet?”

His admission he knew about the vibrator didn’t faze her. She stood to hold the plate, her shoulders lowered and loose. Lila shrugged half-heartedly. “You jerk off, don’t you?” she said in a flat voice.

“Yes, occasionally,” he said, holding her gaze.
“Into my dirty panties, right?”
Evan’s eyes went wide. ‘She got me there,’ he thought. “How do you know?” he asked. “You forget who does the washing around here,” she said, rolling her eyes. “You wear them

too, don’t you?”
‘Holy fuck, how did she know that,’ he thought, as he gasped?
With a smirk, she said, “My panties tend to feel looser after a while. I know I haven’t lost

weight or anything, so you’re stretching them.”
“OK, I guess I sometimes do,” Evan said, blushing. “I like the feel of wearing something

that’s been against your cunt and had your juices on it. It’s sexy.”
“So, you sit there all high and mighty because I masturbate with a toy once in a while?” Evan shook his head. “It was not the fact you masturbate with a toy,” he said. “It was the

size of it. It says fucking me isn’t enough for you.”
She gave a quick, disgusted snort. “That’s just your male ego talking,” she said with an

upward glance.
“So, how big was Rod?” Evan asked casually, ignoring her demeanor. “If you don’t mind me

“If you’re upset over the size of my vibrator, then knowing how big Rod was won’t make you

feel better.”
“I’m just curious, that’s all.”
Lila tilted her head as if picturing the moment of seeing Rod that morning. “Hmm, he was

big,” she said with a glint of mischief in her eyes. “He was flaccid, obviously, but it looked a good nine inches and very thick. His balls are big and heavy, too. For a man his age, he has a good body.”

Evan forced a smile. “Sounds like you had a good look at it,” he said.
“You couldn’t help but look at it,” she said, almost wistfully. “It was that big.”
Evan sighed. Part of him felt sorry he asked, yet he found himself getting hard. ‘What’s

wrong with me?’ he scolded himself mentally. “So, your small dick, panty-wearing husband who’s like a lesbian—how does he compare?”

His gaze became hard as he watched those words rattle around in her head. “Evan, err, you’re just getting yourself worked up over nothing,” she said, stepping forward and putting the plate back on the table. Going around to him, she squatted and took his hand. “I love you, Evan,” she said softly. “That’s how you compare. I don’t love Rod or his big hog—I love you. I love your dick and your quirks. That’s why I married you.”

“My little dick? You love it?”

“Of course, here, let me show you,” Lila said hotly. She undid her husband’s pants and, with his help, pulled them down, and to her surprise, Evan’s wearing the black thong panties she wore

yesterday. “You really do have a panty fetish,” she said, rolling her eyes. “See how good it is when we’re honest with each other?”

The blushing man nodded, his dick already tenting the panties, and a wet spot was on the end where his cockhead was. Lila pulled down the panties just below his dick and leaned forward, and swallowed the whole thing into her mouth. Given he was sitting, only about three inches was sticking out, so it was effortless to consume. Evan wasn’t very thick, either. Lila started sucking on his dick, bobbing her head to rub her lips along the shaft while her tongue licked the head. Pre-cum was bubbling from his dick, and she swallowed the slimy, salty liquid.

Gazing up at him, she released his dick and said, “I can taste my dirty panties on your dick. You naughty boy.”

“I can’t help it if you’re so juicy down there,” Evan said. “Imagine the pleasure for me. Every time I touch my dick and then sniff my fingers, I can smell you and taste you.”

Lila went back to sucking the hard, small dick, and Evan moaned softly, enjoying the wetness and heat of her mouth. She bobbed faster, swallowing his cock quickly all the way into her mouth. Sucking, licking, slurping, and swallowing all the small dick could offer. She felt him stiffen suddenly, and with a loud grunt, ropes of creamy, thick semen shot into her greedy mouth. Lila never stopped sucking until the ejaculation ceased and then pulled back. Evan was slumped in his chair, eyes closed and panting loudly. She covered his softening dick with the panties and stood. Leaning to kiss him on the cheek.

“See, I love your dick,” she whispered.
“But it’s small, right?” Evan asked, opening his eyes to stare at her.
“Maybe, but I don’t care, honey,” she said sweetly. “I love you, and your small dick came

with that.”
“Does it excite you that a man like Rod finds you so attractive?”
Lila gave him a wide grin. Her eyes sparkled and gleamed, and she developed a ruddy

complexion. It had been years since a man had seen her naked, other than her husband (and you couldn’t really call that little dick bitch a man). Sometimes, her Doctor saw her naked, but he was an old man. So, the fact Rod’s obviously aroused by her body wasn’t altogether as bad as she first thought. It was flattering, in fact, and she shrugged with a giggle.

“I guess,” she said. “I’m a happily married woman, though.”

Minutes later, they’re naked in their bed, fucking like animals. Lila’s pussy was as wet as Evan had felt it in a long time, and he was rock solid even after the blowjob. He couldn’t help but probe the reasoning and clutched her massive tits as she rode her husband’s cowgirl style, inciting her with his questioning.

“Damn, baby, you’re wet as fuck,” he moaned. Lila moaned, arching her head back and grabbing his shoulders. Evan couldn’t help himself and teased her. “Maybe I should let Rod get a look at you every day.”

She slapped his chest. “Stop it.” Her tone was dangerous, but she didn’t mean it. Her teeth grit and she moaned through her words.

“Or maybe it was seeing that big ol’ black cock that’s got you so horny,” Evan said.
“Oh, please, I’m trying to cum here,” she said, bouncing on Evan’s loins.
“Just imagine you’re riding his massive meat,” Evan said hotly. “Imagine him filling you

and stretching you more than anything you’ve ever felt before.”
He squeezed her tits again, pinching her nipples, a sensation she loved. Wildness overtakes

the woman, and she fucked her husband harder at the thought of that big cock driving her to an

orgasm. She never came from fucking Evan, but tonight she just might, and it was not because of him, but due to the fantasy of having that huge black cock fuck her.

“When it cums in me, I’ll need my husband to clean it all up,” she moaned.
“Oh God, yes,” Evan moaned.
She moaned loudly, grinding into Evan. Her pussy suddenly gushed as she clamped on his

small dick, orgasming for the first time on her husband’s dick. Her groan was loud enough to wake the neighborhood, and it caused Evan’s orgasm to burst as he ejaculated inside her spasming cunt. Moments later, they both slowly drifted off to sleep without another mention of it.

Chapter 3

Evan woke late on Saturday and groggily poured some cereal when he glanced out the back window. To his surprise, he saw Lila and Rod talking. Lila seemed to be planting some herbs in the garden, and Rod was helping her. She was dressed conservatively, but something stirred inside Evan at the sight of them interacting. Rod had seen her naked just days earlier, and here they were casually discussing God knew what. Lila eventually came inside, and a light sheen of morning sweat glistened on her skin.

“I thought you were never gonna speak to him again,” Evan said, displaying a wide grin. She shrugged, washing her hands in the sink but saying nothing. “Well? Was it awkward? What did he say?”

“Yes. At first.” Lila fidgeted as she spoke, a red glow not leaving her face, “We didn’t really talk about the incident. He just came over and offered some help with the plants.”

She went to the cabinet for a glass and then filled it with some water from the tap; Lila’s movements were short and jerky. She bit her lower lip. “He did apologize, though.”

“See, nothing to worry about,” Evan said. “It was just one of those things.”
“Rod did ask me to tell you something,” she said.
“Um, something about your Wi-Fi is still not secured,” she said, rubbing her arm. “What did

that mean?”
Evan went pale, blinking rapidly. ‘Fuck,’ he thought, ‘I forgot all about it. That means Rod

might’ve watched us the other night fucking while talking about him. He knew Lila came fantasizing about his big black cock. He’ll be unbearable now when I see him.

“Are you OK?” Lila asked, scratching her cheek.

“Ah, I better go check that Wi-Fi, I guess,” he said, trying to pass it off as nothing. “Don’t want the neighbors using our internet for free.”

They sat in silence for a moment as Evan ate his cereal. “You know, I’m surprised you aren’t jealous about this,” Lila eventually said with a raised eyebrow.

“My mom used to say, no point crying over spilled milk,” he said.
“You know what I think?”
Evan gazed at her steadily. “What?”
“I think you’re enjoying this. The thought of Rod seeing me naked and me seeing his big old

black dick,” she said, her eyes lit with a twinkle of mischief.
This caught Evan off guard, but only for a moment. “I got a kick out of seeing you all riled

up, was all,” Evan said, baring his teeth slightly. “You know what I think?” “Oh, pray, do tell.”

“I think you enjoyed seeing that big old black dick,” he said with a pouty bottom lip. “It was all you think about, and now you see me as nothing but a...a...” he hesitates to try to find the word.

“A sissy?” she said and broke out laughing.
A flush crept across his cheeks. “Lila, what an awful thing to say.”
“Well, it’s not meant to be,” she said, wincing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it. I was just teasing.” Evan shook his head. “I don’t believe you,” he said. “What made you think I’m a sissy?” “Evan, it was a joke.”
“Tell me, or I’ll never speak to you again,” he said, crossing his arms and pursing his lips. “Well, if you insist,” she said and sighed. “This response, for a start, but you like to dress in

panties, and you fantasize about big dicks all the time, and...”
“I have a small dick,” he said and blushed.
“Why do you keep going on about that?” she asked, harshly shaking your head. “See, you’re

obsessed with dicks. That’s what makes you a sissy. I wouldn’t be surprised if you left that curtain open on purpose so that you could play this silly game.”

LILA, how dare you,” he shouted. He stood, and stomped from the room as if a petulant teenager.

“That just proves my point,” she called after him.

Upstairs he went into the office and pulled up the Wi-Fi camera data on their home computer. Sure enough, there’s the footage of them fucking the other night. Bringing up the settings, Evan adds a layer of security to the camera, jotting down the password on a piece of paper. Then he went out the front and put it in Rod’s mailbox. He didn’t know why he wanted Rod to see them, but he did. Evan also knew Rod would take this as permission to openly groom Lila for a future fuck. This excited Evan, too.


The next day, Evan and Lila were enjoying another lazy Sunday afternoon. He and Lila had gone out with some friends for brunch, and they enjoyed one too many wines. Back at home, she was frisky, tipsy, and pawing Evan on the couch.

“I wanna go in the pool,” she said with a pout.
“So, let’s go in the pool,” Evan said.
She giggled and skipped upstairs to change, returning in her pink bikini.
“Not so fast,” Evan said. The alcohol got the best of him. “You never wear that bikini you

brought on our Cabo trip. That thing was expensive, and it gets no use.”
They regarded each other for a moment. “I’ll tell you what,” Lila said with a smirk. “I’ll

wear that bikini if you wear this one.”
“Whoa, what if the neighbors see me?” Evan said with bulging eyes.
“Come on, sissy boy, you want them to see you,” she slurred. “Is it a deal?”
“Alright, but only for you,” he said.
Lila took off her bikini in front of him, revealing her beautiful body, full thighs, big tits, and

lightly tanned skin. She threw the pink bikini at him. “Smell the crotch,” she said.
Evan took a big sniff. “Mmmm, you smell better than the finest perfumes.”
She giggled, slowly turned and went upstairs. Evan quickly stood and undressed, putting on

the pink bikini. He loved how the material felt against his dick. Lila came back down. An incredibly thin black fabric barely concealed her beautiful tits. She spun around, and her ass completely engulfed the G-string bikini bottoms. It almost appeared as if she was wearing nothing at all.

“Damn, that looks so good on you.”

Lila giggled, checking out her husband in the pink bikini. “That surprisingly looks good on you,” she said. “But I can’t go outside in this.”

“Yes, you can. It’s just a bikini. They’re made specifically for people to wear...outside.”

If she hadn’t already had a few drinks, she probably would never have agreed. “Well, if you can brave going outside in that, then I suppose I can do the same.”

Evan watched as she opened the sliding glass door to head outside. She jogged across the deck and jumped into the pool in a hurry. He went upstairs to use the bathroom before going for a swim. When he arrived on their patio, he saw Rod had made yet another appearance and was already conversing with Lila. The refraction of the water did a decent job of concealing how much of her skin was on display. Still, at the same time, it was clear she wasn’t wearing much.

Rod greeted Evan as he appeared on the patio. “Hey there, Evan. I like your bikini. It suits you,” he said and broke into a big, toothy smile. “I was just asking Lila if she wanted one of my famous homebrew beers. Since you two have broken the alcohol seal early this morning.”

The big black man was staring at Evan’s crotch with a grin that made his stomach flutter and dick tingle. “A beer sounds good. What do you think, Lila?” he asked his wife.

She shrugged her shoulders, smiling. “Why not,” she said.
“Great,” Rod said, nodding and smiling, “Do you mind giving me a hand, Evan?”
“OK,” Evan said and followed Rod into his yard and through his back door.
Rod pointed to a cupboard in his kitchen. “You’ll get some glasses up there. I’m going to

the basement to get the beer,” he said in a deep voice. Evan took out three beer glasses and put them on a tray. Within a few minutes, Rod was back with three bottles of homebrew beer. “I think you’ll like these, they’re pale ale, very drinkable. Nice for a couple of ladies.”

“Ladies?” Evan said, knowing Rod meant him, too.

“Well, you’re the one in the bikini,” Rod said with a wink. “I better change into my swim trunks. Why don’t you help me?”

Evan froze. “Ah...”

“Come on, don’t be shy now,” Rod said, grabbing Evan by the hand. Rod led Evan upstairs to the bedroom facing his own, the one the black man saw Lila naked in. The curtains were open in both windows, but no one was in his bedroom across the yard. “I got to thank you for the password. That was really kind of you,” Rod said as he rummaged around in some drawers for his bathers.

“That’s OK, just don’t tell Lila about it,” Evan said, blushing.

“I knew you were a sissy. I just have a sense about these things,” Rod said, standing and holding up a pair of black Speedos, and then he threw them at Evan, who caught them. “Now dress me, bitch, and hurry up before your wife misses us.”

Evan swallowed. Yet moved forward and pulled off Rod’s T-shirt to reveal a muscular upper torso with sparse black hairs. Then Evan undid his belt and pulled the black man’s pants down. Pulling off his shoes and socks, before extricating each leg from the jeans Rod’s wearing. He folded each item and put it on Rod’s bed. Last, he was faced with Rod in nothing but boxers, and already Evan could see the weighty bulge in front. Licking his lips, he grabbed the waistband and pulled the boxers down to reveal the monster cock lurking beneath. The cock didn’t spring out—it was just too heavy for that. Instead, it hung heavily in its uncut glory, shiny in the light despite the blackness of it. Evan gasped.

“Stand up and pull your bikini down,” Rod ordered. “I wanna see your clit.”

Evan stood, and in mere seconds, the pink bikini bottoms were at his feet. Rod stared calmly at Evan’s flaccid dick, barely an inch long, resting on smallish balls. He felt himself getting hard as the big black man stared silently at his small dick.

Rod pointed to Evan’s burgeoning erection and said, “That’s not a cock.” Then pointing at the flaccid black log hanging heavily between his legs, said, “This is a cock.” Evan nodded dumbly. “Now put your clit away and dress me,” Rod said. “I don’t wanna keep your wife waiting.”

Evan helped Rod into his Speedos, noting the outline of his massive cock in the tight material, and they grabbed a towel and headed downstairs.

“What kept you guys?” Lila said when they got back to the pool.
“Sorry, Lila, Evan just waited for me to change,” Rod said jovially. “Took me a while to find

these things.” He pointed to his tight bathers, and Lila stared wide-eyed at the bulge. “I haven’t worn them in a while.”

“Maybe they’ve shrunk?” Lila said and giggled.

“Maybe. They do feel tight,” Rod said, pouring the beers. “But it’s not like you haven’t seen it before.” Lila glanced between her husband’s package and Rod’s with a grin. Rod’s voice brought her back to attention. “Oh, you poor woman, Lila,” he said, handing her a beer. “I could see you’re not experiencing a real man’s cock. I bet you keep Evan’s tongue busy, though.”

She nodded. “Evan gives great head,” she said with a smile.
“Not great sex, though.”
“He tries.”
Evan’s face burned as he stared at the ground. The situation was bringing him a perverse

form of sexual excitement because he felt ‘on display’ wearing a woman’s bikini and exposing his small penis for all to see. He felt his dick harden further and pulse, causing it to jump up twice.

“Shit, Lila, your husband is enjoying this,” Rod said and laughed as he waded into the pool with his beer held above the water.

Lila was sipping her beer, her eyes glued to Evan’s crotch. Evan’s twitching dick and Rod’s comments caused her to giggle, and they could see the bikini bottoms had a stained spot from leaking pre-cum. The sissy husband saw the coldness in his wife’s eyes because her husband was displaying his small dick in a pair of women’s bikini bottoms. ‘Maybe she’s embarrassed by me,’ Evan thought. ‘Taking Rod’s put-downs with an erection.’

“I think it was time you swam, Evan,” Lila said with a pinched mouth. “You need to, err, cool off there.”

“Damn right,” Rod said. “Get your ass in here, sissy boy. We don’t wanna be looking at your baby boner all day.” As Evan waded into the pool from the stairs, Rod said to Lila, “Sorry about that.”

Lila glared at Evan, but he noticed she suddenly seemed more comfortable in her swimsuit. She no longer appeared to be in a rush to cover her body, and Rod was wading close by.

“No worries,” she said and sighed.
“Never gonna hear me complain about a beautiful woman in a bikini.”
Lila blushed deeply, and Evan chuckled. “I guess that makes sense,” he offered. For some

reason, the sissy husband was ecstatic to hear Rod compliment her openly, but Lila backed away from Rod. He decided to press the issue. “Can you believe I had to talk her into wearing it?” “We had a bet,” Lila said, wiggling her eyebrows. “You had to wear one too, remember.”

“Now everyone’s a winner,” Rod said with a smile.
Lila’s eyes widen. “I think you better get something straight, Rod,” she said coldly.
“Oh, what?”
“I know you think you’re gonna fuck me and cuckold Evan,” she said. “Maybe Evan wants

it too, who knows, I’m only just seeing his freaky side recently. But I’m an old-fashioned woman.”

“Not in that bikini,” Rod said with a leer.

“I’m old-fashioned. I believe in the sanctity of marriage,” Lila said, staring coldly at Rod with narrow eyes. “I’m not gonna cheat on my husband just because you have a huge cock, and he has a tiny one. Get that straight right now.”

There was silence. The underlying issue was now in the open. Evan, now in the water, gulped down his beer, trying not to stir any more trouble with his wife.

Rod suddenly cleared his throat. “Then I hope you’ll accept my apology for being a bit too forward,” he said, looking away. “I guess I kinda figured with Evan in that bikini, you guys played a bit kinky. I’m sorry if I read it wrong.”

Lila let out a huge breath and sagged back against the wall of the pool. “Can’t we have an enjoyable time with our minds out of the gutter?” she asked, glancing between Evan and Rod.

“Sure, but that bikini is distracting,” Rod said and grinned.

Lila pouted. “Get over it. It’s my pool. I’ll wear what I want. If you don’t like it, then go home.”

“I’m sorry, Lila,” Rod said, waving his hand in defeat.

The three of them settle on the patio, easing into a state of alcohol-induced relaxation. The conversation ranged from business, sports, and entertainment, and the beer kept flowing, and eventually, they were all somewhat drunk. Lila had seemingly now adopted the revealing suit as if it was a second skin, entering and exiting the water without care for Rod’s lingering eye. As Rod’s state became more intoxicated, his stares were more noticeable. The black man loved what he saw. Around five in the afternoon, Lila got to her feet, stumbling and swaying, apparently drunk as Rod’s homebrew was strong.

“I think I’ve had enough,” she slurred and just left the men and went into the house to lie down for a while and sober up.

The men watched her ass disappear into the house, and Rod sighed. “You better help me get these bottles back home, Evan,” he said, standing.

“I could just throw them in the recycling bin tomorrow,” Evan said, also getting to his feet. “Nah, I don’t throw these out. I wash and use them again.”
“Ah, I see,” Evan said with a nod. “OK, then. Thanks for the beers. They were excellent.” When they deposited the bottles in Rod’s kitchen, the big black man said, “Your wife was one

hell of a cock tease today.”
“She doesn’t really know just how sexy she is,” Evan said with his chest thrust out.
“Well, I think you owe me some relief, bitch,” Rod said harshly, pulling his Speedos down. Evan just stood there and stared at his long, fat, beautiful black cock. He unintentionally

licked his lips. Then, his body froze as Rod’s deep voice broke the silence.
“It ain’t gonna suck itself, bitch.”
Evan’s heart was racing. Rod stared at Evan intensely.
“Fuck it,” Rod groans. The big man grabbed him by the neck with giant hands and forced

Evan to his knees. “Bow to my big cock, sissy boy.” Evan at once followed his orders and knelt.

“Every time your wife cock teases me from now on, I’m gonna take it out on you.”

Evan’s dick stiffens in his bikini bottoms as the realization hits him. ‘I’m about to suck my first dick,’ he thought.

He took the massive organ in his hand. Rod’s semi-erect and was already more than ten inches, and Evan could only just fit his hand around it. Evan gently pulled back and forth. Rod’s dick felt fantastic in his small, soft hand. The sissy white man kissed the head tenderly, and as he stroked the thick, veiny shaft, Rod was slowly getting harder. After stroking and caressing the big black cock for a while, Evan started sucking it. First, he sucked just the bulbous head and then more of the shaft. At this point, Rod’s at full hardness, twelve inches of black cock in all its glory. Evan desperately stroked the big cock as he forced more down his throat.

“Fuck, yeah, bitch, you’re made for this,” Rod said as he grabbed Evan’s hair and gently rocked his hips. “Shit, whenever Lila turns me on, I’m gonna bust a nut in your mouth or your boi-pussy. Do you understand, sissy? You’re gonna be Lila’s substitute.”

Evan nodded as he gazed up at the big man with his mouth full of cock. ‘I would love nothing more,’ Evan thought.

“I expect you to do it wearing her clothes and maybe a wig with hair like hers, too.”

Evan rubbed his muscled thighs while he was working the big black cock around his mouth, sucking Rod furiously, bobbing his head on the sweet manhood.

“I want you to shave all your body hair,” Rod said hotly. “Give that little clit you’ve got some air.”

Evan slid his hands up Rod’s legs and rubbed the man’s hard abs. Rod suddenly grabbed his hands and started fucking Evan’s face. The sissy man in the pink bikini had no control over his body. After a while, Rod released Evan and lets him work the black cock on his own so the sissy jerked off the dick with his hand while giving his mouth a break. After pumping the black cock for a while, Evan went back to blowing and stroking. Evan was bobbing his head on the dick as he spread his saliva all over the thick shaft with his hand and then tried to deep-throat Rod again. It was impossible; Rod’s cock was just too big.

“Good, slut,” Rod groaned. “The only way you’ll ever know how a proper cock feels is to take it in your mouth or sissy pussy.”

After about five minutes of stroking and sucking, Evan gazed up at Rod, let go of his thick cock, and slowly slid the shaft out of his mouth. There’s a heavy coat of saliva surrounding the sissy’s lips. Evan kept the tip in and tongued it gently. Rod seemed to enjoy the change of pace. However, Evan wanted the black man’s thick cum to fill him up. Evan closed his eyes, grabbed the gooey saliva-covered cock, and took it back in his mouth slowly. He could feel Rod’s hard cock sliding along his tongue and down his throat and guessed he had swallowed about five, maybe six inches.

Evan wanted Rod to remember this. So, he pulled back an inch and then forced himself on the rest of the big cock, nearly engulfing his entire twelve inches. Rod groans intensely. Evan kept the massive cock in his mouth for a few more seconds so his throat and this cock become properly acquainted. Then he pulled out completely and took a deep, harsh breath while furiously stroking Rod off.

Oh shit, slut, here it comes,” Rod moaned, his balls stiffen.

Evan stroked faster and, with the other hand, kneaded those gigantic hairy black balls that would soon reward him. He grabbed the cockhead and forced it into his mouth to accept the streams of hot, thick, creamy semen. Five or six powerful shots filled Evan’s mouth, then another, followed by several weaker ones. A sissy cumslut was born, the big black cock filling

Evan’s mouth with sperm dripping down his chin. Evan swallowed as much of the sweet man juice as he could. Rod kept his cock in Evan’s mouth while he got his breathing under control, still holding the sissies head. When he eventually took his dick out, Rod used it to scoop the cum on Evan’s chin into the white man’s mouth. The sissy then sucked him clean.

“You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” Rod asked as his cock still hung heavily before Evan. Evan was still slowly stroking that brown log. “Hell, yeah,” Evan said with a smile.
Rod rubbed his finger on Evan’s lips, and then the sissy sucked on it gently. “Damn, bitch,

you’re gonna get to taste this cock a lot in the future,” Rod said. “I hope so.”

“Now go home and see to your wife,” Rod said, “and don’t forget what I told you about what you’re gonna do now.”

“Shave all over,” Evan said as he stood.

The bikini bottoms tent a little with his baby boner, but Rod ignored it. “Do it in front of that Wi-Fi camera of yours. I wanna watch,” Rod said with a smirk. “While Lila’s passed out drunk. Put on a show for me like one of those OnlyFans sluts.”

Chapter 4

Evan hurried home to do as he was told. Taking the camera into the bathroom, he stripped it off and placed it so Rod could watch the whole thing. He used hair removal cream on his chest, arms, legs, and wherever he could reach. It took some time. The last area he did is his genitals. Under the shower, Evan washed the cream off his loins. The hair came away quickly, and after forty minutes, he stood naked before the camera as smooth-skinned as he could manage. His cell phone buzzed. Picking it up, he saw it was Rod. ‘Excellent work, sissy, but you’ll have to go to one of those boutiques and get it done in the future,’ the text read. ‘I want no hair anywhere below the shoulders. Get a pedicure and manicure, too. Have them pluck those eyebrows.’

Evan texted back: ‘What do I tell Lila? How do I explain this?’

‘Tell her you always wanted to try it, and you thought now’s an appropriate time to try,’ Rod replies.

OK, anything else you want me to do?’ Evan texts.

Jerk-off for the camera. I wanna see that little dick shoot,’ Rob replies. ‘Put on show for me while your wife is passed out on the bed.’

Evan turned on some music, and he turned it down so it didn’t disturb Lila, who was snoring on the bed, still in her black bikini. He gazed out the window and saw Rod sitting on his bed with a big smirk on his face. Evan starts dancing, swaying his hips and then thrusting to make his now bald dick and balls jiggle and wobble in a lurid way. He was like a little boy in the changerooms, showing off to the other boys. He turned and slapped his butt while kissing the air. Evan moved close to Lila’s face and waggled his dicklette there to the amusement of Rod, who was laughing.

He went to the hamper, gathered several pairs of her dirty panties, and started to rub them on his smooth-skinned body as he danced around the room. The smell of her pussy wafted into the air to further intoxicate Evan in his overt sexual display. Evan’s fingers then wrapped around his achingly hard boner. He’d been good and not jerked off already, though he wanted to while sucking Rod’s huge cock. He gyrated and turned in an absurd display, jerking his little dicklette and thrusting his hips at the window for Rod’s pleasure.

Pre-cum dripped off the red tip onto the floor as his fingers slid up and down the four inches of his thin man clit. He grunted and groaned, lost in his little world of ecstasy, dancing to the sexy beat of the music that only he could hear. Rod watched, thoroughly entertained by how this white man was debasing himself for his pleasure. Doing it in front of his passed-out wife. Lila had her back to the window so Rod could see her butt and back. Given her bikini bottom was a G-string, it was like looking at her bare bottom anyway.

Suddenly, several ropes of white semen shot out a few inches and then fell to the floor. To Evan’s disappointment, his ejaculation produced no real orgasm. His small balls now sag as one blast had about emptied them. Soon after, the pathetic little dick was soft and sat wet on top of the sagging, shrunken balls.

The phone buzzed again, it was Rod, of course. ‘Give me another cum, and next time, I want you to cum on Lila’s butt,’ Rod texted.

Evan replied, ‘I’m not sure I can do it again.’
DO IT!!!!!!
The naked sissy gazed up at Rod sitting in the bedroom next door. The harsh appearance of

the black man’s face told him he had no choice. So again, he started dancing as he had before. Thrusting and gyrating at the window and Lila’s sleeping form. Wiggling and jiggling his little clit and baby balls at Rod. He was starting to sweat, and his skin glowed and turned reddish. He struggled to get it hard as he stroked his soft one-inch dick. Picking up some panties, he started to sniff and lick the crotch to taste Lila’s pussy and asshole on them, and that did the trick.

Little by extraordinarily little, his small dick started to get hard again as he danced around like some crazed animal for Rod. Occasionally, Lila stirred, but she didn’t wake to see her husband acting like a total slut for their black neighbor. What would she say if she saw Evan degrading himself like this anyway? Stroking and stroking for Rod, Evan thought of that big black cock in his mouth. How it tasted and felt. The saltiness of the slimy pre-cum and the strong tanginess of the black man’s jizz. ‘Strong,’ he thought. ‘Yes, much stronger tasting than my sperm. A man’s jizz, not sissy cummies.’ He remembered how the thick cockhead slid down his throat and the musky smell of those huge black balls.

The combination of everything—the smells and tastes of Lila’s dirty panties, the memories of sucking Rod’s big cock, and the stroking of his clit—Evan felt his balls tighten. He was going to cum again. Evan quickly moved to the side of the bed and stood so Rod could see everything. He stroked his little stiffy super-fast as his orgasm built. Then, with a soft groan, Evan came again. A spurt of watery jizz shot out and landed on Lila’s bare butt. He kept stroking, but that was all his little balls could offer.

As his orgasm subsided, his body sagged, and his nut sac, so depleted of semen, now shrunk into his body. His little dick was going soft. Evan was done. That was the best he could do.

Evan’s phone buzzed again. It was Rod. ‘Go again,’ Rod texted. ‘I can’t. I’m done,” Evan texted back.
Pathetic. Get Lila’s vibrator and fuck yourself with it then.’ ‘Please, she’ll wake up and catch me.’

Rod texted an angry: “DO IT, BITCH!!!

Evan opened the closet, got on his hands and knees, and retrieved his wife’s vibrator. All the while, he was still visible to Rod through the window and to the camera.

Smell it and taste it,’ Rod texted. ‘Go on, Lila used it this morning. Stuffed the whole thing up her cunt and came on it.’

First, Evan smelled his fingers, then the dildo itself. There was a definite smell to it. He could taste a fishy/pissy flavor when he licked the head. A taste he was remarkably familiar with.

This is what Lila has replaced you with,’ Rod texted. ‘She cums hard on this fake cock daily, and that helps her endure your pathetic sissy clit. Taste her cunt on it—taste her cum.’

The dildo felt so thick, and Trent had trouble taking it in his mouth and gagged.

Real cocks can choke you, not dicks like yours, though,’ Rod taunted. ‘But I guess you already know that after sucking my cock. Your wife’s cuckolding you to a toy. How does that feel?

Trent tried taking more of the dildo down his throat, gagging as it filled his mouth. The taste of his wife’s pussy was washing away, and he swallowed the rehydrated juices eagerly. ‘I can’t compete with this,’ Evan thought.

OK, it’s wet enough. Stick it in your pussy,’ Rod ordered from across the way.

Evan lowered his head and arched his back as he put the head of the pointy vibrator through his butt cheeks and against his virgin asshole. He clenched his eyes shut and held his breath as he slowly pushed the tip against his resistant anus. Forcing himself to relax, Evan eventually felt the vibrator slide through his sphincter, and slowly, the sissy pushed the eight-inch fake cock into his body. It hurt, but he was doing it at his own pace so he could control it and make it more comfortable.

Fuck yourself with it,’ Rod texted. ‘Feel the size of cock that makes her cum knowing your little clit cannot make her cum.’

The sissy began to slide the vibrator in and out of his asshole, feeling the pleasant friction as the rough surface massaged his anus. ‘This is not too bad,’ Evan thought, fucking himself faster. This went on for several minutes, and the pleasant feeling grew in his loins and radiated throughout his body. To Evan’s surprise, his dicklette got hard again. He fucked himself harder and harder as the minutes went by, moaning softly. Pre-cum started dripping from his hard dick again.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed, and a message from Rod read, ‘Turn it on. Turn the fucker on. Feel it like Lila feels it.’

He immediately worried that the noise of the vibrator would wake his wife. Still, he was so caught up in that moment of raw sexuality his resistance to the command dissipated quickly. With some fiddling, he turned the vibrator on, and the effect was instant. Evan didn’t understand this as it was happening, but the sexual feeling that he felt occurred due to the vibrator rubbing against his prostate. However, when the toy began vibrating, this magnified the effect many times, and soon the sissy was fucking himself with total abandon. The delicious feeling racing through his body was like nothing he had ever experienced before. Pre-cum practically dribbled from his stiff clitty like a leaking tap.

Turn it up full,’ Rod texted.

Evan did. He was now completely absorbed by what he was feeling and not worrying about waking Lila anymore. The sissy fucked his asshole as hard as humanely possible, taking all but the inch of plastic his fingers gripped at the base of the eight-inch toy. His head was thrashing wildly as an orgasm built inside him. The sensations of friction around his anus and the rubbing of his prostate took him away to a place he never knew existed. It was like riding a tidal wave of sexual energy. Then he gasped, and his body twitched, and somehow, his little clit shot a third load onto the floor.

He collapsed. His body was jerking and twitching as Evan rolled around on the floor, lost in the most powerful orgasm he'd ever had. He shot more jizz in this orgasm than his first two combined. Where those tiny balls found this reserve of semen is anyone’s guess. But the orgasm went on and on, covering him with sweat and making his skin go red and his hair hang limp. Then it ended. The wave crashed ashore and was gone. Evan lay there panting heavily. He now truly had nothing left to give Rod. He looked out the window to see Rod had shut his curtains. The black bull evidently knew it was over, too.

Evan saw his phone nearby and picked it up. Rod had texted him.

Good, girl. That was your first sissygasm, and it won’t be your last. That’s what Lila feels when she fucks her toy. A feeling your little dickie can’t give her. That’s why you’re not a man.’

Evan got to his feet and went and had a shower. Looking in the mirror, he noticed his bald nut sac was practically gone. Just two small marbles in there. He felt a mixture of pride and shame as he stared at his pathetic genitals.

Thank God Lila didn’t wake up during that,’ he thought.

Chapter 5

The couple didn’t speak of the day by the pool drinking with Rod in the following days. When Lila gasped when she first saw Evan naked—all shaved and smooth—she shook her head and yet said nothing. They were quieter than usual with each other, and Evan chalked it up to needing time to digest how things were changing in their relationship. Lila eventually brought it up over dinner the next Wednesday night.

“What’s going on with you, honey?” she softly asked.
Evan feigned ignorance. “Nothing, sweets. Is something troubling you?”
“I’m worried,” she said, twisting a lock of her hair. “You no longer seem the man I married.

It’s like you’re transforming into something else.”
Evan guffawed. “Like what? I’m still me.”
“Into a woman or at least a more feminine version of you,” Lila said and took a deep breath

to calm herself. “Are you Gay or something?”
He didn’t respond at once, which was an answer. “Not Gay, but Bisexual,” he said. “I

always have been, to be honest. I like women and men.”
Her mouth fell open as a hand flew to her chest. “You’ve never said anything about this

before,” Lila said with a rise in her vocal pitch.
He shrugged. “It’s never come up.”
“Is this why you’re wearing my underwear and shaving your body now?”
“Not really,” Evan said, his face going red.
Lila’s eyes welled with tears, and her voice choked. “Then, why? I just wanna understand

what’s going on with you because I love you.”
He took her hand in his on the dining table and took a deep breath, fighting the fluttery

feeling in his stomach. “I think I’m transgender. I want to be female,” he said quietly, tears rolling down his cheeks.

“Oh, Evan,” Lila gushed. “You wanna become a woman?”

He shook his head. “No, I don’t want surgery to cut off my dick and all that,” he said, scrunching his upper lip. “I just want to be more like one but keep my bits.”

Lila sat back with a grimace. “Like a shemale?” she asked.
“Yes, a sissy shemale,” he said. “I don’t know why, but it feels right.”

“Is that why you’ve been coming on to Rod so hard?”
Now it was Evan’s turn to gasp.
Lila said with a wry smile, “I’m not stupid, you know. I see the way you stare at his groin

whenever he is around.”
“Can you blame me? That cock is...”
GROSS,” Lila cut him off.
“But compared to my little clitty dick...”
STOP IT,” Lila yelled, her face going red. “There’s nothing wrong with your penis, Evan.

Our sex life was fine before you started getting these...these...ideas into your thick head.”
Evan’s head dropped, and he shivered as tears rolled down his cheeks. “I’m sorry. You must

be really disappointed in me,” he said in a whisper.
Lila stood and went to his side, giving him a warm hug and kissing him on the top of the

head. “I love you, Evan,” she said quietly. “I always will. I just need time to process all this.” “I understand,” Evan said. “I’m sorry I’m not the man you thought I was.”
“Are you sure you’re bisexual, though?” Lila asked with a raised eyebrow. “Have you ever

actually had sex with a man before?”
He blushed. “Anal sex?” he asked.
“Um, no,” he said. “I did blow a guy once.” However, he didn’t tell her it was just last

weekend and next door.
“Maybe you should try it and see if you like it before you decide it's your thing,” she said

with a smile.
He gasped, and his eyes bulged. “With another guy?”
“No, silly,” she said, shaking her head, “With me. I could wear a strap-on.”
Evan winced and then saw she was serious. “Well, we could try it, I guess,” he said, feeling

his dick tingle.
“Then I could take your anal cherry,” Lila said. “I’ll go shopping for a strap-on tomorrow,

don’t worry, I’ll fuck you good.”
“What do I do?”
“Maybe do some research online about taking it up the butt,” she said. “See what you need

to do to prepare for it.”
“OK,” he said, feeling an excitement grow.
But Evan had already broken his anal cherry with her vibrator, but he wasn’t going to tell her

that. *****

“I’m ready,” Lila exclaims, strutting out of the bathroom.

She was nearly naked, save for the mystery item adorned on her groin. Lila appeared as a silhouette in the doorway, and Evan admired her curvy feminine figure, tracing the shape of her hips with lustful eyes. Slowly, she turned to the side, showing him the outline of her large breasts, flat stomach, and the little surprise. Evan’s eyes fix on her waist and widen at what they find. The phallic shape of a strap-on dildo juts out proudly from her hips, casting its shadow onto the floor. The man seemed outwardly shocked, but Lila knew how he really felt.

“So, y-you d-did it,” he stammered. “You’re really gonna do this.”

“You want it,” Lila said with a smile. “I bought it after our conversation the other night, and it’s all for you, honey.”

Evan blushed at Lila’s words and gazed toward the floor in contemplation. “It was so big. I-I’ve never d-done anything like this before.”

“You want to be a shemale? Then take a big cock like one,” Lila hissed.
“Yes, dear.”
Lila turned the bathroom light off and sauntered toward her husband, the dildo bobbing up

and down slightly with each slow, purposeful step. She stood in front of the shaking man, so he could take in her beauty and power and appreciate the size and shape of her fake cock. Taking his trembling hand and holding it in hers, Evan’s eyes adjusted to the dim light and gazed into hers.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” Lila lied. “Now, come with me.”

The curvy brunette tugged on his wrist, lifting him and leading the man toward the bed. She stopped briefly to turn on a small lamp to illuminate the twilight. Satin sheets were neatly tucked into the corners of the king-sized bed, and a large fresh towel was on top. She stopped at the edge of the bed and positioned herself behind Evan with her hands on his shoulders, feeling the skinny man tense.

“Darling, I...” he began.
Shush... It’s OK. We’re gonna take this easy, alright?” Lila said, massaging his neck. Evan nodded and loosened slightly. “Is it gonna...you know...hurt?” he asked sheepishly. He glanced pensively over his shoulder at his wife, and she said coolly, “Hey, we talked

about this. If you’ve prepared today, like they said to on the internet, it should be fine.” “OK, OK. You’re right. I made sure it was all clean, uh, inside. I just thought we were

gonna start, err...smaller.”
This dildo was bigger than her vibrator but not as big as Rod.
“Small is unsatisfying. You should know that by now, babydick,” Lila said, teasing Evan. Lila didn’t mean the insult, yet she recently discovered that humiliating Evan’s size turned

him on more than anything else.
“Small dicks are for laughing at, big ones for fucking, honey. I think you’ll be fine. Evan,

trust me.”
“I do. I can do it,” Evan said with a quivery voice. “Make me feel like a woman with a cock

inside her.”
Lila stopped for a moment to gaze into his eyes. “Thank you, babe. It’s gonna be so much

fun. I’m proud of you for doing this, for being true to yourself.” She leaned in closer and whispered in his ear, “Now, let’s get these clothes off, sissy.”

Evan unbuttoned his shirt as Lila reached around and unzipped his jeans. She slid them, along with his panties, down his legs to the floor, exposing his toned lower body. Along the way, she planted a soft kiss on his back, stopping just above his cute butt. Her hands found his socks and rolled them off his feet as he peeled off his unbuttoned shirt. Now he was fully naked, his clothes strewn across the bedroom, and Lila stood to whisper again.

“Good, sissy,” she teased.

Evan turned around and faced his wife, and she could see he was receptive to her advances. His man-clit now stood fully erect opposite her fake member. Lila grinned as she realized her strap-on was so much longer and thicker than her husband’s thin, short dick. The strap-on was ten inches of high-quality black silicone cock, curved slightly upward and complete with a realistic texture. Evan could see the other end anchored inside her cunt secured by a shiny leather harness pulled taut against her alabaster skin.

“Look at the difference,” she said with a smirk. “Your dicklette looks like it belongs to an eight-year-old boy, darling, not a man.”

“Yes, dear,” Evan said, blushing.

“I’ve seen fourteen-year-olds at my school who are so much bigger than you already,” she said. “How does that make you feel?”

Pathetic,” he whispered.

Lila said nothing but pulled him toward her, and her tongue accessed her husband’s warm mouth. The artificial hardness pressed against his stomach as his natural hardness pressed against Lila. Evan felt her tongue move deep inside as they made out, and she ran her hands over his body, giving his ass a firm squeeze. A little moan escaped, and the dominant woman could tell he was nearly ready. Lila ended the kiss as abruptly as she started it.

“Get on the bed and lie down on your back,” she commanded.

Evan awkwardly climbed onto the bed and lay on the towel, facing her, propped up on his elbows. He watched as his wife moved to the bedside cabinet, opened the top drawer, and pulled out a small bottle of liquid and a black latex glove. The aroused sissy’s clit twitched at the sight, and he touched it.

“Nuh-uh... No touching!” she growled. “Sissy’s don’t touch their clits unless permission is granted.”

Retracting his hand from his small stiffy, he asked: “Who told you that?”

“The source of all wisdom on Earth: Google,” Lila said and smiled. “I’ve done my research. Spread your legs for me.”

As he parted his thighs to reveal his back passage, Lila snapped the latex glove on and poured out a thick, clear liquid from the bottle onto her gloved hand. It glistened softly in the light of the lamp. The woman took her hand and ran it along the length of her shaft several times, mimicking a jerk-off motion. Each stroke made her pussy tingle slightly, hinting at the sensations yet to come. When she had covered her synthetic cock, Lila squeezed a small amount onto her fingers and returned the bottle to the drawer.

She climbed onto the bed and stopped, kneeling between his open legs. The woman could just about see the cute opening between his buttocks.

“Just relax, breathe deeply,” she said softly. “I gotta get you ready first.”

Her hand moved between Evan’s thighs, out of his view. Their eyes stay locked on each other, his full and bright. Suddenly, he sensed something cold and wet between his butt cheeks, moving decisively to his anus. Evan breathed in sharply, and Lila flashed a reassuring smile. Evan felt her middle finger run a circle around his anus, sweetly teasing it. Lila painted the lube onto the soft pinkness of his flesh, making sure to thoroughly coat his entrance to prepare it for what was to come. She then pushed gently on his boi-pussy, and with a little effort, her delicate finger found its way inside. She paused for a second to look reassuringly into her husband’s eyes.

“There we go. See, it was not so bad, was it?” Lila said, and he nodded back. “Are you sure you’ve never done this before?”

“No, never, honey,” he lied.

Slowly, Lila pushed deeper into him, past the first knuckle and then the second. Evan felt her finger wiggle inside his ass, doing a ‘come hither’ motion inside him, looking for the unique spot. The woman noticed his hands suddenly grab the sheets tightly, and her smile widened, knowing she had found it.

Wow,” he moaned. “My g-spot.”

“Yes,” she said. “Try to focus on the sensation of my fingertips on that spot.”

Lila rubbed her finger in circles around his prostate, applying gentle pressure. Evan’s petite asshole contracted tightly around her finger as pre-cum leaked out of the tip of his little dick. Thrusting her finger in and out of his ass, slowly but firmly, Lila coated it thoroughly with slick lube. As she rubbed his g-spot, Evan’s whole body experienced a warm, tingly wave, and he arched his back in anal ecstasy. Evan had felt this before when he fucked himself with the vibrator.

“Mmm, your ass-pussy is very receptive,” she said. “Just made for fucking big cocks.”

Lila’s fingers worked expertly within, pressing and rubbing against the special, secret place. Evan’s breathing quickened, and he squirmed on the bed as a moan escaped his mouth. Without saying a word, Lila pressed her index finger on his asshole, and it, too, found its way into his boi-pussy, alongside her middle finger. With two fingers inside now, she milked his prostate. Lila’s pace quickened, and her fingers went deeper. The tightness of his anus swallowed her slender digits, and she finger-banged his asshole to loosen it for something much bigger. The tingling sensations in his body spread to the tips of his fingers and toes.

Oh my God, this feels amazing,” he moaned as sweat beaded on his brow.

“Every virgin girl gets finger-banged before they’re fucked,” she said. “I thought you deserve the same rite of passage.”

“Thank you, dear.”

“This is just the beginning. I’m gonna turn you into a total cock slut tonight,” Lila said with a wink and a wry smile.

Gradually, she retracted her fingers from his welcoming ass, and he shuddered at the sudden emptiness. Lila carefully rolled the glove off her right hand and deftly tossed it into a wastebasket next to the bed. Evan knew what was coming next. His eyes darted to the glistening shaft extending from her crotch and then back to Lila. She could see the apprehension on his face, but his erect dicklette betrayed his true desires.

“I know this is scary, but you can do it. Anytime you wanna stop, just say so.” Lila said to calm his nerves.

In truth, she was so tantalizingly close to fucking her husband’s asshole that she’d have said anything to get him to go through with it now. Moving closer and pushing his legs to fully expose Evan’s lubed asshole, her fake cock aimed squarely at his boi-pussy.

“Hold your legs close to your chest,” she instructed, and he complied.

The curvy woman took a second to watch her sissy husband in his naked splendor. Presenting fully to her a tender invitation for her synthetic manhood to fill his untamed boi-pussy. ‘This is a beautiful moment in our marriage,’ she thought the instant before her big cock shoved inside Evan. Steadying herself on his thigh with a hand, Lila guided the end of her strap-on to his boi-pussy with the other. Evan felt the tip press against his anus, and he instinctively jerked away.

“Hey, it’s OK. Just let me inside and see how it feels. If you don’t like it, I can pull out.” Lila said reassuringly.

If only Evan knew how wet Lila’s pussy was getting, with the urge to fuck him senselessly overwhelming the woman. The tension in his body released, and again she rested the tip of her cock at his entrance. This time, it stayed there.

“You ready?” Lila asked.

Evan nodded in response. Observing his receptiveness thus far, Lila decided to push her luck a little.

“Let me hear you ask for it.”
“Uh, what?
“Ask me to fuck you, sissy slut.”
“OK,” he whispered. “Please, fuck me. Please fuck me with your big cock.”
Lila smirked. Suddenly, Evan felt the pressure on his entrance increase as she pressed her

hips into him. The couple gazed into each other’s eyes, and he recognized a burning desire in his wife. However, her fake cock quickly met resistance from his tight asshole, and she relented in her attack.

“Relax, dear. Imagine you’re trying to push out a big poo, and it’ll go in easier,” Lila said. “OK, I think I understand,” he said, eager to please. “Like this?”
Lila could sense the defiance of the flesh subside, and her cock began to open him up. The

woman watched her husband wince as his ring expanded to accept the tip of the dildo. Still, she continued to plunge the hardness into his boi-pussy anyway.

“Ouch, it hurts,” he groaned.
“Shush,” she shouted. “Let me inside that sissy cunt.”
Her kind smile twisted into a sadistic grin for a microsecond. With those words, Evan’s anus

stretched to its fullest as the head of her strap-on pushed past the opening, making the sissy man gasp. The cock felt much larger than her fingers (and her vibrator) and was somewhat painful, though not without pleasure. Lila grunted slightly as she felt the base of the toy press into her mound, massaging her clit. When the head was entirely inside Evan’s boi-pussy, she stopped moving. Then she glanced down to see the dildo buried in her husband’s narrow orifice, a uniquely erotic sight causing a cascade of bliss to spread from her pussy to her toes.

“Well done, you did it. How does it feel?” Lila asked hotly. “Whoa, it feels so big,” Evan gushes.
“That’s something I’d never say when you fuck me.”
“I’m sorry, dear.”

“That’s why I use a toy to masturbate with because you’re not man enough to make me cum with your babydick.”

Evan sighed. “I don’t know why you put up with me,” he said with a sob. “I put up with you because I love you,” she said, stroking his back.
“I love you too, Lila,” Evan said.
“Flattery will get you nowhere,” she said and giggled.

“It hurts a little, though. Can you be gentler?”
“Of course, baby. I’ll look after you, I promise.”
Lila moved her hands to either side of his shoulders, propping herself upon him. Her breasts

hovered above his chest, and her thick, luscious dark hair hung just above his face. The couple remained still for an eternity as Evan adjusted to this exciting sensation in a place that was, until this moment, his alone. The woman fights the urge to thrust hard into her husband. ‘I need to go gentle, at least at first,’ she thought.

The internet said missionary was the best position to ease men into receptive anal sex. It had the added benefit that she could watch the delightful expressions on their faces as they inevitably took every inch of the substantial length. She started rocking, incrementally pushing a bit more of the phallus into her sissy husband’s asshole. However, there were still quite a few inches to go. Lila could see he was finding it a little uncomfortable, so she broke the silence.

“You’re doing so well, honey. I’m gonna go a bit deeper now. Wrap your legs around my waist,” Lila said softly.

Evan dutifully obeyed this new position allowing his wife to drive her shaft a little further into his asshole. The head of the cock passed over his prostate, and pain changed to pleasure as he moaned in ecstasy. The woman observed Evan. His eyes were overloaded with new signals, and his toes curled involuntarily.

Mmmm, that’s right, babe. It was almost all the way in, just a little more.” Lila said, hardly containing her excitement.

She decided to go for the final push. Throwing her head back as she thrust her hips powerfully, Lila buried her rigid cock to the hilt in Evan’s tight boi-pussy. Now, as her skin met his, Lila had completed the act—they had become one.

Oh my God,” Evan moaned. “Oh fuck, I can’t believe how good this feels.”

“Stop with the lies, now, Evan. I saw you fucking yourself with my vibrator, you dirty boy,” Lila scolded.

Evan gasped. “You saw me?”
“Yeah, and from now on, you don’t stick my toys up your butt. Understand?”
“Sorry, Lila. I was just...”
“Pretending it was Rod,” she said, cutting him off. Before he could protest, she said, “But

we’ve got ‘Rod’ right here now. So, just keep away from that old pervert.”
“I’m sorry, honey,” Evan said.
“You really are a sissy cock slut. Does it make you feel like a woman with a big cock inside

“Oh yes, it does,” Evan gushed. “I feel like the true me with ‘Rod’ inside my body.” Evan could sense the end of the dildo, now called ‘Rod,’ deep inside his belly, and its

substantial girth bestowed him with a feeling of satisfying fullness. Again, Lila took a moment to allow her husband to consent. She wanted him to be prepared for the great railing he was about to receive.

“Ready to be fucked?” she asked playfully.
“Please, take me. Take my pussy,” Evan pleaded.
Slowly, Lila drew back the length of the strap-on until Evan’s clenched sphincter gripped the

head, and then she drove it deep with a steady, purposeful motion from her hips. Lila’s large tits swayed just above his face because of her movement, almost close enough to taste. Evan could smell the elegant, feminine scent of her skin, a quality in seeming contrast to her increasingly dominant behavior. The woman retracted the dildo from his asshole again, and she saw him bite his lower lip, perhaps without even realizing it.

The sultry nature of the gesture caused Lila to slide into Evan again almost instinctively. She continued at this pace of gentle fucking for a little while, keeping reassuring eye contact as she turned her husband into a sissy cock slut. Slowly, Lila increased her speed and pressure, but nothing too extreme yet. She didn’t want to go too fast, too soon.

“This feels wonderful, honey. You’re really doing well. Don’t be scared to make noise if you want to,” Lila said hotly.

Evan moaned a little in response, and Lila felt her desire growing in intensity as her hips gradually quickened. The end of each thrust returned a slightly louder moan from her sissy husband. Therefore, there was a harder penetration from the next push, causing a positive feedback loop of sexual pleasure. Repeatedly the dominant wife plunged the entirety of the massive toy into his eager boi-pussy, transforming her husband into a cock slut shemale with every stroke.

With grace, she fluidly snapped her hips back until the silicone cockhead again met resistance from his anal sphincter. Evan barely had a chance to protest before Lila drove her phallus deep into his colon again. It was nudging his tender prostate along the way and making his stomach bulge.

Oh GOD,” Evan shrieked as she fucked him hard. “Oh God, you’re gonna tear me in two.

The big cock felt even larger inside his colon as it dominated and pushed the sissy slut, forcing his body to adjust to the massive girth. The muscles didn’t give way quickly, even when forced, and a curious mix of pleasure and pain made Evan’s body quiver. Lila, too, was starting to make passionate noises as she lost control of her hips.

Ugh... Ugh... Ugh... Ugh...” she grunted as her thighs slapped against his buttocks. “Ooooo, you’re stretching me so much,” Evan squealed with delight.
The base of the strap-on was putting pressure on Lila’s clit. Again, the aroused housewife

pulled back before driving it home. The bulb of the dildo in her wet pussy rubbed against her G-spot with every thrust, causing Lila’s juices to run down the side of her leg. Lila quickened the pace of her thrusting again, her large tits heaving mere inches from Evan’s face. The sissy could feel every inch of the strap-on as it plowed his boi-pussy, slowly building a kind of pleasure he never thought possible. The sissy husband tried to stifle his moan by holding a hand to his mouth, but it was a futile gesture, hardly stopping the sounds at all.

“Evan, be as loud as you want, don’t hold back. Just go with it,” Lila said between the sounds of slapping skin. “A good cock slut shows how much she loves it.”

Ah, God, I’m getting fucked,” he moaned, quivering with mounting excitement. “You’re really fucking me. Mmm, my pussy is so hot. Fuck me... Fuck me.”

Lila was thrusting quicker still. Their breath started coming in ragged bursts, and the couple shone sleek with sweat. Fortunately, Lila had the stamina to keep pounding away at his gaping boi-pussy. Evan snaked his arm down his chest toward his dicklette to release the intense sexual energy Lila’s fucking into him. However, his dominant wife had other ideas. Lila grabbed Evan’s wrist before his hand reached its destination and pinned it next to his head in one swift motion.

NO! What did I say about touching your sissy clit?” Lila growled as her hips ceased their assault.

“No touching until I say so.”
Lila wished to orgasm while she was inside his boi-pussy before the sissy blew his pathetic

load and ended the pegging prematurely. Slowly, Lila made love to her husband again, and before long, she was back to a hard pounding rhythm.

“Let yourself go, slut. Flower into a woman, a cock loving sissy slut,” she growled, her aggression starting to show through.

The fucking woman felt consumed by an animal desire, and she lusted for release. The feeling of taking control by plowing her sissy husband deeply with a strap-on was a surprise pleasure. Lila took his free wrist and pinned it opposite the other one. Now, she had him beneath her. Evan could feel her weight as his wife started slamming her hips into him. Her voluptuous tits smother his face. There’s little Evan can do to escape, even if he wants to. Lila leaned her head down and pressed her tongue into his mouth, muffling his whimpers. Waves of familiar pleasure were building inside the fucking woman with each thrust, causing her hips to move faster and faster still. Eventually breaking the kiss to give him a chance to breathe, Evan moaned in ecstasy beneath his wife.

Aaahhhhrrrr... Yeah... Fuuuuuuuuuck,” Evan shouted, and the stiff cock fucked harder.

Lila wondered just how much more her sissy husband could take. The sensations in her pussy told Lila an orgasm was fast approaching as the dildo slid in and out of Evan’s asshole.

Ung... Ung... Ung... Ung,” Evan moaned, enhancing her arousal.

Fucking a sissy by pounding his tight boi-pussy with a superior cock was surprisingly fun. Without prompting, Evan wrapped his legs even more tightly around her waist and rotated his hips in time with her fucking. The sissy husband was now genuinely taking it like a girl. It seemed to come naturally to Evan. Lowering her head, Lila bit the soft flesh of his neck, mixing his pleasure with pain. The combination of stimuli, such as the dildo, the feeling of the skin, and the scent, was overpowering Evan. Lila could tell he was going to cum soon.

So, she stopped thrusting.

Then she drew the considerable length of her strap-on cock from her husband’s ravaged boi-pussy and moved off his body in elegant motion. Evan let out a tiny whimper as his wife exited his orifice, leaving the sissy desperate for more of her cock. The sudden empty feeling was almost unbearable, and he was already beginning to crave the sensation of a thick cock in his asshole again. She motioned him to lie on the floor. Lila had the ultimate sissy humiliation in mind for her husband.

“Lift your ass to me.” Lila’s voice was commanding but reassuring. “I’m not done with you yet, bitch.”

Eager to please, Evan lifted until he was practically on his shoulders. Lila moved in so he could lean on her body for support, helping the sissy get into position. Evan presented his tender boi-pussy to Lila, giving easy access to her dildo, the sissy’s hard clit pointing down to his face. She could tell her husband really wanted this.

“Good sissy,’ she said. “You’re doing well. Now, reach up and spread your cheeks for me.”

Evan parted his buttocks. The pinkness of his freshly fucked boi-pussy, still slick with lube, presented to Lila, and she took his hips with her hands and guided it toward her strap-on.

“Little pig, little pig... Let me in...” she said and laughed.

Lila’s strap-on glides effortlessly into his waiting boi-pussy, and she drove it even deeper than she could when they were fucking missionary style. Evan grunted as the shaft buried entirely within his body, and her thighs pressed hard against his hands, gripping his cheeks. Lila paused for a moment, admiring the sight of her husband taking the cock. It filled the woman with a feeling of power and control, which only added to her arousal.

‘What a slut,’ she thought, ‘and naturally, all sluts should be fucked properly.’ Lila began pounding Evan anew, gliding in and out of him with expert precision. It was an incredible turn-on to see her wet fake cock penetrating her husband so quickly with every thrust. The excited housewife took a moment to activate her secret weapon, a small bullet vibrator hidden in the base of the dildo. With a ‘click,’ strong vibrations traveled through the toy, spreading into his asshole and her pussy. Evan turned to look at his wife with bulging eyes.

“Shush, it’s OK, slut.” Lila said, comforting him. “Just a little something to make it more fun for the both of us.”

Evan nodded in submission, realizing that the vibrations felt amazing. Lila’s now buzzing phallus started to pump her husband’s boi-pussy with renewed vigor. The vibrations, combined with the motions of the fucking, were driving the small dick sissy crazy.

TAKE IT,” Lila yelled. “Take my cock, you little dick slut. This was what it feels like to be fucked by a real cock, not your pathetic babydick.”

Evan moaned hard at the mention of his small dick, and Lila smiled. ‘He knows what he is,’ she thought. The fucking woman’s hips slam into the man with pure speed and force now, with the singular purpose of bringing herself to a fantastic orgasm. However, Lila could sense he was also on the edge of orgasm. Evan’s anal passage contracted around the shaft with every thrust, gripping it firmly and causing the other end of the dildo to massage her pussy in turn. It just made her fuck as hard as she could. The moaning sissy slut braced on the floor with his hands to push back against her with each thrust, and Lila slapped his dick.


A muffled moan was the result, and a devilish grin spread across Lila’s face. “You like that? Do you like me fucking you like a girl, sissy? Answer me,” she growled, between grunting.

YESSSSSS,” Evan screamed as her palm hit his hard clit again.
Lila couldn’t take any more stimulation. Her pussy was crying out for release. As her climax

built to a crescendo, Lila’s thrusts became increasingly erratic, signaling her impending orgasm. The sight of Evan’s gyrating body was too much to bear. Combined with the pressure on her clit and vibrations in her g-spot, Lila was pushed over the edge.


Lila’s soaking pussy squeezed the vibrating bulb as her clit rubbed against the base of the dildo, and she threw her head back at the beginning of a fantastic, explosive orgasm.

YES ... YES... TAKE MY COCK, YOU WHORE,” Lila shouted as waves of blissful release overtook her. “Ooh, fuck. FUCK,” she screamed as she gushed pussy juice.

A familiar heavenly warmth covered her body. Lila continued to fuck her strap-on cock into Evan’s boi-pussy with every beat of her climax. Heightening her pleasure as well as his. She barely noticed Evan climbing toward an anal orgasm triggered by her relentless fucking.

“More... MORE!” Evan moaned, fast approaching his orgasm. “OH... MY... GOD!

The orgasmic housewife didn’t stop fucking her husband, a long groan escaped Evan’s lips, and he started trembling at the end of each of her thrusts. Lila could tell he was going to experience a sissygasm. She performed a final powerful push, and Evan’s body tensed under her, waves of electric warmth emanating from deep inside of him and traveling to the tips of his fingers and toes. Every nerve cell in his body was on fire, overloading his senses with rapturous euphoria. ‘Here it comes,’ she thought. ‘His transformation is nearly complete.

YES, cum for me, cum from being fucked by a cock,” Lila shouted as Evan’s eyes rolled back from the onslaught.

An orgasm more powerful than any he had ever experienced before rushed through Evan’s entire body, spreading outward from that g-spot in his boi-pussy. Lila rode her husband as he climaxed, perfectly matching her thrusts with each wave of sissy pleasure.

Ahhhhhhhhrrrr... Ooooooo... Yeeeeeeeeehs,” he moaned hotly and twisted and squirmed his way through the orgasm.

A moan escaped his lips as Lila buried the entire length of the strap-on each time. Thick ropes of fluid spurted from the tip of his clit and fell into his gaping mouth.

Eat that cum,” Lila urged. “You fucking cumslut.”

Each pump of Lila’s hips caused Evan to jet out another stream of semen, which splattered on his face, and he licked it greedily. She began to lessen her pace in time with his anal contractions, each one accompanied by an ecstatic moan. Gradually, he descended from the

heavenly plateau, and Lila came to rest with her dildo planted firmly inside her sissy husband’s asshole. Each was gasping for breath after the active session. She switched the vibrations off with a click. Taking a moment to regain her composure before she started withdrawing her silicone dildo from his tender boi-pussy. The sissy reveled in feeling the large phallus inside his belly. Evan gently whimpered as the feeling of fullness subsided before the head of the cock left his boi-pussy with a ‘plop.’

“Oh, baby. That was fantastic,” Lila said, still short of breath. “Did you enjoy it?” “Uh-huh,” was all Evan could manage.
Lila watched as her dutiful sissy husband swallowed every drop of semen he could find. “Now clean my dick, slut,” she ordered.
Without hesitation, Evan got on his knees, and the sissy man swallowed the head of the dildo

into his mouth, tasting his asshole on it. Licking off the residue of lube, blood, and shit, and greedily swallowed it all until the black phallus was clean and shiny with his spit. Lila then took off the strap-on and handed him the end that was in her cunt, and again he licked it all clean. As he was sucking greedily on the dildo, Lila lay on the bed on her back and spread her legs.

“Now come clean me,” she said, getting on the bed. “Show me how well you eat pussy.”

This was how their night ended, with Evan eating her pussy until she fell asleep. Then he turned and smiled at the Wi-Fi camera broadcasting the whole thing and waved. Suddenly, his cell phone buzzed, and Evan went to the bedside drawer on his side and picked it up.

There’s a text from Rod. Its message was simple: ‘Get over here. NOW!

Chapter 6

Evan remembered what Rod had told him after the blowjob the other day and quickly dressed in Lila’s clothes she wore that day, including her panties and bra. Then he put on the brunette wig he bought and went over to the black man’s house via their adjoining backyards. The back door was open, and Evan headed straight to the master bedroom, the one that faces his own where Lila now sleeps. Rod was on the bed naked; his big black cock was at full erection.

“About time you got here, slut,” he said. “I got a load of cum for you to eat.” “Yes, Rod,” Evan said, rushing to the bedside and falling to his knees. “Damn, Lila, you’re one horny bitch.”
“You need some help with that?” Evan asked.

“Damn straight. Get down here, bitch, and give this thing some loving,” Rod said hotly.

Since he had one leg up and the other on the ground, Evan got down on his knees a little diagonal to how the black man was sitting to give him better access to the big cock. Evan’s hand took the place of Rod’s hand, and he started stroking the fat monster. Rod put his hand on the couch armrest allowing the sissy white man full control. It didn’t take long for Rod to get completely hard. The sissy had forgotten how fat this cock was until he put his mouth on it again. When his mouth was accommodating Rod’s size, Evan started sucking it with regularity and rhythm. Rod slumped back just a little bit to enjoy the blowjob.

“Damn, Lila, I forgot how good you suck dick,” Rod said to the sound of Evan’s slurping. Evan frowned briefly when Rod called him by his wife’s name, but it didn’t perturb the horny sissy man. “Yeah, baby, suck my cock. Roll your tongue around the head. You know how I love it.”

Mmm,” was all Evan could moan, not wanting to disrupt his pace.

He was performing the ‘coke bottle’ technique on Rod. That’s when you bob (as much as one could on this huge cock) eight times, and then he jerks it the same number of strokes. The sissy kept alternating until the cock blew as if it was a shaken Coke bottle. He could feel Rod’s orgasm getting close.

Fuck, watching her fuck you like that was the hottest thing I ever saw,” Rod said.

With a mouth full of hard cock, Evan just moaned a response. He kept sucking and jerking Rod, wanting to make this magnificent black cock give him its hot creamy reward.

It wasn’t long after Evan felt Rod put his hand on the back of his head and yell out, “OH FUCK... I’M CUMMING.”

Evan could see his toes clinch up from his foot that was on the floor. He kept his mouth on Rod’s shooting cock, cum was squirting and spewing into his mouth. The sissy man didn’t want to stop jerking it until Rod was done. Rod’s cock eventually stopped erupting. Evan gradually closed his mouth as he gently pulled back, not wanting to lose any of the black man’s sperm. He was successful in getting off without a single drop escaping, and then the sissy swallowed it like a good cumslut should. The semen seemed slightly thicker than the last time and was just as salty but tasted even better.

After Evan had swallowed Rod’s semen, he said while trying to catch his breath, “Wow, watching Lila fuck me really turned you on, eh?

“Fuck, yeah, you really know how to take cock, bitch,” Rod said with a slight grin on his face. “You were born to be a sissy cock slut. I need some pussy, though, Lila. Blowjobs are OK, and all, but...”

“Can you go again so soon?”

Rod snorted dismissively. “I’m not your useless babydick husband, Lila. I’m a real man,” he barked.

Evan didn’t respond but felt many emotions.

“I hope you’re ready. No bitch has ever taken all of me inside their pussy before,” Rod warned.

“I’m nervous,” Evan whispered.

He played with Rod’s cock and gave it soft kisses. The cock had a deep cleft under its head like an upside-down heart, and Evan flicked his tongue inside the trench to get the monster to wake up again. The sissy would alternate the shaft and dig his face into the black man’s low-hanging balls. Evan’s lust was really building as he serviced this large black package. Rod relaxed, kept his hands to his side, and let Evan do his thing until his cock had grown fully erect to its proud twelve inches.

“If you keep this going, you’re gonna make me cum again, Lila. I want you to eat my ass. I hear your oral skills are great.”

What Rod meant was—he had heard Lila compliment her husband on his ability to eat pussy. Rod suddenly pushed the sissy away, got up off the bed, placed his hands on it, and spread his legs. Evan grabbed a footstool sitting beside the bathroom door and put it on the floor behind the black man. The sissy used his thumbs to pull apart Rod’s firm, muscular ass cheeks and gently stuck his tongue in and licked between the butt-crack.

“Yeah, that’s it. Get in there. It ain’t done right until you can taste my shit. That felt nice,” Rod said.

Evan continued to lick his crack and would periodically move down to the taint and balls. Rod would twitch whenever he hit a sensitive spot. Then Evan dug into Rod’s asshole with his tongue and circled the puckered eye, giving it a real going overusing many different techniques.

The sissy would start on the cheeks and then swirl his tongue around while moving closer to the entrance before wiggling it when he arrived. Evan pushed his tongue into Rod’s anus, tasting the nutty flavors on the other side.

“She wasn’t lying. You’re ‘the shit’ when it comes to oral,” Rod moaned.

The sissy continued to bury his face and tongue in Rod’s butt when the phone suddenly rang. The black man grabbed his cell phone without having to move. Evan didn’t know who it was and could only hear Rod’s comments.

“Yeah, I know... Hey, I knew you’d enjoy it, dawg... That’s some messed up shit, right... Look, dawg, I’m kinda busy, but I’ll let you know the next time they’re at it again... Yeah, later, dawg.” Evan actually slowed licking so he could hear Rod talk, but when the black man ended the call, he said, “What’s going on there, Lila? Keep that tongue rolling.”

Evan dug his face back into Rod’s butt and started licking the musky asshole again. Rod still had his legs spread and hands on the bed. The sissy man was also able to reach under and alternate, playing with his balls and stroking his cock with his palms facing upward. Then Evan stuck his tongue inside Rod’s anus and started fucking him with it. This was his signature move when it came to rim jobs, Lila loved this. Rod was groaning now. To get through such a muscular ass, the sissy slut must really spread his cheeks forcefully and end up eating Rod’s asshole for about twenty minutes. The taste of shit was strong. The black man had sissy saliva running down his balls and inner thighs.

Rod eventually pulled his ass away and turned around. His huge cock was sticking out, and it lightly smacked Evan on the cheek, which he loved. That’s when the sissy gasped again because every time he saw Rod’s cock, it was fantastic. The phallus was massive—like a veiny chocolate salami. At that moment, Evan thought there was absolutely no way it would fit in his asshole, even after Lila loosened it up with the big dildo. This black mamba seemed even fatter than before. The sissy could barely fit the head in his mouth. Evan took both hands and stroked.

“Massage that motherfucker,” Rod moaned. “Oh, fuck. I’m fixing to nut if you keep that up.”

Evan kept it up for a few more minutes until Rod slapped his hands away.

“It’s time to get ready for fucking,” Rod said hotly. “No slut has ever taken this dick all the way in her pussy, Lila. EVER. We’re about to see if you can be the first.”

Evan started to take off his clothes, but Rod stopped him.
“I want you to stay like that, bitch,” he growled.
Then Rod took the Vaseline, scooped out a considerable glob, and smeared it along the shaft

of his cock. Evan helped slick up Rod’s monster tool, yet the big man pushed him away. “Lean over the bed and pull your dress up, slut,” Rod ordered.
Evan obeyed, and Rod pulled his panties aside and stuffed greased fingers into his asshole.

The black man also made sure he smeared it around his anus very liberally. This sissy honestly believed it wouldn’t fit. Rod had said no person had ever taken his cock entirely, and here he was going to try. The next in line of God knows how many women and sissy’s before him.

Evan suggested the black man lay on the floor so he could squat on the big cock and control the entrance. That’s what they did. Even with the extra lube, the sissy had trouble sitting on the thing. It would start to go in, and he would pull it off because it honestly felt like it was tearing his asshole. The sissy did this another time or two but was starting to doubt this would even take place. Evan took a chance and sat all the way down on the massive cock, and it felt as if somebody shoved a baseball bat up his asshole and so he quickly removed the phallus.

Rod let him recover from the pain, then ordered, “We’re gonna do this, Lila. Now stand over there in front of the bed, bend over, and put your hands flat on it. Like I did when you ate my ass.”

As Evan prepared for a ‘baseball bat,’ Rod stood behind him and placed his cockhead on the sissy neighbor’s asshole. The big black man used his hand and started moving his dick along Evan’s ass crack. He wanted to work it around. The cockhead felt hot, and Evan was trembling. ‘It’s the decisive moment,’ Evan thought. Rod suddenly grabbed the sissy’s hips and started to enter his boi-pussy.

The sissy started to pull off again when Rod held his hips tighter and said, “Whoa... Whoa... Whoa... Don’t run from it... You gotta stay with it, Lila.”

Rod’s humongous cockhead eventually popped in, and Evan thought it might split him in half even though Lila’s strap-on had loosened him some. Evan turned to Rod and said, “I just don’t know if your cock will fit inside me. It’s bigger than the strap-on.”

“Relax, Lila. We’ll go slowly. I know you can do it,” Rod said.

The black stud lined his cock up for a second attempt. Again, when the head popped inside Evan’s asshole, the sissy neighbor felt like it was ripping him open. Yet, it didn’t hurt quite as badly as previous attempts. This time the sissy didn’t pull off but stayed still until he was comfortable with the enormous size.

“Stay still. Let me control it going in,” Evan said.

The sissy started backing up a little at a time. He could feel the big black cock sliding inside him and stretching his sphincter simultaneously. He was wincing while he moved, and when Evan thought about half of this fat black cock was up his asshole, he pulled off it again.

Almost there,” Rod groaned. He bent and spread Evan’s ass cheeks apart and continued. “You’re stretching out good. I think the next one will do it, Lila.”

The sissy white neighbor guided the big black cock into him a third time, and the cockhead entered his asshole without much pain.

“Alright, come on back,” Rod said as if directing traffic.

Evan started moving back slowly. Inch by inch, the massive black cock was disappearing up his butt. It still hurt, but the sissy eventually bumped into Rod’s pelvis, which meant there was no more for him to take. Evan had finally done it; his butt cheeks were touching Rod’s pubic hair and balls. The black man was entirely inside the sissy’s pussy, and Evan could keep him there—all twelve inches of the longest and fattest black cock you will ever see. The width of Evan’s little dick was the same as the width of the veins on this monster-cock.

Rod grabbed Evan’s hips again and started very gently pulling half out and then back in, so the sissy could learn to take it. Evan felt like Rod was fucking him with a baseball bat, but he knew it was a feeling he loved, too. The sissy had never felt so full, even with the strap-on or Lila’s vibrator. Rod’s thickness took that full feeling to another level.

Rod started to thrust his hips until he was nearly coming out of Evan’s asshole each time. He was finally enjoying fucking Lila or the next best thing to the curvy beauty—the substitute.

The black man started picking up the pace, and Evan could feel the thickness rubbing against his prostate and sucking in air, slightly bloating his stomach. Rod continued pounding his ass for another fifteen minutes. Then Rod suddenly pulled out and turned Evan around. The black man laid him on his back with his ass sticking over the edge of the bed. Rod then guided his huge cock back into Evan’s sissy pussy and started fucking it again like a beast.

Ooooo, Lila, your cunt feels so good on my black dick,” Rod moaned.

Evan’s legs were up in the air, and this bulging, muscular man was furiously fucking him. He could see the veins in Rod’s neck protruding, and a now sweaty, smooth, muscular chest was heaving with each thrust. Rod grunted each time he hit bottom, and the sissy admitted it hurt, but the pain mixed with intense pleasure too. Evan could also feel Rod’s balls slapping his butt cheeks with every thrust. The sissy’s clit was rock hard and tenting Lila’s panties at the front.

Yeah, Lila, take it,” Rod moaned. “Take that black dick. Damn, you’re fucking tight. I could fuck this pussy for days.

Rod was still pumping and sweating from his forehead. He then lifted Evan off the bed into a sitting position on his black cock while Rod stayed standing. This was a strong man to be able to hold and fuck Evan while standing, just like you do to women. Rod held the sissy with his hands cupping his ass cheeks. The black man was still standing and bouncing the sissy on his cock as fast as possible. Evan quickly wrapped his legs around Rod’s waist. This created a different feel for him, and he started cumming in Lila’s panties without so much as a touch on his clit.

Rod was now grunting. “Ugh... Ahhh... That’s it, Lila... Oh fuck... That’s one tight pussy... I’m gonna fucking nut too... Oh yeah...” The black man was using Evan’s body to jerk off. “Where do you want the gravy?” Rod groaned.

Evan grabbed Rod’s face. “A good sissy always takes it in the mouth,” Evan whispered. “You know I’ll swallow every drop. You’d like that, right?”

He kept his legs wrapped around Rod’s waist and started to kiss the black man on the neck softly. The kisses were light and sensual. By now, Rod was bouncing the sissy on his cock like a piston. Rod then laid Evan on the bed, grabbed him by his ankles, lifted his legs straight up in the air, and jackhammered his sissy pussy.

Fuck, Lila... Ahhh, yes... I gotta nice juicy load for you, cumslut,” Rod moaned. Rod was sweating and had an angry expression on his face. As he pulled his cock out of Evan’s asshole and squeezed it, trying to hold off blowing his load, Rod shouted, “Get down here and open your fucking mouth. Hurry, God damn it.”

In a flash, like a porn star, Evan jumped off the bed and got on the floor. He opened wide to accept Rod’s load. The black man growled loudly through clenched teeth and grabbed the back of Evan’s head with a hand to position it. While furiously beating his colossal meat, Rod put the head just inside Evan’s mouth, his flailing hand bumping the sissy’s chin with each stroke.

Rod moaned and angrily shot his load into Evan’s mouth. He kept jerking into Evan’s mouth with a pleasurable rage. Even though the sissy couldn’t see it, he could feel the warm cum spurt onto his tongue. With his head tilted back, the sissy neighbor could feel Rod’s semen collect in the back of his throat. Warm jizz accumulates in Evan’s mouth. Rod’s dick was so fat; the sissy could not swallow at this stage, so some of the thick semen spurted out the corners of his mouth. Evan could see Rod’s veiny forearms as he jacked off.

Take all that shit, cumslut,” Rod moaned while slowing down his jerking. Rod only lost a little of his hardness. That giant black cock was still hard and hanging heavily in front. After about a minute, Rod asked, “You ready for round two?”

Evan hadn’t even swallowed all of Rod’s semen yet, so with his mouth closed, he just nodded.

“Lila, I never get to fuck like this. Nobody can take this cock like you. I’m ready to go again.”

He took the Vaseline and scooped a glob on his huge cock again and stroked it until all the lube dispersed evenly. Then Rod lay on the bed, took Evan’s hand, and pointed his now shiny cock up toward the ceiling.

“Get up here and ride this motherfucker,” Rod moaned.

Evan stood on the bed while straddling Rod. He hiked up Lila’s dress and lowered his butt until the cockhead touched his sissy pussy, the panties still pulled aside on the back. Then the white sissy sat, and Rod’s big black cock went in without much trouble or pain. Evan would never have believed anyone could grow accustomed to such a thing, but he had. The sissy placed hands-on Rod’s chest for balance and then rode the humongous black pole. It felt so good for Rod he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

Ride that cock,” he groaned hotly. “Yeah, just like that... Don’t stop.”

Evan rode him for a good ten minutes when Rod asked him to turn around. The sissy then grabbed Rod’s knees and rode the black man another good five minutes in the reverse cowgirl position. Evan’s legs grew tired about halfway through, so he grabbed Rod’s knees and just rocked back and forth on the black cock. The white sissy’s clit also got hard again. Rod suddenly flipped Evan over on his back with his ass hanging over the side of the bed. The black man was furiously fucking the sissy pussy as hard as possible. Evan was surprised Rod still had the stamina after already cumming two times.

“Shit, I’m gonna cum,” Rod suddenly moaned.

His balls were slapping Evan’s ass again, and then suddenly, he slowed his pace and pulled out. Evan knew what to do and scrambled off the bed to kneel in front of the big man again. Rod tensed and howled as the third orgasm ripped through his body and exploded out of his cock. The black bull was quivering as he unloaded all his jizz into Evan’s mouth again. The sissy had the tip just in his mouth so he could swallow easier this time. His hot mouth filled again with creamy semen, a taste he loved. Rod was snorting, and as the dregs dribbled from his cockhead, Evan started to lick the big shaft clean of the nutty flavors of his sissy pussy. Then he licked the sweat off Rod’s deflated black balls.

When it was all said and done, the sun was coming up, and Evan needed to go home before his wife woke. It had been a busy night, but he felt terrific.


A few days passed, and Evan realized he hadn’t seen Rod since that fateful night. Eventually, they bumped into each other in the front yard as Evan was heading to his car to go to work. He was somewhat awkward at first, mirroring their last driveway conversation. Rod grinned as the big man scanned the thin body of the sissy.

“God, you almost look like a man in that suit, Lila,” Rod said with a leer.
“Um, well, I am...” Evan began. Rod’s laugh made him falter, butterflies in his stomach. “I bet you have your nice panties on for work today, am I right?”
“Show me,” Rod barks.
Not here,” Evan whispered, glancing around to see if anyone was nearby.
“Come on, Lila, stop messing about and show me.”
Evan sighed. He didn’t know why, but the sissy side of him, the beta weakling, felt so

inadequate and inept around the powerful black neighbor now. He put his briefcase down, unbuckled the gray suit pants, and dropped them to reveal the floral pink panties his wife wore yesterday. There was barely a bulge in the front, and Rod laughed.

“Are you keeping that clit and pussy nice and smooth for me?” Rod asked. “Yes, sir,” Evan said with a bright red face.

“Show me,” Rod said, and before the sissy husband could act, the black man pulled the panties partly down to expose Evan in public. Evan gasped and went to cover himself, but Rod quickly slapped his hands away. “Come on, Lila, show me,” Rod growled.

Evan stood still, staring down at his nub of a flaccid dicklette, smooth as a newborn baby. It made him look like a small boy. Rod nodded and took Evan’s little dink in his fingers and fondled it. “Mmmm, I love your clit, Lila,” he said hotly. “Now show me your tight pussy.”

The stunned sissy turned and bent to present his butt to Rod. After licking a finger, the big black man jammed it between Evan’s crack and started rubbing on the anus.
“Please,” Evan begs, “Not out here, people might see us... Lila might...

“Oh, shut up, Lila,” Rod said harshly. “Until your wife gives herself to me, the superior cock, I’ll treat you how I like.”

Evan glanced over his shoulder. “What if she never agrees?” he asked.

Rod shrugged and smiled wickedly. “Then you’ll be her substitute,” he said. Suddenly Evan gasped as the black neighbor pushed his thick finger inside his asshole. “You still feel nice and tight, Lila. Surprising after the fucking your cunt got the other night.”

Please, no,” Evan moaned as strange tingles grew in his loins from the finger rubbing his prostate.

Rod noticed the sissy husband’s dick was now hard, and pre-cum was forming on the tip. He shook his head and pulled his finger out of Evan’s sissy pussy. “We really need to put that clit of yours in chastity,” he said. “I think you better suggest it to your wife. Tell her you want it.”

“Why?” Evan asked.

“Cos I don’t want you touching yourself without permission,” Rod said. “She’ll have a key, and so will I. OK?” Evan nodded, his pants still around his ankles. “Good, go buy one today and show her tonight at dinner. Leave my key in the mailbox before you show her, though.”


“Now pull your fucking pants up, Lila,” Rod said with an evil grin. “You’re gonna get us arrested for public indecency, slut.”

As Evan quickly pulled his pants and panties back up, Rod walked off toward his house, laughing. With a quick look around to see if anyone was watching, Evan jumped into the car, his boner still throbbing for release, and drove to work.

Chapter 7

Later that night, Evan told Lila about the chastity cage while they were in bed.

“I’ve heard of them,” she said. “Do you really want one? It’d mean you couldn’t jerk off unless I take it off.”

“I think it’s the logical next step in our relationship,” Evan said, hoping she’d buy it.

She was silent as she thought it over. “OK, if that’s what you want. I guess you really are embracing this sissy lifestyle,” she said with a chuckle.

The next day, Evan picked up Lila from school, but instead of going straight home, she made him drive to a shopping precinct and stop outside a sex shop.

“Why are we stopping here?” Evan asked Lila.
“To buy your new cage,” she said. “Come on, let’s see what they’ve got.” “OK.”

They entered the sex shop, and the displays of DVDs and sex toys assaulted them immediately. Lila took Evan to the counter where a chubby brunette woman in her thirties wearing black domme gear was flicking through an adult magazine.

“Can I help you?” the woman asked.
“I need a chastity cage for him,” Lila said coldly.
Evan gasped and glanced around. “Not so loud, Lila.”
Lila glared at him. “Shut up, bitch. I’m the one in charge here, and I’ll be as loud as I like.” The woman behind the counter smirked. However, she’d heard it all before. “What size

cage?” she asks.
Lila shrugged. Then turning to Evan, she said, “Drop your pants and show the lady your dick

so she can measure it for your cage.”
“I can’t do that here,” Evan said red-faced.
“Why? Is it a teeny tiny little babydick?” the brunette shop assistant said with a smirk. “Yes, it is,” Lila said to the woman. “It might even be too small for a cage.”
“Stop,” Evan said, shaking his head. He wants the ground to open up and swallow him. “Cool,” the chubby assistant said with a smile. “I gotta see this.”
“Show her,” Lila said, tapping her foot.
He swallowed and sighed. Then, undoing his pants, he lowered them with his panties to just

below his small bald balls. The women stare at it for a moment.
“Jesus, that’s the smallest dick I’ve ever seen,” the brunette said and laughed. “I think we’ll

have one that fits. I recommend the no shaft cages for that babydick.”
Lila nodded. “Do you have those with spikes in them?” she asked the brunette.
“What?” Evan groans while the brunette laughs.
“You must’ve been bad, babydick. If your mistress wants one of those, you must’ve been a

very naughty sissy boy. But that dick is too small for a cage like that,” the sex shop clerk said with a grin. “Come on, follow me.”

Evan went to pull up his pants, and Lila barked, “I never said you could do that.”

They ended up in front of a shelf with various male chastity cages in the racks. The shop assistant produced a small ruler out of her pocket and quickly measured Evan’s soft dick.

“Hmm, let’s see,” she said and reached for a box. “This one should do it. It’ll make it look like he’s got no dick.”

“He already looks like that without the cage,” Lila said, rolling his eyes.

“True,” the assistant nodded. “But with this, he won’t be able to get a little stiffie or jerk off.”

The brunette hands it to Lila, who examined the box. Then she gives it to Evan, saying, “Put it on.”

“What, now?” Evan moaned, glancing around the shop. No one was taking any notice of them.

“Yes, I need to get home, so put the cage on.”

He sighed, knowing this was what Rod wanted, too. He opened the box and pulled out the pieces. The shop assistant instructed him on what to do. He put his balls through the bottom ring, then slid his dick into the spiky small tube, and last, the shop assistant clicked them together and put a small metal padlock on it. Then she handed Lila the keys.

“If you lose the keys, we have a service where we can discreetly cut the lock away,” she said.

Lila stared at Evan’s now-caged dick and smiled. “I hope you’re happy, Evan. Now go pay the nice lady, and don’t pull your pants up until you’re at the front door ready to leave.”

The assistant laughed. “You’re badass,” she said to Lila, showing a hint of arousal. “Somebody has to keep these babydick men in line,” Lila said and laughed.
The next morning, Lila took the cage off so Evan could shower and clean his genitals. Then,

once he had finished, with a subtle click, the lock snapped shut, fastening the chastity cage again onto his small soft dick. Its icy cold grip encased his manhood and left him feminized and emasculated. Lila slid the key onto a small silver chain and looped it around her neck, giving his cage a small pat afterward.

“That’s much better, all safely locked up. How long should we make it until your first release, two weeks or a month?” Lila jokingly asked as if he had a choice. She spun around and opened her hamper to reveal her dirty clothes. “Lacy black or floral pink today?’ she inquired.

“Uh... Lacy black, please,” Evan croaked shyly.

“Don’t be bashful. You look gorgeous in these, especially with your little clit all firmly caged up.” She tossed the panties to him, and Evan slid them up over his clean-shaven legs, covering his feminine bulge. It couldn’t get more humiliating than this. Lila reached over and picked up her strap-on harness, buckling it around her legs.

“Already?” Evan asked sheepishly.

“Why not? Just because you can’t use your dick doesn’t mean I can’t use mine. This will just help cement your place as my little sissy.”

She pulled out the large, black dildo they called ‘‘Rod after their neighbor and fastened it around her waist. Coming down to give him a quick kiss, she guided his head to her cock to his mouth.

“Come on, open up. Let me see you suck me off.”

Evan quickly complied and opened his lips greedily, taking her ten-inch length down his throat. It felt so wrong yet so right. ‘This is what I was meant to do, who I was meant to be,’ he thought. He moved his head back and forth, feeling his dick squeeze against the flat cage cage, all to no avail. Lila guided his head back and forth, whispering words of praise while she admired his work. He was enjoying himself, developing a rhythm, and just letting all thoughts dissipate, focusing only on the task at hand.

After a few blissful minutes, she pulled out and gave him another passionate tongue kiss. “That’s a good sissy. Always willing to serve. Let me get into something more proper before I fuck your pussy senseless.”

Evan’s dick was oozing pre-cum as he waited, leaking through the round disk with holes in it on the cage. It was locked tightly, and the key was around her neck, his wife’s neck. He worried about how he could get a key to Rod and was thinking of possible plans while he waited. Evan could see the keys glinting in the light, taunting him as she lubed up the thick, black strap-on attached to her waist. Lila looked stunning, wearing an inky black leather corset, silky pantyhose, and a lacy black bra.

He pawed at his dick helplessly, trying to release some of the pressure. Still, it was hopeless, just eliciting a pitiful laugh from her. “Don’t think you can get out of your cage, honey,” Lila tauntingly remarked.

He whined in futility, resigned to his place as her sissy bitch. She stepped toward him, rubbing her thick black cock, teasing its head.

“Ass up,” she said, slapping his thigh playfully.

Evan hurriedly turned over, not wanting to upset his beautiful wife. She reached her hand forward between his legs and teased his locked dick, and squeezed his small balls. He shivered as she slid her finger around in the dripping pre-cum before sliding it into his mouth.

“So wet for me, aren’t you desperate today? You’re addicted to your sissygasm, aren’t you?’ Lila whispered in his ear.

“Yes, Lila,” he groaned. “They’re better than my dick orgasms.”

She laughed and toyed with his asshole, rubbing the head of her cock around, pressing it in slightly. Slowly, she inched forward, spreading his rosebud and eliciting a gasp, giving way to a moan of pleasure. She started moving her hips, gently at first but gaining speed and rhythm. Evan’s mind was blank as she filled him up with her girthy cock, pressing against his prostate. Just like the useless appendage it is, his dick and balls bounced back and forth, continuing to leak, much to her chagrin. It served no purpose but to further his humiliation and cement his place as her sissy slut, only able to cum through his ass.

She continued pressing into him, and I could feel the white-hot building of orgasmic pleasure starting in his abdomen and spreading out across his body. Evan pushed back against her cock, taking it so willingly, wanting it to go deeper and harder. Without warning, it happened. He called out her name, moaning as she gave one final thrust. Spurts of thick, hot jizz erupted out of his caged dick and dripped out of the holes. She pulled out, leaving him gaping, aching to go again. Rubbing his cage to collect the dripping semen, she pulled his head back and tipped it down his throat.

‘Good sissy, you did cum for me. Now I need some oral love from you. Let me go get out of this, and then you can eat my pussy all morning.”

With that, she gave his cage a sultry lick and retreated off to the bathroom, leaving him a panting mess on the bed. His phone buzzed, and it was a text from Rod. ‘Once she’s finished with you, come over here and suck my cock,’ it read.

“A sissy’s work is never done,” he whispered to himself.
The next day, after Lila went to work, Evan found the keys to his cage on her dresser and

couldn’t believe his luck. He immediately took them to a nearby mall and had an extra one cut. Then, he returned home and put the keys back so Lila wouldn’t be suspicious. Evan quickly dressed in Lial’s clothes, did his makeup, and donned his wig. Off he went next door.

After he handed the key to his chastity cage over to Rod, he noticed the black man’s cock was pushing his jeans out. Rod made him feel scared and excited at the same time. It didn’t help to see that tent he was pitching under his jeans. ‘God, I love that cock,’ Evan thought.

Rod took his time, but eventually, he stood and undid his slacks and pushed them down so his big black cock sprang free. It was fully erect. Evan’s heart skipped a beat and then raced. He was stunned, sitting there on the edge of the chair. From the side, Rod’s cock was magnificent. The black man turned slowly toward him, and Evan saw his cock go from a side view to a head-on view. The head of his shaft was flat, with a thick vein running down the center. It curved upward perfectly. The shaft was sort of heart-shaped and not perfectly round. Each side swelled and looked more like two dicks side by side. It’s wider than a soda can near the upper part of the shaft.

Bushy black hair was at the base of the thick shaft. The lower side of the shaft distended like the throat of a dragon. The head of Rod’s cock was the size of an apple and had a large mushroom head with thick wavy edges that turned upward at the back of the head. Evan had never seen a cockhead so big and perfectly shaped as Rod’s. It stuck out proudly and curved up

toward the ceiling—the huge blood-filled veins snake along each side of the shaft. The thick bottom side looked like it was big enough to have a garden hose inside it. It was mesmerizing. It was moving in small circles, jerking and twitching, yet Rod didn’t touch it with his hands.

The black man just let Evan stare at it as it moved around on its own. It was like a cobra moving around. Evan couldn’t take his eyes off it. Rod’s balls were huge, too. They hung down at least six inches beneath the super thick shaft and looked like two baseballs in a hairy sac. Evan couldn’t stop staring.

“You love this cock. Do you, Lila?” Rod asked.

Evan couldn’t answer. His mind was blank. The white man’s mouth just gaped open, and his face felt hot. He could sense copious amounts of saliva dripping across his lower lip and down his chin. Still, he just sat there with his mouth open and his eyes glued to that hypnotic, huge black cock, jerking in circles, pointing right at him only a few feet away.

Rod laughed and said, “Damn, look at your nipples.”

Evan broke his gaze from Rod’s cock and peered down at his chest. They’re swollen and distended out about an inch or so. ‘What is this?’ Evan wonders. ‘Why are my nipples doing this?’ The tips had grown at least an inch long. They looked like the end of a baby bottle. They’re so full of blood, swollen and red.

Something touched his forehead. Evan gazed up to see that huge cock was right in front of him. His jaw dropped. It was no more than an inch from his nose, and he could see a considerable drop of pre-cum forming coming out of the slit. That slit must’ve been an inch long. It was so close Evan could smell it. The smell was intoxicating. Evan’s head was spinning. He was hypnotized, watching this big black cock moving in circles in front of him.

“Come on, girl. I ain’t got all day,” Rod growled.

Evan licked the significant drop of pre-cum off the slit. ‘God, I love this cock,’ he thought. The taste was mouth-watering, salty, but sweet. He has tunnel vision. A rush of heat came over Evan, starting from his tongue and lips. It spread to his face and neck. Then, it spread down his chest and stomach. Butterflies hit his tummy, and the fever spread to his legs and feet. It felt like he was on fire.

The huge cock moved closer and tried to push into his mouth. Evan instinctively opened wider to allow the cockhead to slide past his lips. He heard himself moan. This huge cock wanted in his mouth, and he was helping it. Evan tasted more salty pre-cum. Instantly, his mouth salivated for more. Saliva was dripping from his chin. It wasn’t easy, but Evan got the head in his mouth.

“That’s it, girl,” Rod moaned.

This startled Evan as he realized the cock’s attached to a person. He gazed up at Rod as he towered over him and was at once embarrassed. It was as if he was hypnotized by this giant cock. Rod thrust his cock forward, trying to get more of it inside Evan’s mouth.

“Don’t stop now, girl.”

Rod was pushing it into his mouth. Evan stared at the black man’s stomach, and it seemed a foot away. There’s no way he could get any closer, no matter how hard he pushed that cock into his mouth. He stroked Rod’s cock while sucking on the huge mushroom head, trying to get more pre-cum out of it. Even with both hands wrapped around it and the cockhead in his mouth, there’s still more length to it, at least three more inches. After a few minutes of blissful sucking this fat cockhead, Evan felt Rod pinching his swollen nipples.

Your face is so red right now,” the black man moans. “Your lips are swollen and look so pretty. They feel so good on my cock.”

All Evan could do was moan at his encouragement as he slobbered all over his fat cockhead. His lips protrude obscenely from his mouth, wrapping around the massive shaft. Rod grabbed his lips with his fingers and stretched them further out over the thick shaft. He pulled them out really far. Evan could easily see them protruding at least two inches past his nose. It felt good. It must’ve been quite a sight for Rod to look down at those grossly protruding lips on his cock. Evan was glad that Rod liked what he was doing, that he pleased the man with his mouth. It made him feel good that he could please a superior man like this.

Rod stroked Evan’s wig-covered head and said, “You’re beautiful, Lila. That feels so good. I love it when you suck my cock.”

Evan loved hearing him say the things he was saying and wanted to please the old man. Rod started thrusting his hips, shoving his cockhead in and out of Evan’s slippery wet lips. The sissy’s drooling profusely. Snot’s running out of his nose, and his eyes are watery and glazed over. Evan’s losing control of his senses. He rolled his eyes up in the back of his head in pleasure.

“I love seeing the whites of your eyes when you do that,” Rod moaned.

The black man’s cock was getting even harder and fatter. The head swelled more as it hit the back of Evan’s throat. It seemed to make more progress with each thrust. Evan relaxed and let it happen.

“You’re amazing. You don’t gag at all. Try to take more of it, Lila,” Rod said hotly.

It slid in and out, going further each time. Rod grabbed the back of Evan’s head and pushed hard. Evan felt his throat stretch over the crown as the cock pushed it open and slid all the way inside. The old man’s ball sac pushed against Evan’s chin, and his nose buried into pissy pubic hairs.

Rod pulled out and said, “Good girl, you’re doing it. Only you can deep-throat my cock.” Evan felt proud. He pushed the cock back down his throat repeatedly, faster and faster. “I’m gonna cum. You better keep your mouth open and swallow it. You understand, girl?

Rod ordered.
Evan nodded and moaned in agreement. The black man grabbed both sides of his head and

started thrusting faster. His ball sac tightened, and his cock got really hard.
Here it comes. Keep your mouth open.”
Rod squeezed Evan’s head, let out a long guttural moan like a beast, and suddenly pulled out

of the sissy’s mouth. As he pulled away, still holding Evan’s head firmly, lips stretching wide as the swollen head pulled at them, the curvy edge of the cockhead pulled free with a plopping sound. A stream of jizz was shooting out the end of his cock, creating a continuous attachment to Evan. This stream continued as he backed his cock away from Evan.

Rod held on to Evan’s head the whole time. The sissy opened his mouth as wide as he could and watched wide-eyed as Rod expertly aimed the stream as it arched from his cockhead into Evan’s mouth. It was as if he was peeing semen. The flow got more energetic and went up Evan’s face. It shot across his nose, between his eyes, and onto his forehead, soaking his wig hair. As it started to subside, the stream of jizz went back down his forehead, nose, and again into Evan’s mouth.

Evan's never seen anyone ejaculate like that except Rod. It lasted for at least fifteen seconds. He didn’t know it was even possible to ejaculate like that. Another heatwave engulfed his entire body all at once. Rod’s semen was creating a chemical reaction in Evan’s body.

The black bull said, “Let me see you swallow my load, Lila.”

Evan gazed into Rod’s eyes, closed his mouth, and swallowed the mouthful of semen. He had to swallow three times to get it all down. There was so much of it.

“Damn, that was great. I needed that,” Rod said. “Thanks for bringing the key over.” *****
This was how things rolled for the next few months, with Lila becoming increasingly

dominant in the bedroom. While the neighbor, Rod, took out his lust for the curvy brunette on her sissy husband. Evan had become the plaything of both, and he loved every minute of it, even if he rarely got to cum, thanks to the chastity cage. Dressing in feminine clothes really turned the sissy husband on too, and he soon reached a point of using makeup and lingerie in his repertoire.

However, while Lila was enjoying dominating her husband, she didn’t know about the double life her sissy husband was now living. She was clueless that her husband was her substitute in Rod’s bedroom, that Evan became her and took that big black cock inside his sissy pussy or mouth on her behalf. Lila didn’t know Rod was watching her sex with Evan. Other times, the neighbor watched her dress or masturbate, thanks to the Wi-Fi camera Evan hid in the bedroom. She also didn’t know several of the neighborhood men also had the password to the Wi-Fi camera (thanks to Rod). Nearly everyone on the block knew her sex life.

Chapter 8

One day, an invitation to a costume party arrived—a party about ten houses up at Keith and Pamela Hutchens's home. The stipulation was that the husband must dress as a female and the wife as a male. Evan liked the idea already, and despite Lila initially being reluctant as she barely knew the neighbors, she agreed to go.


Eventually, the night of the costume party arrived. Evan looked spectacular dressed as Harley Quinn, even Lila was impressed with how feminine he appeared. The wig was dyed precisely like the cartoon characters, and he had thick red lipstick on, a heart on his cheek, and even a gold collar with the word ‘Puddin’ on it. Lila dressed as the Joker, with green hair, a purple suit, and ‘Heath Ledger’ style makeup. Evan was nervous yet excited he could be in public dressed in feminine clothes like this. He planned to avoid Rod at the party and leave early. This way, Evan hoped Rod wouldn’t get the chance to make him reveal this sissy secret.

It was not a brilliant plan, but it was the only thing that occurred to the sissy man.

When the couple approached the Hutchens’s house, they could hear the music. It seemed there were no noise restrictions tonight, as most of the block was at the costume party. Evan was impressed. The house appeared new, big, and modern, way too expensive for Keith Hutchens, who worked as a high school teacher.

The front door was open, so they entered. From the inside, the house seemed beautiful and stylish. Evan and Lila follow the music until they get to a hallway. There, they could see Rod dressed as Morpheus from The Matrix and chatting with two men, laughing with a glass of beer in his hand. Most likely, his infamous homebrew. The big black man waved as the couple approached. He gave them a warm welcome. Then, Lila went for a drink and talked with one of the women there called Celia, who lived a few houses down, and Evan stayed with Rod.

“Hey, Rod, how are you,” Evan said, taking a beer. “I like the costume.” “Hey, you lookin’ fine tonight, girl,” Rod said, slapping Evan on his firm ass. “I hope we can keep things ‘normal’ tonight.”
“Ain’t nothing normal about you, Harley Quinn,” Rod said with a firm tone.

The men nearby laughed, and Evan blushed.

“Well, yes, maybe, dressed like this, but look...” Evan said, glancing from man to man with a red face. “Please, don’t embarrass me here at the party. You know what I’m talking about.”

“Calm down, and have an enjoyable time,” Rod said and smiled, winking at his friends. “We’re all planning to, so why don’t you do the same.”

Joe, from across the road, a burly white man dressed in a Ghostbusters costume, said, leering at Evan, “Shit, if I were drunk enough, I’d hit that. You really look like a hot woman dressed like that.”

“Don’t you worry about Harley here,” Keith Hutchens said, dressed as Princess Leia, complete with a wig and long white dress. “She knows how to take it.”

Evan grimaced. ‘Why are they talking like this?’ he wondered. ‘Rod promised me he’d behave tonight, but these guys are acting like they know what’s going on. Has he been telling people behind my back?’

After a sigh, Evan said, “Thanks, Rod.”
“No problems; just relax and enjoy the party. What do you think of Keith’s house?” “Honestly, it’s amazing,” Evan said, glancing around the visible areas from the hallway.

“How do you afford it on a teacher’s salary?”
“My wife’s family is rich,” Keith said with a shrug, “They paid for it.”
“Wow, you’re full of surprises. Where is Karen?”
Keith pointed to the person in the Darth Vader costume. “There she is, mistress of this

“Lila is a teacher too,” Evan said, not understanding Keith’s comment. “Have you met her?” Keith nodded. “I’ve seen her,” he said, then winked at Rod, who chuckled. “But we work at

different schools.”
“You should see the master bedroom. You’d love it,” Rod suddenly said with a confident

“Maybe you can show me,” he said softly. When Evan realized what he just said, the man

“You can bet on it, girl,” and Rod rubbed the outline of his big bulge.
Evan shivered. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that.”
“Relax, girl, I was joking. Stay here. I’ll get us a drink.”
Rod squeezed past the sissy neighbor and deliberately rubbed his bulge against Evan’s butt.

As wrong as it was, Evan must admit it turned him on. Luckily, no one saw it, or so he thought. Joe followed Rod to the bar, talking the whole time and the black man laughing. Keith gazed at Evan with a sweet smile and soft eyes.

“You really fit in around here,” Keith said.
“Yeah? It’s a nice neighborhood, I guess,” Evan returned.
“Nice for men like us.”
Evan frowned and sneered. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Keith’s body stiffened. “I just mean, we’re both men with hot wives,” he said with raised

eyebrows. “I better go check on the food. I don’t wanna get Darth Vader angry now,” and Keith imitated getting choked by ‘The Force’ and then laughed. “Talk to you later, hope you have a wonderful time tonight.”


Lila returned later from her chat with Celia and some other women with a big smile and an almost empty glass of wine in her hand. She was not drunk, but Evan would say it was not her first for the night.

“Are you enjoying the party, honey?” Evan asked.
“Sure. This house is amazing.”
“I know, apparently, Keith’s wife’s family paid for it.”
“I’m glad for them.”
“Me too.”
“By the way, Keith’s bisexual?” she told Evan like it was nothing.
He almost spat out the beer he was drinking. “No, no, are you sure?”
“Quite sure, she just told me he liked getting fucked by men. Did you know about that?” “No, I didn’t. What about Pammy? How does she deal with it?”
Lila drew closer to speak in a faint voice despite the fact no one could hear her over the loud

music. “Celia told me Keith was a sissy like you,” she said. “Apparently, he has a small dick too. So Pammy got her sex from other guys, um, she called it, err, cuckling or something.”

“Cuckolding,” Evan said evenly.

“Oh, you’ve heard of it?” Lila asked with raised eyebrows. Evan nodded. She kissed him on the cheek and said, “Don’t worry, sweetie. I’d never do that to you. You’re my man, even if you are womanlier than me.”

“Dressed like this, I am,” he agreed.

Then it hit Evan as he gazed around the party. Several men were dressed as women and their wives as men, yet most of the others present dressed according to their gender. He spotted Rod, the only bull he knew, and wondered if there was a secret code to how the guests were looking.

“Honey, who told you that I was to dress like a female and you as a male?” he asked Lila as she had received the invitation.

“Um, Celia told me,” she said with a shrug. “But it looks like not everyone got the memo.”

‘No, because not everyone is like us,’ Evan thought. ‘Everyone here knows about Lila and me, and probably Rod too. Everyone except Lila, that is. I think we better leave before the alcohol really kicks in.’

“You’ll never guess who Pammy fucked?” Lila asked with a silly grin as if a schoolgirl sharing gossip.

ROD, can you believe it?” Lila said and burst out laughing.
Evan could believe it, and he smiled awkwardly, trying to go along with his wife’s delight but

feeling as if he was treading shark-infested waters.
“She just told me Rod had a cock like my forearm, but I knew that already from the window

incident. Remember?”
“Yes, he’s well-hung,” Evan said with a squeak.
Lila shivered at the memory. “There’s no way I’d let a cock that big fuck me... OUCH,” she

said wistfully. “Can you imagine it? God, I hate cheaters.”
She screwed her face, and Evan felt his body tremble, knowing that massive cock had fucked

him many times in the last few months.
“But if Keith is a cuckold, then he consented, right?” Evan asked. “Surely that made it OK?” “Maybe.”
“What did Keith get out of this arrangement?”

Lila shook her head. “Don’t know, but I think Rod fucks him too,” she said. “This neighborhood is so fucking weird.”

“What else did Celia say?”
“Celia told me there’s a swinger scene here where anything goes,” Lila said.
“What about her?” Evan said, trying to change the subject. “What’s her perversion?” “Well, let’s just say that Celia doesn’t pass up a wet pussy, but who can blame her for that.” “Do you also like eating pussy?” Evan asked wide-eyed.
“I did it a few times in college,” Lila said with a giggle.
“You never told me about it?”
Lila shrugged. “I never thought of it until now.”
“What happened?” Evan asked, feeling his small dick tighten in the cage.
“One night, I was drunk, and a friend challenged another girl and me to kiss, and we did it.

At first, it was only on the lips, no big deal, but it went a bit further than it should have.”
“You liked it?”
“The feeling of doing something ‘wrong’ was like a shot of adrenaline,” Lila said, her face

glowing. “I just couldn’t stop. I needed to touch her tits with my hands and lick her nipples with my tongue. Then, I bent between her legs, pulled her dress up, took off her panties, and started eating out her pussy.”

“That’s so hot,” Evan moaned.

“While I did it, I caressed her firm rounded buttocks. After that, she also did that to me, and we ended up sixty-nining. It was one of my hottest sexual experiences ever. We did it a few times after that until she got an actual girlfriend.”

“You never cease to amaze me,” Evan said with a smile. “You didn’t do it again?”

She giggled. “I might eat your pussy later, Harley,” Lila said hotly. “You’ll be definitely eating mine with that talented mouth of yours.”

‘Is this the moment to tell her about what’s been happening between Rod and me?’ he wondered. ‘She’s more open-minded than I thought.’ Then he realized that admitting what was going on with Rod would make him a ‘cheater’ in her eyes, and that was one thing Evan knew Lila hated.

“That’s why you say I eat pussy as well as any lesbian. You’ve had personal experience,” Evan said, poking her in the ribs and making her laugh.

“It’s our little secret,” she said with a sweet smile and a kiss.

Just then, Rod came from behind, taking the couple by surprise. “Hey, lovebirds, too early for that, isn’t it?” Rod said with a big smirk. Then he put his arms over their shoulders and said, “Come with me. I’ll introduce you to some of the neighbors you haven’t met yet. I’m sure that they’d like you both very much.”

To be honest, the neighbors seemed ‘normal.’ There were eight couples present: four single men and three single women. All of them were nice to Lila and Evan, and between that and the alcohol, the couple fit in well. After an hour of drinking shots, it was like being with old friends. Evan was starting to really enjoy the party, forgetting all about the underlying sexual politics going on, when suddenly the music stopped, and everyone went quiet. Rod stepped into the middle of the living room, where everyone gathered.

“Well, well, well, are you all having fun?” he roared. “Yes,” Everybody answered in unison.
“But you want more, right?”

“You all know these parties often come with a surprise, and I never disappoint,” Rod said. “Tonight, we have two new neighbors here, and it’s important for Pammy and Keith, our hosts, they have a perfect time tonight. So, I’m gonna ask you to help.”

Without thinking, Evan shouted, “It was a great party. Thanks for the warm welcome.” “The night is young, girl. Enjoy the show,” Rod said with a smile.
The lights went down. Evan took for granted an erotic show was about to start, a stripper or

something of that nature. That made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he could live with it. ‘What the hell, enjoy the moment,’ he thought. Then, a white screen was lowered to the left, and the projector switched on. It took a while until the image was clear. The video showed a familiar-looking room, taken from one side, and it displayed a close-up of a door. Evan had no idea what was happening until the door opened, and Rod appeared.

‘No, no, please, no, not that, please, no,’ Evan suddenly thought in a panic. Then he showed up in the film, dressed in Lila’s clothes and wearing a black wig. Before he could react, everybody, including Lila, was watching the sissy man on his knees, sucking Rod’s massive cock viciously. The quality was excellent, so all the details were stark.

Evan almost fainted and grabbed a nearby chair to steady himself. For some minutes, he was unable to react, and anyway, it was too late. The sissy man felt like it was a bad dream. ‘How is it possible?’ he wondered. ‘Rod had everything planned for sure. My marriage is ruined. Lila knows everything now. It’s right there on the screen.’ What brought the sissy back to reality was he remembered this day. Lila was at work, and she called while Rod was using him. Rod made him talk to Lila while Evan sucked the mammoth cock. ‘I cannot allow Lila to see me speak to her while I’m sucking Rod’s cock,’ he thought.

He turned to see Lila staring at the screen with bulging eyes, her mouth agape, and her breathing heavy.

Lila... Lila, I wanted to tell you,” Evan said, tears streaming down his face. “Please, come home, honey. Let’s talk about it. This is too humiliating.”

“I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you, Evan,” Lila growled. “Unless you want this to be the end of our marriage?”

Evan sighed and stayed merely silent, grinding his teeth as he watched his wife’s face. He could see himself sucking greedily on the massive black cock. The room was dark, and the sissy didn’t look at anything other than the film and Lila standing beside him, but Evan could hear their comments and jokes.

“Look at that, what a sissy faggot,” Joe said and laughed.
“He sure knows how to suck a dick,” another female neighbor said.
“You kiss your wife with that mouth?” Celia shouted.
“I can’t believe he can swallow so much cock. He’s a pro.”
Worst of all, Evan was getting hard from watching the scene, and his small dick ached inside

the confines of the chastity cage. When he saw himself offering his sissy pussy to the enormous cock, Evan felt he wanted to be there again despite the extreme humiliation. Rod pulled the blue skirt up and Lila’s purple panties down and started to finger his sissy pussy. The room erupted with laughter again.

“And there it is,” Joe shouted, pointing at the screen. “Fuck, Keith, I think it’s smaller than your little dick.”

“It doesn’t even hang,” Celia said. “It’s like a clit.”

Keith’s wife Pammy said, “Keefy, it looks like you’ve lost the crown as the smallest dick in the neighborhood, darling.”

“Yes, dear,” Keith said, blushing.

“Oh, Lila...” Celia shouted, gazing at the red-faced brunette. “How do you put up with such a tiny, tiny dicklette?”

Lila didn’t get a chance to respond as the group collectively gasped as Rod buried his massive cock, balls deep, into Evan’s asshole. There was sudden applause, and Evan realized it was for him.

“Bravo, I haven’t seen any man or woman take Rod’s cock all the way before,” Joe said with a smile. “That’s fucking impressive.”

The neighbors seemed to agree as they settled in to watch the ass-pounding Rod started giving Evan, still mostly dressed in Lila’s clothes. The final act was when Evan cums without touching himself with twelve inches of black Mandingo cock buried in his sissy pussy. They applauded again as little streaks of semen spurted from his pathetically small dick. When it was finished, the lights came on. Evan could see everyone in the room staring at him and making fun.

Someone said, “Look at him. I bet he’s hard right now and wants more.”

Evan wanted to escape, to run, but his feet seemed glued to the spot. When he focused a little more, Evan realized the couples were kissing and groping each other. He gazed at Rod, and Pammy was obscenely rubbing the black man’s crotch.

“Hey, Harley Quinn, it seems we have something in common, eh?” Pammy said with a smirk. “Pammy... I’m sorry,” Evan said with a shiver.
“Don’t be. I love it when Rod turns other men into sissy beta cucks. By the way, you take

this cock better than me, you fucking faggot bitch.”
Evan summoned the courage to look at Lila. She didn’t really seem angry. It was more like

Lila was trying to find the right words. Eventually, she asked, “How long has this been going on?

“Since that day at the pool,” Evan said softly, head down. “That was the first time.” “Why? I didn’t even know you had it in you.”
“I don’t know,” Evan said. “Something about Rod just made me.”
“Why are you in my clothes?” Lila asked with a frown.

“Rod said he really wanted to fuck you. I was just your substitute,” Evan said with a sob.

“So, all this sissy stuff came from Rod? The pegging, body shaving, lingerie, and chastity cage.”

Evan nodded. “And me, I like it.”
“I just can’t believe it,” Lila said, shaking her head.
“Please, forgive me. I’ll do anything, but please, I beg you.”
“OK, I’ll forgive you on one condition.”
“Whatever, I’ll do anything to earn your forgiveness,” Evan said without hesitation. “Are you sure?”
“Good, then it’s time to do what you’re made to do.”
Lila rolled her eyes. “You know exactly what I mean. We all know.”
He gasped as a smile formed on Lila’s face. “But I didn’t bring you here for that,” Evan

“So, you’re not only a cheater but a liar too?”
There was a tense silence in the room. All eyes were on Evan and Lila.

“OK, if that’s what you want. I’ll do it,” Evan whispered harshly.
Lila pointed to the screen. “It’s not what I want. It’s what you want,” she said coldly. “Please, not here, in front of all these people.”
Rod suddenly said, “You still don’t understand, girl.” Evan stared at Rod wide-eyed and

mute. “These people came here for a show. What do you say, everyone, do you wanna see the show?”

YES,” all thundered.

The sissy man dressed as Harley Quinn now got it. He was set up. The reason for this party all had to do with outing him to the neighborhood. He turned to Lila and sighed. “You knew everything, didn’t you?” he asked flatly.

“Of course, who do you think shot that video?” she said. “It was taken from our bedroom window. I knew from the first night you went over and took Rod up the ass after I fucked you with the strap-on.”


“I got up to go to the toilet, and you weren’t home,” she said. “I happened to look out the window, and Rod’s curtains were partly open, and there you were—taking that big cock up your ass dressed in my clothes.”

“But why didn’t you say anything?” Evan said, placing his hands on his chest.

“I was going to believe me,” Lila said with hard eyes. “I was ready to divorce you right there and then.”

“But you didn’t.”

“I noticed how happy you were,” she said, turning away. “I realized I couldn’t make you that happy. You needed—this. I felt sorry for you, actually.”

There was a chortle from the watching neighbors.

She felt sorry for me,’ Evan thought, feeling his heartbreak. His head dropped, and he sighed. “OK, what do I do?”

“These people expect a show,” Lila said with a slight smile. “Take off your clothes.” Evan hesitated to glance at the watching faces. Lila rolled her eyes and said, “Come on, there’s nothing everyone here hasn’t already seen.”

Evan nodded and started taking off the Harley Quinn costume.
“Leave the wig on,” Rod shouted. “You’re still a sissy bitch.”
Now it was a nightmare, naked with everybody watching and staring at his caged little

“He needs a smaller cage,” Joe said with a sneer.
“It’s the smallest one you can buy,” Rod said, and people laughed.
“Wow, what a pathetic babydick and baby balls,” Celia said, and others nodded their

“I think it’s a pretty little dicklette,” Pammy said with a smile. “I think it’s sad because it

misses the company of a big cock. But we’ll solve that—on your knees, Evan—and take out Rod’s cock. We want to see how you take care of him,” she ordered the sissy man.

The nude sissy went to his knees in front of Rod without complaining. He unbuttoned Rod’s pants slowly. The black man’s underpants were tight, and Evan could see the outline of his beautiful member. This made the sissy neighbor aroused again. He pulled the underpants down, and there it was, a thing made for touching and tasting.

“Come on, honey. You want to do it. Get the big black cock hard for us,” Pammy said.

Evan tasted Rod’s still flaccid cock as if it was the cream on a cake. He took the big ball sacks in his hands while he did. The sissy felt watched, but it didn’t matter anymore. On the contrary, it increased his feelings of submission and humiliation, which in turn added to Evan’s arousal. The smell, taste, shape, heat, and everything about this massive cock made the sissy so aroused that again he devoured it.

At some point, Lila put her hands over her husband’s shoulders. “Enough, baby, I want a turn,” she said.

Evan didn’t want to stop, and a distressed feeling came over the sissy. “No, you need to ask for me,” Lila said.
“Rod, do you mind if Lila, err...” Evan said.
“If Lila...WHAT?” Rod asked.

“OK, I’d like you to let her suck your cock.”
“Mmm, I don’t know, you don’t seem to be very convinced,” Rod said with a sneer.
“Yes, please, I want it, really.”
“You want me to let your wife suck my cock, right?”
“Yes, please.”
“And that’s all?” Rod asked with a raised eyebrow.
“No, I also want you to fuck her. Please, I want Lila to forgive me,” Evan said, clutching his

hands together in front.
Rod nodded. “OK, that’s better. Now be a gentleman and ask the lady.”
Evan gazed up at his wife wide-eyed. “Lila, I’d love to see you enjoy Rod’s huge cock. I

want to see you being fucked by him, and I’d love to see you cumming on his cock.”
“I can’t cum on your small dicklette, right?” Lila said harshly.
“Yes, you’ve rarely cum from me fucking you,” Evan said. “So, you deserve this real cock to

make you feel like a woman should...fulfilled.”
“Do you want him to cum in me?”
“Oh, yes, and I’d love to swallow his cum from your body.”
Rod laughed. “Looks like your days as Lila’s substitute are coming to an end, slut,” he said.

“Don’t worry, though. I’m sure we’ll find a use for you.”
Lila said, patting Evan’s head, “Something tells me tonight you’ll get plenty of cum to eat.”

She took the cock with her pretty hands and said, “Let’s taste this big manly cock.”
Then it finally happened. Evan was watching his wife sucking another man’s cock. The

woman who had always sworn she’d never cheat. The sissy had thought about this moment a lot since this all started with Rod, and he thought he’d be jealous, but it was not the case. Lila started sucking Rod’s cock with delight, and for some reason, the sissy loved seeing it. If anything, he was jealous of Lila, but he was also happy she could finally feel this pleasure.

After some sucking, Lila took it out and said, “Mmm, it’s so tasty... So big... So manly... I need you inside me now!”

Then, she took off her clothes, as did Rod. When she saw Rod nude, she told her sissy husband, “Wow, look at that body, honey, it’s perfect. It was not just the cock. All his body is in a perfect balance, don’t you think?”

“Yes, he’s hot,” Evan said without hesitation.

The truth was Rod was the very epitome of the alpha male. Just looking at him made any sissy desire to be at his service. Lila got on all fours with her butt pointing at the black stud.

She turned her head and said, “Come on, cowboy. Ride me. Put that big cock in me while my little dick husband watches.”

Lila stared at her sissy husband with a naughty smile while she waited for the cock. Evan could see her face changing when Rod started to push his cock inside the aroused woman. Rod took his time, but Lila didn’t seem to have any trouble managing the size, and soon, she was asking him to go deeper and harder. Evan could see the lust on Lila’s face. She was moaning uncontrollably. He had never seen her that way with him because Lila was always in control. But now, she was with Rod begging the black stud to fuck her.

Fuck me, fuck me, Rod,” she shouted. “Fuck your big cock into me! Cum in me. Fill me with your cum.

Everyone watched the live sex, mesmerized by the sight of the big black cock slamming into Lila’s beautiful pussy, and by her overall attractiveness. The rutting housewife suddenly grabbed her husband’s arm.

Get beneath me, where you belong, and lick my clit, bitch,” she shouted at Evan.

She didn’t need to insist; only thinking about it made the sissy husband hot. This gave the sissy husband a close-up of Rod’s cock entering Lila’s stretched pussy. Although his caged little dick was right in front of Lila’s face, she didn’t even touch it. Despite this, Evan was in heaven. He could taste alpha cock and pussy from this position. Rod’s big balls were slapping against his face while licking as if the stud wanted to remind the sissy who was in charge here. Who was ‘the man’ in this scenario, and who wasn’t? Evan didn’t miss the chance to taste Rod and Lila every time he could. Several times, Rod pulled out his cock and allowed the sissy to suck for a while, which Evan did with avarous greed.

Lila had two orgasms before Rod came. Evan had never heard her moaning this way before except when he used the strap-on on Lila or she masturbated with her vibrator. Never when Evan fucked her with his small dick.

Oh GOD,” Lila shrieked as Rod fucked her. “Oh god, I love that fucking huge cock.” “Yeah, baby, take that big dick,” Rod groaned. “You’ve been missing out for too long.” “Ahhhrrrr, God,” Lila moaned, quivering with mounting excitement. “The best fuck I’ve

ever had... Mmm, my pussy is so hot... Fuck me... Fill me.”
When Rod orgasmed, Evan saw his balls tensing and the big cock throbbing with power and

excitement. Then he took it out of Lila’s cunt, and shouted, “Open your mouth, sissy slut.” All of Rod’s semen exploded into Evan’s mouth. “Don’t swallow it until I tell you to,” Rod ordered.

When the sissy husband had his mouth full of semen, Lila told him to sit up and show everyone. There was applause, and for the first time, he noticed all the others were naked and the men with hard-ons while the betas strained their small dicks in chastity cages. Wives were sucking cock too, and sissies were eating pussy, the natural order for this type of gathering.

Then, Lila poked her finger in Evan’s mouth, coated it with semen, and tasted it. “I couldn’t blame you for loving Rod’s jizz, it’s tasty,” she said with a wry smile. “Come on, I know you can’t wait. Swallow all of it.”

She was right, Evan’s as horny as could be, and he swallowed, trying to capture the moment forever in his brain. Wanting more, the sissy saw some remained of cum on Rod’s flaccid cock. He bent and licked the member clean. Totally out of his mind, the sissy couldn’t help sucking Rod again. The black stud reacted, and it was not long before his cock started growing again. Then, someone took his hand and pulled the sissy husband away. It was Celia, and it brought Evan back to reality.

“Come here. I think Rod and Lila don’t need your help anymore, and you have a lot of work to do here,” Celia said. She pushed the sissy husband to his knees again, and the next thing,

Evan’s surrounded by hard cocks. “These guys need your services, slut, I’m sure you’ll know what to do.”

Four of the guys of the party stand with their stiff cocks waiting for the sissy to suck them. They’re not as big as Rod (the black man was a freak of nature), but all of them were big.

“Come on, princess. We want to see if your skills are as good as Rod claims,” Joe said while rubbing his cock against Evan’s mouth.

The sissy man gave in to them and opened his mouth to engulf the cock caressing his lips. Then Evan took two more cocks with his hands and started stroking them. One by one, the sissy neighbor engulfed all their cocks. They all told the sissy how good he was, especially when he was deep-throating their big alpha cocks. The truth was Evan felt a kind of pride in their comments. Even when they finished by telling him what a babydick slut he was and how they looked forward to using his pussy and mouth repeatedly.

The sissy concentrated on the task of cock sucking when he felt someone behind rubbing his butt. He turned and saw Celia with a big strap-on, rubbing his sissy-pussy with the head. Then, she put it in his entrance and pushed. With one single thrust, she penetrated the sissy’s cunt.

Ahhhhhhhhh,” Evan cried out over the cock in his throat.

“Take it like a bitch. We both know that you’ve had bigger things there, sweetheart,” Celia said hotly. “Besides, I also have the right to enjoy your ass now you’re one of the neighborhood beta cucks.”

“But you’re hurting me,” Evan groaned, screwing his face up.

“What can I say? I like it rough,” Celia said as she fucked his raw pussy. “I’m pretty sure you’ve already heard this from Rod, but don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.”

The guys laughed loudly, and she fucked the sissy husband hard. A couple of minutes later, Evan grew comfortable with the big dildo slamming his asshole. He was already enjoying it and moaning while continuing to serve those beautiful cocks in front of him. After some time, she took it out and left. He saw her going in the direction where Lila and Rod were but couldn’t see too much with all the guys surrounding him stuffing alpha-cock into his face. Celia had woken his urge for fucking. He tried to resist, but the lust was just too much.

“I really need one of you fucking me, please,” Evan said, gazing at the men in front of him.

Joe seemed to have a kind of leadership within the little group. After Rod, he had the next biggest cock there at ten inches long, and Evan supposed it was the reason the burly white man was in charge.

“Don’t worry, princess. You’ll take all our cocks inside your pussy tonight, but I think it’s time to share it with your wife,” Joe said with a smirk.

Then, Evan could see everything. Rod was on one of the couches with three girls, serving his cock and kissing each other. Lila was where he left her, but this time Celia was behind her fucking her ass with the same strap-on she used on him earlier. Joe told the sissy husband to stay beside his wife.

“Celia, honey, would you let us take care of the new couple for a while? I think Rod needs help with the girls,” Joe said

“Of course, all yours, but remember guys, they’re our guests of honor,” Celia said, pulling the eight-inch strap-on out of Lila’s raw asshole.

Evan positioned himself where Joe told him—the couple were on all fours. Lila glanced at her sissy husband and him at her. He didn’t know what to expect after all that’s happened, so he stayed silent.

“This is the wildest night ever, and I’ve been around the block a few times,” Lila said, still panting from the ass-pounding Celia had given her.

It took the sissy husband by surprise. Lila didn’t seem angry anymore. “I don’t know what to say. I feel overwhelmed,” Evan said. “I understand if you don’t see me as a man anymore. I deserve it.”

“Honey, I haven’t seen you as a man ever since I first saw Rod fucking you,” Lila said coldly. “But I like this weak beta cuck you’ve become. I think now we could take this relationship to the next level. Just never lie to me again, or I will divorce you.”

“Of course, I promise. Wow, I love you.”
“I love you too,” and Lila kissed Evan.
For a moment, he had forgotten where he was, but then the applause brought the sissy

husband back to reality.
“OK, lovebirds, time to fuck,” Joe growled.
Then Evan could feel a big mushroom head rubbing his anus. He loved that just before

penetration, not knowing exactly when it would happen. Lila and Evan were now on the same page, and the couple looked at each other while they waited for the moment. The guys behind them filled their holes simultaneously, which made them moan synchronously. The alpha men took turns fucking Lila and Evan, and the couple sucked cocks the whole time. The sissy man enjoyed every second. However, now it was different. He didn’t feel guilty anymore.

Evan loved his wife and loved big cocks, and there’s nothing wrong about it in his mind. Lila’s excited about her husband taking big cocks, and Evan’s excited about her doing the same. His small dick was hard and pressed painfully in the chastity cage. Now and then, one of the bulls grabbed his cage and shook it, making Evan groan and nearly cum. They stopped just before the sissy ejaculated and laughed.

“That clitty of yours is not allowed to cum, bitch,” Joe said at one stage.

The men were fucking Evan and Lila for more than an hour. Then, one by one, they ejaculated on them, so the couple ended up covered with semen, and they loved it. There was only one thing that didn’t work out well. They all wanted to see Evan’s little dick shooting from fucking alone. The sissy enjoyed that a lot too, but for some reason, he was not able to orgasm without touching himself tonight. Then Evan felt a cock again entering his ass, but this time much bigger. He didn’t need to turn around to know it belonged to Rod. The big black man took the sissy husband by the hips with strong hands and started pounding his sissy cunt.

Lila wriggled under Evan so her mouth was beneath his caged dicklette. The sissy couldn’t react. All he was able to do was focus on the pleasure he was feeling from his insides. Rod pumped away, filling his sissy cunt, with balls slapping into Evan’s little testes.

“Look at that,” one of the bulls said, “not even Keefy can take all of Rod’s cock.”
“This one is a keeper,” Joe said, nodding.
Evan was moaning loudly now, feeling his prostate tingle, which was spreading over his loins

and body. “I’m gonna cum,” he cried and then grunted.
His clitty dick, still caged, almost shook as it throbbed out an orgasm. Evan’s small balls

disappeared as they tightened, and Lila received all the pathetic cummies into her mouth. Then, Rod took his cock out of Evan’s sissy cunt, and with a few strokes, he also ejaculated in Lila’s mouth. To finish, Lila kissed her sissy husband, made him swallow all the semen, and licked her mouth clean. Then as Bulls and women start collapsing in sexual exhaustion, Evan joined the other beta cucks in licking sperm from bodies, tits, faces, cunts, and assholes. They cleaned cocks and balls with their mouths and made sure everyone had drinks.

Thus, his new life had begun. Now, Lila was an active part of the scene with Rod, and Evan was no longer merely her sissy substitute. The requirement he dressed like Lila every time he was with Rod no longer applied. However, Evan still had to wear feminine lingerie, clothes, makeup, and a wig. His dick was rarely out of the chastity cage, and it seemed the whole neighborhood was into either fucking the sissy or humiliating him.

Evan loved it.

The End.

© Copyright 2024 GW Enterprises Publishing Company.


Patrick Sullivan

Amazing! Everyone should have a big black neighbor like The Rod! 😉

stacy C

Great story before, now it's even better :-)