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This video will go live on YouTube either tomorrow or Saturday, but I thought you guys should know whats going on before everyone else.

I'm planning a 2 week break in the beginning of August. RTW production will stop for those 2 weeks, but normal service resumes when I come back. Tuesday uploads on YouTube will also stop from now until I get back (so I have a backlog of videos that can go live on YT while I'm gone).

As always you guys on Patreon will get the videos as soon as they've been completed. So, the only difference you guys will notice is not uploads from the 2nd of August until the 16th of August. Everything goes back to normal in the middle of the month!

Any questions about this, let me know :)  As always, thanks for supporting guys.

Edit - Thank You for the kind comments!





Thank you for everything and enjoy your time off. It is very well deserved. Weather it's going away for a bit or just relaxing at home for a while, I hope you enjoy every second of it! You and you crew deserve everything great coming your way!


You deserve every single second of your break. Thanks for all the entertainment you (and your editors!) throw at us. Smokey the cat is also grateful.