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This one takes a look at Bret Hart's match against Ric Flair and The Hitman's first WWF title victory. Bret wrote quite a lot about this match in his book and how he felt about working with Ric Flair, and the Nature Boy also talked about why his performance wasn't all that great in more recent interviews.

This video looks at the circumstances surrounding the match along with the match itself.   

Link: https://vimeo.com/834863970

Password: hitman92



I would love to compare Davey boy smith chinlocks to ric flair chops. I bet the Nature Boy has Davey boy beat with chops. Ultimate match. The Nature Boy vs Davey Boy. The chops/Figure Four leg lock vs the chinlocks/powerslam

Stephen Crane

That last speech choked me up, I admit it. I'm such a mark for Bret.