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Hey everyone.

Again I find myself running behind on things so wanted to get this out to you guys before it goes on YouTube. There are a few placeholders in this video where I need to get better images and / or video, so another "cleaner" version of this will get uploaded to both Patreon and YouTube. Credits will also be added to the finished version as usual. It's nearly 2am here in the UK and I need to get my ass to sleep but I thought I should share what I've got. Its been a tough day.

4 videos are currently in production at the moment -

WWF Coliseum Video #1 (a look at the first ever Coliseum home video release)
McMahonism - Vince & Shane vs HBK & God
Reliving The War #114
WCW Blunder #9: Battle Dome vs WCW

I'm up early in the morning to work pretty much all day, so I hope to have the "Vince vs God", "Coliseum Video" and the better version of Punk vs HHH video ready for Patreon viewing tomorrow.






Awesome, can't wait to see all the videos in the pipeline. I'm about to watch this one now.


Produce on your schedule, not ours.