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Thanks for your pledges n support for me and my upcoming projects! Now to keep things short and sweet in essences Date with Dolores officially starts production on Monday November 5th. On the 4th I'll pick t random the first date and from there see how it goes.

BUT if you're still reading then I guess you wonna hear a little more.

For starters you don't have to be vored exactly in the comic. If you get picked you can have your choice of how you're swiftly "exited", be that vored, crushed anything, As long as its a send off, no characters that have been introduced into the comic will make a return in THIS comic.

What I'm trying to aim for is a weekly release. So every Monday I'll attempt to get a page out BUT I'm not sure whether I can get a full page fully coloured n shaded while also taking on other commissions. SO! If you yourself get a spot in the comic and want a page coloured and shaded you can PM on Discord to see if I can get that done for you. However maybe I can get a page fully rendered in a week, this first week with set the tone of how the rest of the project goes. So we'll see.

NOW! Some Quick FAQ's


Q: "If I'm in the comic can I upload it somewhere else?"

A: Nope, only my patreon, Eka's and Fur for now.

Q: "Will the Scat/gore pages be elsewhere?"

A: Nope. Scat and gore will be patron exclusive

Q: "If I've been picked already can I be picked again?"

 A: Yes! But only once everyone else has had a spot. Once I've went through the list all patrons will be re-shuffled and get another chance of adding a character into the mix.

If there's anything I've left out or you're still unsure about feel free to PM me!

Thanks :3




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