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Bit of a mini update and a mini wip! (Super early inks of the first half of page 1)

Right, I'm still jumping back on the saddle with art and now that I'm more situated I can give a bit more of a realistic estimate for the first page.

I can say, lockin this in right now. Officially whether I like it or not Page 1 will be dropping on May 7th. I needed a bit more time to get over what happened, so I really thank you guys with bearing with me on this. I'd like the page to come out sooner but I do truly want this to be a good strong start. And I'd like to put in a 110% on this now that I can total focus on it. Going to aim for a weekly page release from then on

Really fucking excited to get on with this, I really think its gonna be something you guys dig. And in terms of story it'll be goin on for a while~ I got so many ideas! chapter 2 already outlined and so on XD

Again, thank you guys.



Kakira Irjath

I am so excited for this