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🌟Windows Demo🌟

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Hey everyone,

I can't believe the fully voiced demo is finally here!
From the very beginning to now, Glam Pursuit has been nothing but a huge dream come true for me.
The story, the art work, the music, the voices... It's just the biggest, most polished, most incredible thing that I've ever had a chance to work on!

Game dev is such a rollercoaster, and it can be pure chaos some days.
Facing obstacles, problems to solve, all the meanwhile trying to keep the passion alive... It's a challenge. And not a small one too. It's exhausting, stressful, and very frustrating at it's worse days.

But moments like these where I can just sit back and look at where we are, knowing it was just a small idea in the beginning... It's everyting.
Glam Pursuit has made me laugh, cry happy tears, and grow as a game developer beyond my imagination.

All I can do right now is to make sure I create the story it deserves. And hope that I can show you how grateful and thankful I am to know that I have you by my side while I'm working on the biggest project of my life.

Anyways, I'll stop being dramatic and let Quinn do the job for me! 😉

As always, let me know any and all of your feedback!

I hope you enjoy the demo and see you soon!!!

(Very soon, because I have a naughty little (Not so little) gift for you for being SO so patient with me! +18)




Just finished the voice part of the demo. How long is the demo over all after that? I had a few different thoughts about the voices. Some of them sounded mechanical like they were void of emotion or they had the wrong tone for what they were speaking. Some voices just didn't seem to match the appearance of the character and a child sounded like a grown man. The text doesn't always match was is spoken either. These aren't too huge of issues, just some things that I noticed while playing them game. I enjoy it so far and look forward to more.


Does the extended demo end after the apartment searching scene?