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Hey everyone!

I hope everybody is doing well! ⭐

On our side, we have some very exciting news regarding Larky and especially Glam Pursuit!

I've applied to and won something *secret* that I can't talk about until it's announced offically, but it's a big opportunity for us to get bigger as a company and make Glam Pursuit an even more glamorous game!

Thanks to the nature of the *secret* that I've won, I'll be able to release a demo sooner than I think (I kind of have to haha).
I will also probably be releasing the Early Access of this game within 2023.
And and and will be making a casting call for voice acting some time before the demo is released, so if there are any voice actors in here, please keep an eye on the updates!📢

For the game info,

It's going much better and faster than I thought. I'm really focusing on the personality aspect of this game as much as I can, so that you can create the character that you want.
Taking the time to polish every aspect of this game allows me to give you a really personalized experience, I think.
This means, Quinn almost has a dialogue choice every other sentence.
Where in Oathbreaker we had 1-2 choice screens every scene, with Glam Pursuit you have 5-6. And most of these have 4 to 6 different options at a time.
Although Quinn can be a character with any personality you like, it doesn't feel like a blank slate character at all, which I'm a little proud of, I can't lie.😊

This affects not only your personality, but your relationships as well.

Your 10 different personlity trait choices allows you to be who you want to be and have relationships that actually feel like they are yours and authentic. Not everybody will stay as your friend, and it will give you the option to create your own social circle.

There is always options to act in whatever way you like, be it in dialogue choices or the tasks that you need to complete. Help your friends, or leave them behind.
Although you will have mid-game endings depending on your choices. So, that's the one thing you need to be careful about. 😉

Just like Cardinal Cross, Glam Pursuit will not have romance based endings but you will have many romances to pursue throughout the game. Have breakups, or even long-distance relationships. All characters have their own sexuality for a little bit of realism, although most will be player-sexual to give you as many choices as possible.

I think Glam Pursuit could be the most fun I've ever had making a game, with all the aspects of the gameplay and the story.
Although the main theme is acting, I think there is a lot to relate to in GP, especially about social media and various types of content creation.

It's an ambitious game for sure, but I do believe I now have the means and the experience to take on this challenge.

I know the demo will be well worth the wait and it will blow your minds a little bit.🤯
I don't like to talk big, but I can see where the game is going and it's just so so exciting.

I hope you are looking forward to GP, as I feel like this will be the game I'm most proud of. I can't wait to give you the demo to show you what I've been fussing about.

As always, thank you so much for everything. Your support, your words of encouragement, your messages make Glam Pursuit the best thing I've ever done. 🥲

Love you and I can't wait to announce the secret and the voice acting casting call soon! 💖

P.s: This month's giftbag giveaway is coming soon too! Get ready for some Blue loving. 💙




Wow this is seriously incredible, I cannot wait


Well geez, if you're THAT excited it makes me 10x extra shades of excited 😆😆😆 congrats on the winning the "secret" rin! Can't wait for the demo 😍😍