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Please find the latest chapter and download it through the master post! 

Note: Please use a browser other than chrome to download.
The game takes a while to load now because it's very long, so please wait! :)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed some of the dialogue options being stuck.
  • Fixed Irkalla calling Mini her granddaughter, even when she is not.
  • Fixed the save Gaelans / Asmadi option not triggering the correct response. Therefore losing an important CG.
    (Please download again to get the correct version!)

Heyy everyone!

Chapter 7 is finally here!!!

I am so so so excited for this chapter, I really can't wait to see your reactions!
You will see why we were a bit delayed, because of the amount of CGs! There are many many variations and hidden CGs to see, I hope you find them all! (I think we have about 10?!)

Story wise, things are finally moving forward. I can't believe only two chapters left of this series. It's been a 3 years journey with Oathbreaker, and I am so so happy with how it's going to finalize.

Although we had a couple hiccups along the way, I really hope this chapter will be worth the wait for you. I am personally really happy with it, both romance and plot wise.

Not going to be a long post, so I hope you enjoy it!

More everything is on the way!
I'm especially excited about one particular thing I will be announcing very soon. 😉

P.s: Dakimakura & more merch is on the way too!

Love you and see you soon!





Quick Q, is there a Theo interaction or scene anywhere? I miss flirting with him lol. But when Puppy mentioned him during sexy time I was like- oop.

Hannah Pixie

hi does this come with the other chapters included? bc I don't see a download option for chapter 1?