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Please find the latest chapter and download it through the master post!

How to move your save files to the new game folder! 

If you are using Catalina OS, follow these steps and change the name x nwjs to the Oathbreaker file name:

Hey everyone!

I can't believe it's finally done. I'm so sorry for all the delays, the more options we have on romance (including the poly one), the more it's taking me to program all the mini games. 

(I also fixed a bunch of bugs and glitches like Alwenn's break-up option not saving, and the ruin choice being switched on chapter 3.)

As always, let me know if you encounter any bugs in this chapter and I will fix them as soon as I can.

Enjoy and see you soon with the Aida, Sky & Diego teasing game! 💘




Hey Rin! Just finally getting caught up on the latest chapters of Oathbreaker, and just want to say how much I'm loving them! The ending to chapter 5 blew me away, the art, the music...I loved it so much. Thank you for all of your hard work. Season 2 is amazing!


hi, i played the first one on the browser and am now playing it through here i'm on chromebook so i'm using linux what do i do after i download the file.