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Hey everyone!

Since I’m still on my break, we decided to do a quick Discord stream & AMA on 20th of March 8-11 pm gmt. If you have any questions for me about the games, I can answer them online and chat with everybody on our Discord server.

Join us if you like. 💖

You need to be over 14 & make a small introduction to be able to chat like “Hi, I’m nickname. I’m over/under 18.“

(Age info is so that the bot automatically can set the +18 channels visible/invisible to you.)

If you connect your patreon account with your discord, you can also access to Patreon exclusive channels there!



We accept people no younger than 13! We also have fun events and a wholesome community! 💖💖💖


Okay, thanks for the heads up. And I hope you have a nice break and feel great as well!