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⭐How to move your save files into the new folder⭐: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veh1T7kkXe4 

Hey everyone!

I finally have really good news and a short game update!
I found a place, have my laptop fully ready for work and figured out a way around the bad wi-fi situation. (If any of you have any trouble with wifi connection reaching your room, this little thing will save your life!)
I will be moving into the new place on the 5th of October, so this gives me some time to focus on Chapter 3 a little bit earlier than I thought.
I have all the backgrounds, CGs and Sprites ready for the next update, and will be doing my best to make chapter 3 worth all the wait. 🤭

As for chapter 2.1, I added some extra scenes I had to take out due to deadlines & delays. I hope you will enjoy the new scenes!
I really can't wait to start working on ch3 as soon as I'm done with Virion & Argandea's nsfw minigame.

If I can find some spare time, I also want to work on animating the Regal Inquest sprites, so we can speed up the development of that game too.

Things are finally starting to progress again.

As always, I will keep you updated! (If you wish to see more news and teasers, please check out our discord server when you can. Because it's faster and easier to keep everybody updated there, I am trying to be as active as I can be. Don't forget to join your patreon account with the discord server, so you can have access to exclusive channels.)

Now I'm going back to work. 

I'll see you very soon with ch3 updates!





Hi! I've been trying to play the game but it wont even load the start screen before crashing. Any ideas on what to do would be very much appreciated!

Ama Jo

Hey guys, a gameplay question. If you pick one of the choices you will come face to face with Champhion and Theoren also joins the fight. However i cant seem to use any of his skills or just use normal attack so iam stuck....am I doing something wrong here? Anyone had simillar issue? Any tip would be greatly appreciated!