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(Unless you killed them...)

-Life Update-

Last 2 weeks before I move. Still packing. Still cleaning. Lots of tears and goodbyes. I'm so sorry for spamming the discord channel with old family photos. πŸ˜… I'm getting uncharacteristically nostalgic. 😬
As for the house hunting, I just got a very very promising call. If I really did finally find a place, this will make the moving process a lot easier and faster!

On a happy side note, me & PrinceOfRedroses are preparing extra manga pages for you for this month as a "thank you for your patience!" giftπŸ™ It should be ready soon (hint: It's about the first battle of Westerford)! 😈

About OB work:

Cg artworks are coming along really nicely and the backgrounds and NPCs are getting ready too! Although an update seems very unlikely this month, I will do my very best to keep you updated on the progress at all times. Please feel free to send me a message if you have any questions / doubts. πŸ’–

- Teasing Game -

Unfortunately, I'm still working on the animations, but I'm doing the best I can to release it as soon as possible.  πŸ™ 

- Future works -

I finally have the basis of a proper business plan right now. I receive lots of questions about Ascension and the other projects. I now have a solid answer for you.

Once I'm moved and settled(Somewhere between mid to late September), first thing I will do will be to focus on finishing Season 2 of OB, with Regal Inquest on the side. 

Once S2 is finished, I will find a small team to work on Ascension remake as I get ready for either S3 or Linen Tale, because I don't want you to wait too long for new content. I know Ascension has lots of fans, but it's still an old game of mine. You already know the story, so it wouldn't be too exciting to wait for new chapters.
I will probably also turn Ascension back into the full VN format, because I may not have time for messing around with new programming this year. I will have a better idea once I find the people who I will work with on it, so all of this is just a plan for now.

The super exciting thing about the new business arrangement is, I may be able to work with separate teams on each project in time. So the waiting times will decrease and I will not kill myself trying to focus on 3-4 projects at the same time, while you will receive a bit more than usual every month! (2 episodes, more bonus content etc.)

- Bonus -

Storyboard of Helmet's manga page.

πŸ’–  πŸ€ž Wish me luck on house hunting.

Love you and see you soon! 😘



Honovi Derringer

I don't remember the man's name, but I think he's got some wrinkles! I bet Virion teases him a bit and is so glad he isn't him. Good luck with the house and getting everything started business wise!

Chelsea Hogan

Yay! Bringing back all the sassy warlocks!