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⭐This is an older chapter, please go to this link to download the latest chapter!⭐

Hey everyone!

Chapter 1 is finally here!

This was SO much fun to make. We finally see some branching and the kind of choice based differences I wanted to see in the game.

We have angst, we have fluff, we have adventure and lots of mysteries!!!

We are finally starting to flirt with our new Champion.

Also, we are finally on our way to Walinad next chapter!

I'm super excited and I really hope you will enjoy it. (And that it will be worth the wait)

Please forgive all the typos and errors, I will be fixing them throughout the month. This was a very long chapter with branching, so it took a little bit longer than I anticipated.  🙏  

Anyways, have fun and see you soon! 😘

- OST Link -

Delevine Media's Bandcamp 

Important note: I do not give mac support. Although I export my games to macs as an option, I do not give technical support to this OS due to its own gaming unfriendly nature.
Please google why mac os is not gaming compliant and if you have any issues  running my games, please check out google for help. Thanks for understanding!

Catalina users: 

Please check this out if you are a Catalina user and you have trouble opening the games. (Please don't ask me how to do this, because I'm not a mac user. 😅I can only add helpful links here for you to check out and see if it helps.)

Or try this method:

Currently known bugs: There is a random bug that causes an interaction glitch in the battle scene. I'm working on a fix, but in the mean while, if you reload your game or roll back with your mouse the skills will be available for use!




Such a good chapter! Also dragons!! <3


The only way I can play is through the itch.io app (the mac methods don't work for me, and I don't really understand coding), but it seems that I cant install new chapters on itch through your patreon withou uninstalling the whole game and losing all my progress. Do you know of a way around this? Hope this makes sense.


Nevermind just read you are using mac. You need to find where itch.io app saves Oathbreaker file and replace that folder with the new game's folder. :)