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Hey everyone!

Tiny update to let you know all is going VERY well! 

I massively underestimated Colmer scenes, so we are still not ready to head back to Walinad yet, but we will learn something HUGE at the end of this episode. So, even without Walinad I think it will be a really really exciting chapter!

It's filled with lore info, mysteries, angst, fluff and pain! 🤩

P.s: I want to take a few extra days to polish this chapter, so if everything goes as planned, expect CH1 next Friday or Saturday! 

(If everything doesn't go as planned, I will release it earlier without any extra polish. So don't worry. No delays this time.)

Stay safe & see you very very soon! 😘




As eager as I am to play, I can only imagine how much effort goes into something like this. The wait will be worth it!


I'm so excited Rin!!!! I KNOW we're gonna love it. i can't wait for the pain hehehheehhe I LOVE ANGST