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If you haven't played the prologue:

Export the contents somewhere on your computer and click on the game icon.

If you have played the prologue & Have save files:

Export the contents of the zip file inside your Ascension remake prologue folder (Let all files/folders be replaced by the new contents.) OR copy & paste the save file inside your Ascension remake prologue folder into Ascension Remake Chapter 1 folder.

P.s: End of the chapter is right after Diego's mission briefing. There is no "Chapter 2: Coming Soon screen. The locked zones will be unlocked with the next chapter, so you can continue from there on!  πŸ˜‰


So, chapter 1 is a bit of a "story" chapter. Not a lot of quests or interactivity this time, because I was mostly getting ready for Northcliff. 

We will spend a lot of time doing quests and missions in the city upcoming chapters, so I was mostly busy working on the maps and building the plot up to that point.

As you will see, we have a bunch of big changes in the plot, especially about the Eagles and Diego now.

Speaking of Diego, our first NSFW scene is here. Papurrcat did an AMAZING job with the CG artwork!πŸŽ‰ I'M in loooove!

A little warning, it's not exactly wholesome.

Usually I dislike working on triangle dynamics and jealousy and all that *heavy* romance stuff, but I wanted to try something different this time. 

I think with Aida's & Sky's  remake personality and relationship, I can use that trope and make something more complex out of it? Maybe not a cheap "jealousy over/because of man" thing, but something deeper? I'll figure it out in time! 

As for the actual NSFW content, I decided to make Aida more of a sub here, since due to player control most of my MCs in the past have been proactive or so to speak. I wanted to see how I could make a bratty MC without making it creepy.  πŸ€ž Hope it worked out.

I'm new to nsfw and romance content, so I'm exploring my limits still. Trying to read more adult romance books & other interactive romance stories for research (Reasearch 😏) and really trying my best to balance romance/smexy times & plot.

So, your feedback is everything to me right now. Please let me know what you think!πŸ’

Anyways, I really can't wait to start questing all over Northcliff next chapter.

(Can't wait to finally start working on my favorite LI, Jace. lol)

Love you and see you soon with more game news!

Enjoy! 😘


We have a new nsfw minigame type. Since we have keyboard commands now, I thought I could use it for something different.

Press Enter/SPACE when the heart is in the middle of the love bar. If you hit the middle, you will get a unique dialogue, and the *heat bar* will increase. The more the heat bar increases, the faster they'll go at it. lol

When the heat bar is complete, they will... finish. πŸ™Š

(If you miss the middle, the heat bar will decrease.)

Tips and tricks below:


IMPORTANT: Known bugs errors

* It does lag a bit when you launch the game the first time.

* Occasional crashes happen. Please save a lot. Especially during zone changes!

For Spoiler-y discussions, bug reports and everything else, please go to Ascension's Itch.io community forum!  


I do export the game as a MAC file, but due to it's security issues and problems, I do not give tech support to MACs.  

Please move the game file to your application folder otherwise save won't work!

IMPORTANT: Known bugs errors

* It does lag a bit when you launch the game the first time.

* Occasional crashes happen. Please save a lot. Especially during zone changes!

This game is not Catalina compatible. If you are using Catalina, try this method or use a parallel desktop software:




So, I'm stuck and would greatly appreciate a helping hand. I keep trying to pick the locks in the upstairs of the tavern, at the very beginning of the game, and no matter what I do I simply can't pick those locks. I remember that there is something in one of those rooms we are meant to grab, and I can't just escape through the window in the room with the rope.... what am I meant to be doing? :'(


Hi Friends- I found the work around for the lockpicking issue! First, download the NSFW version of the game, launch it, and save the game in a specific save slot (1, 2, doesn't matter, just don't forget it). Then download the SFW version of this game. Go through it, pick the locks, and go outside. Make a final save of the game in the same save spot you did earlier. Then, exit out of both. Go to your saves in the SFW version and copy that last save. Then go to your saves in the NSFW version and paste the save. When it asks if you want to replace the file, click yes. When you open the NSFW version again and click on that save, you should have the trites in your inventory and be outside! Then you can play the rest of the game normally and get those NSFW scenes. To get to the saves, go to your game file, click www, and then go to the save file. I know it's a bit annoying to do, but if you (like me) desperately want those trites, it's worth it!


Hi Paula- I found the work around for the lockpicking issue! First, download the NSFW version of the game and save the game specific save slot (1, 2, doesn't matter, just don't forget it). Then download the SFW version of this game. Go through it, pick the locks, and go outside. Make a final save of the game in the same save spot you did earlier. Then, exit out of both. Go to your saves in the SFW version and copy that last save. Then go to your saves in the NSFW version and paste the save. When it asks if you want to replace the file, click yes. When you open the NSFW version again and click on that save, you should have the trites in your inventory and be outside! Then you can play the rest of the game normally and get those NSFW scenes. To get to the saves, go to your game file, click www, and then go to the save file. I know it's a bit annoying to do, but if you (like me) desperately want those trites, it's worth it!