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Hey everyone!

Here is a short report of what to expect here in 2020.

(Most of these are all still in planning stages, so their ETA dates are super vague. I'm sorry! )

1- Oathbreaker Season 2: ETA Unknown

As this game is going to be one of the major projects I'll be working on this year, I won't be able to give you an ETA until after the 2nd quarter of 2020. But I will keep you updated very often with it's development. 

The reason why it's a bit late is because I'm increasing the quality of OB in every way I can. Artwork, writing, resolution, technology etc, since I plan to make it my main IP for a long time.

(Artwork will be made by the same artist who is currently working on Ascension. So, I'm %100 sure it will be beyond gorgeous!)

2- Ascension: Remake ETA of the first chapter: Soon!

As I mentioned before, Ascension remake is going to be an episodic adventure just like OB. (Except, it's going to be played offline with a download file.)

I'm speaking with the Live2D Rpgmaker plug-in programmer right now due to a few issues  using Live2D animations. If we can manage to fix them, I'll continue with Rpgmaker, but if we can't, I'll go back to pure VN format. We will see.

Edit*: We found a solution! RPGMaker it is! ;)

Either way, I'm thinking an alpha version should be released by the end of the month. 😈 *fingers crossed*

There are some confusion with it's release format, so I'll repeat:

There will be a free and a Patreon exclusive version for Ascension remake.

Free version won't have many of the features Patreon exclusive has. (Like the nsfw version and Diego romance.)

And the free version will be released MONTHS later than Patreon.

Ie: If Patreon version chapter 1 is released in January 2020, it will be released for free end of May or mid June.

3- Regal Inquest: ETA Unknown

Regal Inquest will be a game I'll work on during the break between Ascension and Oathbreaker development. 

It's because the characters of both games are made by the same person, there will be delays which I will fill up with Regal Inquest.

Regal Inquest is a rom-com/mystery otome game. 

It has 2 female and 3 male love interests.

The protagonist will have color templates just like Oathbreaker.

You will play as a peasant with incredible perception, who was tasked to find out who cursed the king and turned him into a goose.

It will be a light, funny and playful game. (Part point-and-click and part otome)

First chapter of this game should be released around March if everything goes right. All of the artwork is complete, so this one doesn't need much work.

4- Short manga stories: New story every month.

Monthly manga pages of short stories from my VNs is the new exclusive palpaca benefit.

First story ETA: very soon! (Today, tomorrow or the day after.)

5- Mini teasing games will continue as usual. ETA: Last week of January

(Aida is going to be this month's teasing game. )

Love you and see you soon!





super excited for what's to come! sorry if i missed it, but did you ever release the nsfw download link for oathbreaker? thanks!


I'm still working on the nsfw download version! I will release it as soon as I can! 😍😍😍


so glad to hear it! no rush whatsoever, i just wanted to be sure i didn't miss anything. keep up the amazing work and i hope you've had a great new year!!


I’m so happy about Ascension! I’ve been a fan of it since 2013! And like holy shit 🥰 Diego romance?!! Oooh