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I can't believe this is finally over. (Well, not really over over. Just the end of season 1!)

I am so tired, but I think it was worth it. I'm very very happy with the finale. Especially the last scene.

Not a lot of conclusions in the end, but more like a proper way opening for the vision I have for Oathbreaker. The future I have planned. (A very long one) 

I have a feeling you will either hate it or love or both. So, I'm a bit stressed, but also very very excited to see what you think of the finale.

I've been working towards it for a long time, so it's going to be fun to see your reactions.

I will talk about the ending more in a few weeks. (Hopefully most of you will have played it by then.)

It's very very long, so take frequent saves (but keep no more than 4-5 save slots at a time.)

I suggest cleaning your browser history before you start playing. Sometimes the banquet scene gets stuck if your browser history isn't clean.

I will also create a download file very soon, so we can all put this whole loading freezes behind us.

Now I'll go finish Virion's teasing game and take like a 2 week break? Just to rest a little bit before I start working on the Ascension remake. 

Love you, thank you and Merry Christmas! (Or happy holidays)


p.s: I'm so sorry for everything. ❤️




Amazing! Loved all of it and may I say Virions misery is the best kind of misery <3


IT'S AMAZING!!!!!!!! Btw is there any dictionary of whatever language Virion is using? I'd like to replay it knowing what he says, if you could tell us ;)


I will make a Virion's Aldwen sentences translation guide when the season is over! :) Most of what he says is slang, so needs explanation. :D