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Hey, everyone!

Sorry for the lack of updates, I'm working reallllly hard on NU:R right now.

Part of why it's taking a bit of time is because there are SO many interactive scenes, lore and mission info. 📖

There is also a LOT of options/tips that alter the ending/story.  

(ALL of these changes are seen at the end of each chapter. So, you won't have to wait over 6 chapters to find out the consequences of your choices.)

Tips and hints that you collect from the mission board, the library and by talking to various people will open up new options to complete your mission every chapter. 

(Mission board and the library will also contain teasers for the next chapter.)

There will be multiple ways to complete your chapter mission and the ending will change depending on how you played the whole game.

Your personality choices WILL affect the way you complete the mission. (Successfully lying, convincing or intimidating people will make things easier for you.)

There is also the differences between the M!MC and F!MC. Most of their scenes are completely different, as they are different people with different loyalties and thoughts.

It's SO much fun to make a game like this, but it's also a bit time consuming and complex.

So, forgive my lack of updates. It just means that I'm working very very hard! 💦

I'm really excited about the outcome of NU:R. I think this format is something I can use for the second season of Oathbreaker as well.

I just hope we won't have a lot of technical difficulties because there are way more complex features this time. It will be a good testing for all future games and plans. 💻

See you soon with more game news and coming soon teasers!





It looks so fun!! I'm excited to play and it's awesome to see you branching out so much with new mechanics.. I can't wait!


Excited for NU:R but also curious of if ep four of Oathbreaker marks an end for season one then or we still far off from a season two?


No, Oathbreaker still has at least 2 episodes before the end of season 1. =)