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(If you are taken to Chapter 3 instead of 4, try to clean up your browser history!)

 Warning: ❣️ means steamy times. It has SFX, so I recommend headphones! 


This was a pretty long chapter too, although I wouldn't exactly call it a "mega" chapter.

I've been sort of dreading this chapter, because I wasn't sure how I was going to pull it off.

It's a bit heavy, and what Oathbreaker is really about is finally shown here.

I won't spoil it for you.

I just hope you will enjoy it!

P.s: I f*cked up the minigames, I'm so sorry.😭

I prepared these SUPER cool minigames where you were going to press certain keys to advance the CGs (left, right, up, down, E) etc, and it worked really really well...

Until I actually packed the game up and uploaded it online. 

Apparently, keyboard input doesn't work inside an iframe and my awesome minigames got the scenes/game stuck lol. =(

So, I changed them and basically, now it's just a mouse click instead of the keyboard control. And I'm really really depressed because it was such a cool feature.

Oh, well... 

I learned something new, so that's cool. I'll just find other creative ways for minigames! So, please excuse the lack of minigame(s) for this chapter. =) I'll do better next time!




Here I thought I already reviewed the chapter; shame on me. This is super late, but here goes: It's nice that the group got a bit of interaction in the pub and also later on the ship. It's always interesting to see how a character reacts to another. I'm also looking forward to Virion (hopefully) being part of the group now. :) Prince Khuzani is such a cutie. <3 Holy shit, that battle music with Elius is straight fire! Aah, and that glorious fire CG of Thyia with her hands spread is A+ and is that a little fire dragon I spy? Really impressive. And we got a hint where the VN's title comes from. Nice. ;) Damn, that dramatic entrance of Virion carrying Thyia. Ah, it finally blew up. So.much.drama. I know I was the one who was overly eager to unlock Thyia's tragic backstory, but I didn't quite expect this. I have to say I'm conflicted. I liked her, but now I don't know how to feel about her. Maybe it's because I'm an older sister myself that this crosses a line for me. I can tell that Thyia is obviously distressed by the whole ordeal, turning to alcohol to deal with it, but just running away from it in the end, yet I can empathize with Ada more than her. But don't get me wrong, I think this is good. You built this moment up from the start and having Thyia's sin being something actually atrocious and not easily brushed off adds weight to the story. It's serious, she is struggling, it's affecting her self-worth and her inability to forgive herself or move forward. Thyia may have fallen in my affections, but the way you wrote and portrayed her only adds to Oathbreaker's quality. I love your writing. "Broken is my favourite flavour." Virion is already the canon LI in my heart. I feel like he understands her the best. Lea's backstory was very sweet and tragic. She is rising in my popularity fast. You are getting better with the animated CGs. I understand that it's hard work and I was especially impressed with Lea's scenes. All the little movements and limb placements look very good. I enjoyed the hard cut between the light-hearted chapter 3 and the angsty chapter 4. I do love the drama and am eager to see where chapter 5 leads us. Some errors I caught: When Lea says she is checking on the High Priestess, her name is displayed as "Unnamed". When Thyia asks Alwenn after waking up if the puppy is mad, Alwenn says that's an overstatement... I think you meant understatement. When Raelan talks with Nina, I think you meant to say he doesn't want to draw unwanted attention, not withdraw. And lastly a question: Can you tell us how old Thyia was when she killed her sister? And how old she is now? If it spoils the game though, I understand if you'd rather not tell.


Well, things are going to get more and more dark with each chapter from now on. I've been mostly world building and character introducing for the past chapters, now it's story time. Thyia's story will be a little difficult. She is a Warlock, a servant of Xiris, an old cult member, a mercenary. She was never really "good". It will be full of complex feelings and reactions, so it's good to "not like her" at the moment. She was always a developed character. She has a strong personality. But there needs to be more development. A change. So, we need to start from somewhere. This is her arc. Her story. About the ages, Thyia was 20 and Aila was 15 when it happened. It doesn't spoil anything, but I wouldn't be too quick to judge the situation just yet. I've given several hints all throughout the game about what might have happened. Warlock surge in particular plays a huge part. Only 2 more episodes left until everything becomes clear, so you won't have to wait too long.


Stupid question, but how do I input the password? It seems I am only allowed to type 7 characters :(


Hi Amelia! As the game updates itself every month, you need to find the latest post regarding Oathbreaker. Try the password here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31594595