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Warning: ❣️ means steamy times. It has SFX, so I recommend headphones!


This chapter took sooo long to finish, I'm so so sorry!

Although there is a good reason for it, as it's sort of a mega chapter!

I stayed up all night twice in development. One because I was a bit behind in schedule and the other was because I had to make one animation from 0 half way through. (bad backup...)

But I am SOOO happy with the end result. There are many backgrounds, many new people to meet. Lots of lore info and sweet sweet looooove.

Speaking of love,

The nsfw content this time has some sort of interactivity. Buttons to set the pace and/or finish. And every time you click on a button, it gives you a piece of (speed) appropriate dialogue. (7 dialogues each levels.)

The scenes are pretty much in the soft pour corn territory. Be warned! 🔥

Fun fact: I skipped through a lot smut/yaoi/mature yuri mangas to find pieces of dialogues I could use in the game. I also read weird women's magazine articles that teach "dirty talking". 

Combine that with the research for a certain leather whip (you'll see what I'm talking about.), I now see dating for singles apps and leather harness advertisements everywhere on the internet.

There is a very confused google bot somewhere probably kink shaming me...👍

(Totally worth it!)

Anyways, I'm going to be taking a super short break because I'm dead. 😭

I hope you will enjoy this new chapter, and I can't wait to hear your opinions!

P.s: Public release will be on Friday!





Warning: Long post incoming! Damn, your intense openings always get me. Beautiful CG, I like that you put faint tear streaks in, nice detail. Riz is suuuper cute! <3 The way it interacts with Virion is so adorable! I appreciate that you made sure that the conversation it has with Thyia/Virion flows and that they don’t just rephrase what it says with their answers; it always annoys me when that happens in other media. However, Riz doesn't rly blend in with the BG. It just looks a bit odd, like you can tell it was added on top and isn't part of the picture, you know? Sorry I can't word myself better. :/ God, I just love Virion and Thyia's dynamic so much... How she genuinely cares abt him, but doesn't flat out say it, so she provokes him and is ready to take the heat and just stubbornly tends to his wounds and how he shows his care by sending Riz with her. Gah, I love their friendship. Also, I loved their cute banter while screwing around in the mini-game. And that subtle fourth wall break. 👌 Captain Nina and the Savage Princess!!! Ah, it's so good to see her again! She looks great, the tattoos rly are an upgrade. I feel like Nina is the type to tattoo Meimei's name/bday on her or a symbol that reminds her of her daughter, to always keep her with her. Not Meimei's father tho. :P Also I love to see her wearing a corset and multiple belts, ngl I lowkey miss the fashion of Ascension. Oh, please tell me we will get to see the sailor Norwin again who always gets interrupted in his instructions when they go ashore. When Thyia uses her magic, the CG looks so cool, srsly, I love the floating magic circles and battle music. Straight fire. 🔥 Why do I have a feeling if Thyia advices Raelan to hide Kanda's letter, it will come back later to bite her in the ass, esp when he inevitably learns that she is a warlock? Do I smell a bad romance ending there? >:) I loved the intrigues and coup attempt! It may seem a bit unrealistic and fast-paced that it was all solved in such a short time (srsly, only one day? Holmes would be green with envy lol), but I still enjoyed it. I also like that you made Kanda not a big bad villain, but rather a naïve idiot, and tied in the corruption and greed of the underground world. Alwenn's Route: Sometimes your animated CGs partly still struggle with looking 3D-realistic and not flat and 2D e.g. in the kiss scene, I think the hands would have looked better intertwined. However, you are getting so good with expressions! Like srsly, during the sex scenes, you made sure that it wasn't just one expression animated, but rather a sequence. It makes it look so convincing and natural. It's heart-breaking to see Thyia struggle so much with accepting love and simultaneously longing for somebody to tell her she is loveable. I can't wait for Gael to learn abt her traumatic past. After the sex, Alwenn's earring is missing... tho I guess it could have come off during it. :P The foreheads touching and hand-holding looks good, but the hand stroking the cheek looks kinda... eh. Raelan's Route: In the kiss scene, the thumb looks a bit flat, like a puppet's. During the sex, you forgot Thyia's ear jewellery. I rly like their position, everything looks very life-like. Also Thyia delivers some savage lines. xD When they're cuddling, all the limb placements look very good, esp how some hair strands fall in Raelan's face. Maybe when Thyia moves her hand, it could move over his hand instead of under? I think that would improve it even more. Argandea's Route: In the kiss scene, I like how his hand is placed, but Thyia's looks rly weird, like her fingers were cut off. I know it's just the angle, but it still looks off. Sex scene: The hand-holding looks rly good. Also Thyia's lip biting is a nice detail. The Mighty Blue™️ *wheezes* After-glow scene: I like how the hair is draped over his arm, maybe a little more movement would add to the scene, like Thyia stroking Argandea's hand with her thumb? Lea's Route: "Just go to a brothel if you're desperate." Best line in the whole game, right there. I rly like that Lea is not easy, not up for a meaningless flirt or quick sex; it underlines her guarded personality. And it makes me itch to know her backstory, haha. Virion's Route: God, I just looove their whole relationship dynamic. How he double-checks on her, how they both care abt each other so much, how he is such a romantic, and how both don't want to see the other hurt. And omg the kiss CG. It's jaw-dropping beautiful, srsly, I think this is your best one yet. The way she curls her finger around his thumb and how it's caressing her cheek, ugh. You kinda forgot Thyia's ear jewellery tho. :P "For every lash he gives you, I want to give him ten." – "For every lash he gives me, give me ten of this [kiss]." *melts into a puddle* My OTP! ;-; Sex scene: I love how his hand is in her hair and the little movements of his fingers in it. Also the position of their faces and how they look at each other and practically breathe into each other's mouth. It's so delicate and raw and vulnerable. And Thyia's lip biting is 👌. THEY HAVE THE BEST DIALOGUE, I SWEAR. "I didn't dare. What's yours was never mine to take." Virion has a lil obsessive streak and I'm down for it. Omg Riz watched kshfgh Aaah, the after-glow scene is so beautiful, I'm crying. How he caresses her, and she him, that caring look in his eyes afrshgh and I can't believe you chose that tender setting to remind everyone that Zander's father exists. "My girl." RIP me. I appreciate that when Thyia talks with Virion abt her lost surge, unlike Alwenn, he understands and lets her grieve. Some small errors I caught: Be careful with the swirly thing, sometimes it cuts off words from a sentence. Sometimes you use a fireplace crackling sfx in Sindan and I'm not sure they need extra heat except for in the kitchen. xD During the mini-game, when I clicked on a plant and then immediately went to the home menu, the cursor stayed as the plant and remains as such until it can be changed back in the mini-game. "He is missing a noun." I think you meant an adjective. ;) Even when Thyia chooses to have sex with Virion for the first time this chapter, they still act like they've done it before. Some questions I have: Are all Peshka feline-aligned? Or are there different types? Is there a reason why Borsin calls Raelan "my Lord"? From what I know it would be considered as extremely rude to misaddress the king/queen with the wrong title. Or is it a dwarven thing? How come everybody talks human? I mean, yeah, obv or else the readers wouldn't understand anything, but... is there an in-game explanation? I mean, we can assume whenever there are scenes btwn other races, they are talking in their language and we get subtitles, but in all other cases? Is there, like, one common language in all of Aradove that everyone speaks? If so, I doubt the Peshka speak "Federation Standard" since they are an isolated country.


So manu forgotten jewellery!!! 😂😭 and so many spoilers I cannot saaayyy! Hahha. 1- All Peshka are kitties. 2- Borsin is a Dwarf. Later in the game it will be explained that they only acknowledge their own king. Even if he lives in Walinad, Borsin is still struggling. Raelan lets him get away with it because of their history. 3- It's the common language. There is also a common religion, although countries choose individual divines as their protector/main divine. Peshka included. Even though they are very isolated, the language/religion became widespread looong ago. Lana isnt the first Queen opening the doors of Sindan. And there are other Peshka countries non- isolated unlike Sindan. 😁💞


Loving this so far, stunning work Rin <3 Thank you for the extra work on the nsfw scenes they are lovely asdfghjl I´m a fan since your first days of Ascension and I almost can´t believe my eyes on how far your work as come. I´m like a proud sister. Kinda late to this patreon party but very happy I joined <3 <3 Much love!!! (so happy that I have so many content to play omgggg)


Hiii! Welcome Taeminyoo! <3 <3 I realllly hope you will enjoy the future patreon exclusive content too! So many evil plans, so little time! ;)