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Lots of cool stuff on the way for next month.

A mega chapter for Oathbreaker. (longer chapter with multiple animated CGs and mini games.)

An avatar creator by Pichi! Get ready for a visit to Wonderland ;)! 

(I think it will have options for both a twisted or a cute wonderland. Some of the scars and skin textures are pretty cool!)

Animated NSFW image of the chosen couple of this month! (Art by lovely PrinceOfRedroses)

I'm also still working on the ultimate avatar creator, but because of it's size and the fact that I can only work on it between VN updates I still can't give you a definite date.

But I can promise you that it will %100 be a summer release and it won't be that much later in season! ;)

I might also start working on the prologue of the next VN title, because I think I need to update rinmarugames's layout soon.

It's time I make a layout focusing more on online VNs. Better, bigger images and placement etc.

I'm actually really excited for this summer. 

Can't wait to share all the cool stuff I'm planning with you!





Thanks for keeping us updated. I'm super excited! :)


So cool! I can't wait!!