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Finally started working on Oathbreaker chapter 3!

The group is visiting Sindan, so we will meet a lot of Peshka!

Some politics, some romance and important decisions on the way!

What do you most want to see this chapter on Oathbreaker? ;)




Eeehhhhh!!!! So excited, I can't wait for my girl to do some more bada$$ magic and see some new sights


Get more insight in Sindan's infrastructure, generally more info on other countries, like what race is prevalent there, what's their reputation/how do others view them, which are fearsome enemies, which are poor countries, etc. Definitely more politics, schemes, and coup attempts. A little history would also be nice. Worldbuilding is always the best part. I'd love to hear more about Raelan and his brother Arlen. Thyia seems to feel really guilty about it. Do I smell potential conflict there? I want to know more about Thyia and her past, whenever it's brought up, it's shrouded in mystery and vaguely hinted at, but we'll probably get to that in later chapters at an important climax, so I'll try to be patient. :P Romance-wise, since we didn't get a CG scene last time, Argandea and Lea need some love. Maybe more exposition on the different kinds of magic?


Lots of details on the world for certain. Getting into religion a little. Politics, definitely. Everybody will be getting some love! Intrigue and schemes, absolutely. ;)