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Hey everyone!!!

Just a short update to let you know, I'm about %30 done with Chapter 2 of Oathbreaker.

It's definitely becoming a darker chapter.

Things are getting tense, our MC is having trouble with her past, sinister nobles are at work back in Walinad, romance is getting serious!

We will also have a good number of steamy content this chapter.  (Get ready for it, Coolpacas, because I'll try animating the nsfw CGs!)😱

More mini games, more CGs, more life and death situations. I'm definitely having a lot of fun with chapter 2!

Episodic content can be exhausting, but it's such an open space to keep improving and experimenting with new genres and characters.

I'm hoping this format will work out, so I can continue making online otome/VNs on rinmarugames. :) It's making me really happy.

Working on Ascension made me REALLY happy and I feel like with Oathbreaker, I got it back.

I hope you'll enjoy the evil things I'm preparing for you. I know where I'm going with Oathbreaker and I think it's gonna be awesome! 😈

P.s: Dress up games are on the way too, don't worry! Still waiting for the artworks to be finished ;)! 💕

See you soon!





I love seeing these updates. I'm very happy to see things moving forward, but I'm even more happy that you're passionate about it too. After all, your passion is what drew us all in. :D


=) Thank you so much!!! I'll probably release chapter 2 of Oathbreaker this week, so I'll make the next update about other upcoming games! Really happy to be sharing the process and passion with everyone here.<3