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Hey everyone!

So sorry I haven't been able to update Patreon with public posts. I've been super busy with Oathbreaker chapter 1.

It's a relatively longer chapter with multiple CGs (2 exclusive nsfw CGs for Patreon) and one mini cooking game. So, it's taking some time.

Good news is, I'm finally done with the CGs and only a few scenes left in the game. So, the public release should be ready by Friday this week!

I'm sooo excited and happy to show you more of Oathbreaker's world. Although many things are still not explained, we are slowly getting there and I'm really really happy with how the world of Oathbreaker is being built.

New races, politics, religion etc. It's always so much fun to work on these things.

I hope you will enjoy chapter 1 as much as I love working on it. 

See you soon! (hopefully with the chapter release)





YOU'RE WORKING SO FAST HOW ARE YOU EVEN MANAGING THIS AMOUNT OF WORK T____T I'm excited!! But also hope you could have a break - what a weird feeling lol. But most importantly, I can't wait to play the new chapter!! All your hard work will pay off hopefully


Yaay! Super excited!! Thank you so much for your hard and so good work Rin ❤ Unfortunately, currently I cannot handle Patreon monthly donations (dollar here's so expensive), but as soon as I can I want to join te Paca's club ❤


Patrons will probably see the new chapter sooner than public release on Friday! =) Today or tomorrow.