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I've been busy this past month or so keeping up with all my request as well as keeping up with my patreon. I wanted to share a quick update from the next comic installment. its a mini comic just a few pages, with some of the XXXBATTERY characters (OC's)  

I'm hoping to have this comic ready for the next package, nonetheless i'll be sure to deliver the bikini pinup set for this month...

I'll be workign on the comic all weekend long, I wish I was on a better computer so I could stream but the one I have just isn't able to handle the streaming capacity... plus I dont have the time to install and go through the hassle of update this ol' laptop for the software... im just having to do my best with paint tool sai for now...

catch ya'll in a bit X_______________^




Keep on keepin' on. Good to hear your new equipement is coming soon-ish!