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new fan comic commissioned by Creotheous! Sailor Jupiter is impregnated by the minotaur will the other sailor scouts come to save her? inspired by the Mugen game engine, this is the first time anyone is seeing this. im gonna share a low res version with the rest of the web a little later this week.

So I just gave my last 100 bucks to start the next part of the game development i'll be sharing our progress soon. I'm doing better with the backgrounds and hope to start animating the super moves pretty soon. the demo is almost done, I just gotta add the hentai part! :D  
So the demo is just the mini game its not the full beat em' up platform build, still gotta finish the backgrounds for that, but the minigame will be the side-quest used to earn loot in the game! and I'm well over due to give you guys something to play! i'll prob have the demo before I actually make the preview release trailler...

ok catch you guys in a bit!



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