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was playing with the 3d software,,, it is my dream to make a VR BatteryGirl game... I am just dreaming i suppose, my laptop doesn't really have the power yet, but hopefully after I move into my new home I can work out a good deal.

did you all watch the video? what do you guys think? maybe i can spend a little time in unity making this a reality? I think for now ill stay focused on the pixel art though....

this was a quick model i threw together i didnt even add her body marks X_______^


BatteryGirl VR testing...

running a test for a model for BatteryGirl, we would like to one day see this become a VR game interface... you can support and find out more at patreon.com/xxxbattery



Any way you can hone your art is great! I'm just spitballing here, but it seems to me this whole batterygirl theme is a pet project of yours. Yet your drawing style would be applicable to a whole range of applications! Aside from the hips and thighs on your models being proportionally a bit too large IMHO, frankly I'm surprised that you're not employed full time at this yet. I'm thinking collaboration with other creators on softcore ads, hardcore games, comics, parody and homage etc...Maybe instead of focusing on making a platformer it would be better to have your art be part of a story-driven game? My two cents, keep up the good work!


thanks man, i had a few people inquire at hiring. im trying my best... I actually think the issue was i had too many people commission me... and it left me no time, but a lot of the commissioners are way cool and they are patient. i already cleared a full list from HF...