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a few things,

our page has been flagged for content, i'm not sure where it was but it must of slipped my eye, i'm gonna go back and check... anything stand out to you guys please let me know...  also the 3d printer is ready to be built just got the last little piece last night ordered some more filament as well. I might work on that today, if it is successful maybe i can print free gifts for patreons.  also I haven't streamed in a while I've been kinda pulled in  a lot of directions at once so it has been challenging to focus... i want to stream later but was gonna ask what you all would like to see,   

added a poll for streaming content



no idea where you would have got flagged but patreons has a real hard on for finding anything that "breaks the rules" i hope you have a substar page setup just incase the move must be made which i feel is inevitable :-/


So i went back to check... appearantly I have too much Violent content on my page? I dunno where the Fak that is coming from, dude most the stuff I do is candy as S### no loli or blood on my page... im baffled? I'm gonna email them again... Violence?!