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you all are awesome and I appreciate all the support. I have some updates. 

-New Comm Pack will be ready by the end of the week. (ill try to post it  early)

-Also we almost have a working demo... the backgrounds have been time consuming and theres lots of polish that needs to be done. but right now the buttons and UI are in the works. in about a day or so I should have somethign to share

-as a little bonus in this post I wanted to share the super armor I have been working on for BatteryGirl... not sure if im gonna stick with this design though... you all are welcomed to share your feedback!




I think you have some real talent, your coloring and shading look so natural. For me, your characters are a tad bigger in the thigh area than I normally like, but your style is undeniably marketable. I'm excited to see what happens when you get on a collaborative project, like a website or game development. Keep at it!