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ok so godd news bad news. bad news i lost the fight against my landlord they kicked my out of my apartment and they're gonna remodel and raise the rent to make the ol' place too fancy for struggling artist such as myself to live in XP  

anyways... GOOD NEWS! im staying at my Bro's house (sleeping on his couch) I put all my stuff in a storage unit and took on a side job delivering PIZZAS! XD mmmmmm cheesy crust.... SO My bro has HIGH SPEED Internet so I got a lot of resources back. i just give him some money whenever i get and he's ok with me. he's a gammer dude so we relate. as long as i keep my stinky Laundry wash XP

SO TOMORROW! im gonna have new art and downloadable content... back to the game development now! hopefully ill be able to stream thursday and friday. 2 part stream.  1 part Patreon Game development. 2 part Commissions. so guess thats more like 3 parts but since i dont have to work the next day why not stay up late! XD 

anyways... catch you all first thing tomorrow morning and if your all free catch the stream.  http://www.picarto.tv/xxxbattery

also a great way to stay in direct contact with me is through Discord I always post comms on there as soon as they are finished...  https://discord.gg/8qGptf5


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