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working on new BatteryGirl loops...

im all done with the schooling I was in. took my final exam passed and got my certificate with seal... so i have a few weeks free to focus on my real work again X_________^

I need to get through this next lineup of commissions they are 2 animations a comic and a pinup. the comic is done, as is the animations all at 50% ...

this Batterygirl animation is only at 20 percent. theres 5 more clips for me to make... I'll keep yo guys posted on everythng.

as for the BatteryGirl Comic... all the new pages are still lineart and have yet to be colored... ill get back to that soon as well...

catch ya in a bit X______________^




Keep up the good work! Hopefully with more free time things can get a little less busy and hectic. As always, cheering for you!


Congratulations on your graduation or whatever, looking forward what you have in the oven, keep it up!