CS Movie Night #1: Spook Who Sat By The Door Pt. 2 (Patreon)
[UPDATE: Old file was too big so we split it into two parts. This is Part 2.}
We have been doing movie nights and will start doing book club nights soon as well. We stream the movies and then do the subsequent discussion over at the Discord voice and chat server. If you are a patron but haven't figured out how to use the Discord server yet, you simply have to follow these instructions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/instructions-for-31613305. Participation in the movie and book club night discussions is available to all patrons. This first installment will be free for everyone to listen to but only patrons will be able to hear future installments.
Tonight's movie was The Spook Who Sat By The Door. You can watch the whole film here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BynXfREPG8&ab_channel=TheOriginator100. You can read about the movie here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spook_Who_Sat_by_the_Door_(film)