CS 044: Antifa Supersoldiers Will End Us All (11/05/2017) (Patreon)
2017-11-09 04:02:37
2017-11-09 04:21:09
Today we discuss Antifa supersoldiers, are favorite leftist twitter hoaxes that the alt-right Infowars crowd has fallen for, and other conspiracy hoaxes the alt-right has believed or spread.
Discussed in this episode:
- The cushbomb thread about the RPG covered in dildos at the Den convention https://twitter.com/cushbomb/status/731639494617792512?lang=en
- The infamous randygdub tweet about the absentee ballots being torn up at the Post Office https://twitter.com/randygdub/status/787902456768311296
- The fallout of the Post Office prank got so bad various governmental agencies had to eventually address it https://twitter.com/USPSHelp/status/788105012236816384 and it had to be debunked by Snopes https://www.snopes.com/postal-worker-caught-destroying-absentee-trump-ballots-in-major-swing-state/
- "La. Court Rules That Man Who Said ‘Give Me a Lawyer, Dog’ Wasn’t Asking for Counsel" http://www.theroot.com/la-court-rules-that-man-who-said-give-me-a-lawyer-dog-1820157543
- Gateway Pundit falling for the hoax http://archive.is/VSn0j. Newsweek reporting on right wingers falling for the hoax. http://www.newsweek.com/antifa-waging-civil-war-november-4-right-wing-conspiracy-theory-681219 and the fallout from when November 4 arrived and nothing happened http://www.newsweek.com/antifa-civil-war-november-4-really-just-few-protests-against-trump-702150.
- Twitter user Krang T. Nelson discussing the hoax and the fallout. "Twitter Suspended Me for Trolling White Supremacists: I tweeted what was intended as satire of a festering right-wing panic over Antifa allegedly planning violence on November 4. It got weird from there." https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/evbpkn/twitter-suspended-me-for-trolling-white-supremacists?utm_campaign=sharebutton
- Sagging pants meme with arrows pointed at the black men's butts https://twitter.com/RickyRawls/status/838115337354760197. Also the exaggerated sag in the racist memes that D. Mills discusses http://www.troll.me/images/sagging-pants/i-run-from-da-police-but-trips-on-pants-i-dont-get-far-boyeeeeeee.jpg
- ""ANTIFA" Responsible for Sutherland Springs Murders, According to Far-Right Media" by Michael Edison Hayden http://www.newsweek.com/sutherland-springs-shooter-devin-patrick-kelley-was-antifa-according-far-right-702338
- Examples of misinformation being spread by alt-righters about Sutherland shooter http://www.heretical.com/miscella/rcnoa.html
- "Alt-Right White Supremacists Claim Papa John's As Official Pizza" https://www.yahoo.com/news/alt-white-supremacists-claim-papa-203316257.html?soc_src=hl-viewer&soc_trk=tw