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Hello everyone from LastSword Miniatures, my name is Ivo, and I’m the creator behind Imagine Minis, a small Patreon/Tribes that sculpts 3d 32mm scale Warcraft-inspired fantasy miniatures. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to LastSword for inviting me to this exciting collaboration. It’s an honor to be able to share a piece of my work with you all.

About me and Imagine Minis

I’m Ivo, a miniature sculptor with a passion for creating awesome, fantasy-inspired miniatures at a 32mm scale. While I occasionally try to paint them, I’m not a great miniature painter (it’s fun though). For my sculptures, I prefer to draw inspiration from worlds like Warcraft rather than create exact replicas, infusing each design with my own imaginative twists (sometimes small).

My journey into 3D sculpting began with an ambition to make PC games, but unfortunately, the friends who went with me on this journey eventually moved on. The workload proved overwhelming for a solo pursuit, leading me to focus solely on modeling for the joy of it. In 2019, I acquired my FDM printer and started the Journey of 3d Printing and eventually, I began sculpting miniatures for friends. In 2021 I created Imagine Minis so that I could become a full-time miniature sculptor. I wish to grow as a company and call other people to join to produce more miniatures, make games, and go beyond.

Becoming a Patron means that you would be supporting me to pursue this goal. I work both on Patreon and Tribes. On Patreon, I release miniatures as soon as they've undergone test printing, and I also provide a behind-the-scenes look with work-in-progress updates. I value your input and am open to small requests or tweaks, ensuring you have a voice in the creative process. On Tribes, I release complete packs of miniatures, giving you a clear understanding of what you'll receive before the release.

My normal releases are a set of 3-4 miniatures each month, depending on the number of poses and sizes the quantity may be different. I like to give people options, because everyone has their tastes when it comes to miniatures, so I usually like to make my miniatures with alternative body options and with modular hands (or bits to glue on top)

Monthly Releases

This month's release on Tribes is Welcome to the Barrens, this set is an Orc Watchtower (with a playable interior) and an Orc Leader.

On Patreon, I’m working on the next part of the Welcome to the Barrens, the Orc Grunts that protect the Orc Watchtower. They are modular (only hands). But each one of them will have 2 body options (with and without a helmet)

Welcome Pack

Regardless of whether you subscribe on Patreon or Tribes, every subscriber is entitled to receive our Welcome pack, which currently consists of 35 miniatures. These miniatures are not exclusive, so you can always obtain them through our store or by becoming a member. It's important to note that our Welcome Pack is constantly expanding; every month, we add a previously released model to the pack. Our most recent addition is Dwarven Expedition - Dwarven Explorer Male A

Loyalty Rewards

Both on Patreon and Tribes, we offer Loyalty Rewards for 3- or 6-month subscribers. These rewards initially featured exclusive models, but in response to popular demand, they are now accessible through our store. As a subscriber, you'll unlock these models as part of your subscription after maintaining consecutive support for 3 or 6 months.

Patron Commission

Exclusive to Patreon subscribers, the Patron Commission Request is a unique opportunity to capture the spirit that inspired Imagine Minis from the start. Every month, I open a Request post at random times to ensure fairness. The first 8 respondents can describe the fantasy miniature they wish to see sculpted, with some additional rules in place.

After closing the requests, I create an open poll for everyone, whether they're a Tribe member, a Patron, or even random internet users. This collective voting process helps determine which miniature I'll work on.

Each Patron Commission model becomes part of the release for the following month, available to both Patreon and Tribes subscribers, and it's also added to the list of miniatures obtained through Loyalty Reward.

Collab models

LastSword reached out to me and showed me 2 awesome models, I knew at that time that I should also pick something amazing… So I picked two of my favorite models from last year, I just had a bit of concern, do you guys like Orcs and Dwarves?

Final Words

You can join Imagine Minis for $4 Adventurer - First Wave, all models come pre-supported and test printed by me. While our Patreon and Tribes community may not be large yet, we're fueled by a big dream, once the number of Patrons rises I will hire someone to help me with support, and marketing, additional sculptors, leaving me more time to work on more miniatures.

I want to express my gratitude for your time and interest in Imagine Minis. If you're discovering my work for the first time and like what you've seen so far, consider subscribing to Imagine Minis Patreon or Tribes along with LastSword Miniatures.

For regular updates on releases and test print results, follow me on Instagram @imagine.minis.

Lastly, I'd like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Anatoli for this incredible opportunity to introduce myself to all of you.

Best regards,

Ivo (Imagine Minis)

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/20tdvynpgm6lhmiwycr3k/Miniatures-20240209T123914Z-001.zip?rlkey=50f0ttf6v7nf0a22s3wmfiy5f&dl=0



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